
































内容简介:七年前一场意外,沈千树怀上了夜陵的孩子。七年后,小童画红遍大江南北,成为国民儿子,看着突然冒出来的夜陵,“hello,便宜爹地?”。夜陵看着粉妆玉琢的小王子咆哮,“我的小公主呢?”。沈 千树准备带儿子跑路时被夜陵逮住扑倒,“要跑可以,先把小公主还给我,我们再生一个!”1w23856-65239 >>


内容简介:十年婚姻!安暖以为自己嫁了绝世好男人。殊不知,这个男人却将她亲手逼上死路!他以婚姻的名义玩弄她的感情,算计她的家产,甚至灭掉整个安氏家族,只为博真爱一笑。一场蓄谋已久的谋杀,让她一朝重 生在了十年前!这一世,她一定要让他身败名裂,让他的家族灰飞烟灭,让他的情人不得好死,她要让那些所有伤害过她的人,百倍偿还!为此,她重生后第一件事情就是拒绝渣男,毅然嫁给上一世的死对头,这一世不应该去招惹的超级1w4605-25799 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:我!魔剑,仙宗签到三百年】穿越到仙侠世界中,成为剑冢内一把剑的剑灵,可让苏白没有想到的是,激活的居然是魔剑签到系统。在正道剑冢内,成为了一把魔剑,是怎样的一种感受 ?签到100次,获得神格【永恒不灭】。签到1000次,获得技能【寒极无双】。……签到10万次,获得天赋【诅咒之灵】。并且,这一签到就是三百年。某天,当太玄剑宗遭受灭宗之时,新晋宗门圣女慕凌霜含泪请出魔剑,当魔剑出世,天下皆为止震颤!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72831 >>


内容简介:简介:【年下帝王攻×反派丞相病美人受】他是朝堂上翻手为云覆手为雨的奸诈病弱美人丞相,阴毒狡诈,无恶不作,人人喊打。他是被控制的“傀儡少年皇帝”,实际上少年帝王韬光养晦,暗中培植势力,一 朝翻身把奸相上。——实际上,那病美人反派丞相是个穿越来的现代好青年,为了辅佐帝王,不得已做了十恶不赦的坏人。本以为任务成功可以回家,系统却告知他:帝王尚有心愿未完成,宿主需重回三年前重新完成任务。1w72694-106714 >>




内容简介:他为修行魔功进入游戏世界,在新手村第一个自创了逆天技能,从而崭露头角,引来无数美女关注,千金小姐神秘仙女纯情小家碧玉都与他关系亲密……他更以魔神之魂重新塑造不死金身,并建立了国内第一大 行会……实力打造经典王者绝非偶然……作者:古痕所写的《网游之魔临天下》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-97962 >>


内容简介:1翌江著名拖油瓶夏安星,人嫌狗憎,十三岁那年良心发现捡过一个病倒在路边的小姑娘,尽心尽力照顾了好多天,结果对方醒来后一声不吭就跑了。头一回扶危济困的夏少爷感觉有被欺骗到。后来倪奈暖借住 他家,被夏安星一眼认出,把人堵在楼梯口,语气危险,“想好怎么补偿我了么?”把他忘得一干二净的倪奈暖自己也觉得过意不去,长睫轻颤眨了眨眼,拿出一张卡大方道:“你要多少?随便刷,不用跟我客气。”夏·翌江首富是我爹·安星:“……”2在一起后倪奈暖提出,要效仿别人给他也拍个“每日一秒”。夏安星同意了,直到某天他发现倪奈暖用来存视频的文件夹叫做——“人类早期驯服野生星星珍贵影像”。假冒伪劣乖乖女x“野生”二世祖091tips093校园文,双向救赎,放飞自我,写来自我满足。本质狗血玛丽苏,再掺半碗苏爽甜宠1w0-81227 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者芒果的经典小说:《开局救萝莉奖励三十亿》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说人生逆境惨如狗,一朝系统破天吼。高考前夕,学霸杨明因为勇救落水少女而 突发高烧导致名落孙山,同时惨遭绿茶女友的羞辱与抛弃,就在他万念俱灰之际却因祸得福开启了钻石人生至尊系统,掌巨富,握权柄。绿茶女友:求求你了亲爱的,都是我的错,我不该那么对你,你原谅我吧杨明:滚!曾经的你对我爱答不理,如今的我让你高攀不起。杨明在装逼的道路上越走越远……1w0-66210 >>


内容简介:诡异在生长,疯狂在低语,不断穿梭未知之地。危险如阴影般潜藏蔓延于世间。有人坚守,有人绝望,有人疯狂,而有人……“什么,我早上吃的煎饼果子里有疯兽的血液?”“这本书隐藏着扭曲的知识?”“ 晚上的那些是真的,不是梦?”“那什么,不是不相信,是我想要开开眼界。你们能再表演一下那些吗?”夏阎真稍加思索,觉得自己读书不少,别人骗不了他。1w0-98011 >>


内容简介:秦安安本是集团千金小姐,却因为公司濒临倒闭,成了无人问津的落魄少女。后妈的出现,给秦安安本就落魄的生活雪上加霜;被后妈逼迫着嫁给身有残疾的大人物傅时霆。抛开他本人的不谈,这桩婚事确实是 他们秦家占了很大便宜,然而这样的男人,谁会将自己的姑娘嫁过去守活寡。1w84181-117967 >>


内容简介:在冷漠的他怀里撒个娇全文免费阅读寂白全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《在冷漠的他怀里撒个娇全文免费阅读寂白》春风榴火著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅 读在冷漠的他怀里撒个娇全文免费阅读寂白全文内容。1w10316-66043 >>



Dois Sol

Nonaga Hiromasa is an up and coming soccer coach who has made a name for himself for bringing multiple teams from literally nothing to the top in the country. What’s even more impressive is that he just entered high school! He was recruited into his current high school as the new soccer coach, and his observation skills and ability to predict the opponents’ movement make his sole presence enough to win games. The fact that Hiromasa is going to be coaching at the high school has many top soccer players flocking to this school, but none stand out more to him than Sakamichi Kappo. Not only can Kappo score a goal from half field with his powerful kick, but his ball control is second to none. Initially, Kappo didn’t want to play on a team because he thought no one understood “his soccer style,” but when Hiromasa was able to understand it, Kappo decideds to play for the team. Will the brilliant coach and the talented player be able to take the high school soccer world by storm?

Zenbu Shirita

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Enji is moving on to college and it turns out he’ll be living with his cousin Mizuho, who he hasn’t seen in seven years. Enji, once the younger cousin that Mizuho thought of as a cute little brother, is now a tall, handsome man practically oozing with cool. And yet, despite how close they used to be, Enji’s giving him the cold shoulder. Has Enji simply grown out of being Mizuho’s surrogate younger brother, or is he trying to hide his true feelings?


Septimus summary: Septimus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Septimus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

At the Fall of Port Arthur

At the Fall of Port Arthur summary: At the Fall of Port Arthur summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At the Fall of Port Arthur. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas

Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas summary: Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian

Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian summary: Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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