










简介【每周一更新】 我是个面具人却喜欢上了男神? 什么?面具人不能谈恋爱? 面具人既是怪物又是变态? 那摘下面具后...我能不能谈恋爱? 读者交流群:669612702 欢迎您的加入~


简介从我的身体里分裂出来的女孩子,天哪怎么会这样?我们该怎么相处?!更加坑爹的是我的青梅竹马的哥们死党也分裂出了一个。淡淡的基情,浓浓的逆伦理。。 。。这是怎样的坑爹生活啊。






类别悬疑 恋爱 少女 灵异














内容简介:  建筑系的高材生意外来到了贞观后期,成为了李世民的十六弟李元瑷。面对已经展开宏图诗篇时代,李元瑷没有赶上最辉煌的潮流,本着随遇而安的心态,给自己定下了一个小目标,用自己所长,建造一个 前无古人后无来者的宫殿,设计一座堪比唐长安的城池。事与愿违!李世民的辉煌时代是过去的很快,迎来的却是盛唐的篇章。天皇大帝李治,一代女皇武则天,逐步走向历史的舞台。李治无能?武则天英武?风起云涌的夺权之争,步步为营的消阀改革,一个本不现于历史的人物,面对历史的洪流,翻云覆雨。1w0-3255 >>






内容简介:古代刀客养家日常古穿今简介:阮卿捡到一个古代男人。男人说:“我从业多年,赚得黄金万两,珠宝成箱。”阮卿问:“在哪呢?“男人:“……古代。”“那就成了。”阮卿把拖把塞给他,甜甜地说,“把 地拖干净,盘子和碗洗了,衣服记得从洗衣机里拿出来晾。洗衣机就是那个方形会转的东西。然后,乖乖等我回家。”甩门走人。男人仰天长叹:还是得赚钱养家才能有地位。后来,一个飞檐走壁的男人爆红网络,成了神秘的网红。阮卿皱眉:”你换了新车古代刀客养家日常古穿今帮小说作者袖侧推广本书复制本书链接推荐给好友1w0-104752 >>


内容简介:5254740文案:姜意大学毕业后,姜家让他管理子公司,毕业就成霸总的姜意狂喜:那我岂不是能养身娇体软、温柔知意的金丝雀了!没两天,姜意从外领回个俊美的男人,骄傲对外宣布:“这是我家养 金丝雀。”金丝雀比姜意还高大半个头,眉眼锋利,就差把‘生人勿近’四个字贴身上了。众人:“???”你们站一起,到底谁金丝雀你心里没点数?心里没数的姜意手拿支票呈‘太’字躺床上,悠闲吩咐自家貌美腿长的金丝雀:“把爷伺候好了,数额随便填。”金丝雀抽走他手里的支票,冲他温柔一笑,随后——塞给他一沓公司需要他签字的文件。“文件没看完之前,不许睡。”姜意:?姜意发现他的金丝雀很不对劲:谁家金丝雀整天督促霸总工作不说,还任劳任怨帮着管理公司啊!谁家金丝雀会在霸总工作遇到难题时,推着眼镜说这题我会啊!姜意:我霸总剧本是不是有哪里不对?!————把子公司交给姜意时,姜家就做好了亏本的准备。而其他人,则等着看姜意的笑话。然想看好戏的人不但没等到他公司破产,他公司反而蒸蒸日上,眼快业绩就要超过自家公司了。众人:“!!!”你等等,这剧本是不是有哪里不对?!而姜意看着逼自己工作的金丝雀,心也很累——我只想当个咸鱼的废材总裁,可我家金丝雀为什么如此上进?!我是总裁,但被我家养金丝雀养了怎么破?霸总受×金丝雀攻【文案于截图存档】1w0-31576 >>


内容简介:她的生死,与我无关。这是南晚意人生中听到的最后一句话。十年深爱,五年婚姻,换来的是家破人亡,身陷身陷囹圄。至此,她不再是萧太太,而是疯人院地下室里又聋又哑的玩具。浴火重生,她以为是救赎 ,却没想到只是另一场黑暗的开始。她以为爱的人,从不爱他,而她,已经没有力气再爱了。1w21694-28139 >>


内容简介:景言曾是景家最优秀的天才,十六岁突破武道九重天踏入先天之境,整个东临城无人能比,却莫名其妙在进入神风学院后境界跌落,成为笑柄。解开乾坤戒封印,重新崛起,最终制霸天元大陆,成为无数武者仰 望的存在。各位书友要是觉得《乾坤剑神景言》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w462-4729 >>


内容简介:武侠之中,恶人多多。但真正的恶贯满盈,却只有一个人!恶,要有恶的品味!他,就是所有主角的敌人,所有恶人的神!武侠之恶贯满盈!各位书友要是觉得《武侠之恶贯满盈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25057 >>


内容简介:  【2017最火玄幻作品,海外点推双榜第一】张悬穿越异界,成了一名光荣的教师,脑海中多出了一个神秘的图书馆。只要他看过的东西,无论人还是物,都能自动形成书籍,记录下对方各种各样的缺点 ,于是,他牛大了!教学生、收徒弟,开堂授课,培育最强者,传授天下。“灼阳大帝,堂堂大帝能不能注意点形象?”“还有你,乾坤魔君,能不能少吃点大葱,想把我熏死吗?”这是一个师道传承,培养、指点世界最强者的牛逼拉风故事。已有完本《拳皇异界纵横》、《八神庵》、《无尽丹田》等书,质量保证,可入坑!1w0-479 >>


内容简介:  作为一名穿越人士,林川穿越过来的那一刻,就感到这个世界对他的深深恶意。既患了这个世界的绝症,又没有显赫的家世傍身,四年学院毕业又要成为一名新世界的社畜……可是,在其他人眼中,看待这 个眯眯眼的年轻人,却有着截然不同的看法……林川的同学们:这是一个患有顽疾,终生难有大成就的二等残废。沐家新一代女家主却说:这是一个讨人厌的家伙,不仅骗了我的“分手费”,还没当过我一天男友。性感狂野的帝国高官苏断珀则表示:这是一个有着卓越才能的年轻人,他各方面都很强,无论是作为警备人员,还是作为一个男人……而作为林川的宠物,蓝小喵却有不同的看法:我或许不是真的喵,但是主人是真的苟!1w0-1668 >>


内容简介:(绝对甜宠文,呆萌成长型女主)男神有三宝:长得帅、声音好、身材更是棒棒哒不过就是超级难推倒……悲催的欧桃桃唯一的任务就是要推倒他们!征服他们!偏执总裁:桃桃,你别想逃了,乖乖被我禁锢吧 !清冷上神:小各位书友要是觉得《快穿攻略:男神宠妻指南》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-102120 >>



Tennen Kareshi Host Shiyou

From Chibi Manga: Mari is a high school girl who likes to play a lot - shopping at Shibuya after school, clubbing at night like the queen. But because of her father being fired, she must move from Tokyo to the countryside, to a place where even the birds aren't spawning. How can she find love at this kind of place? But in a place that doesn't even have a KTV, unexpectedly has a host club?! Yet the coolest guy at the host club is a half host and... half farmer?!

Gaintoria No Hangeki

This is a tale about a floating continent . 6 years ago , a disastrous monster attack marked the beginning of mankind's extinction . This is a story of the remaining survivors who struggle to fight and learn about these mysterious monsters as they prepare for a great counter attack . Will they succeed and regain their rightful rule of the continent? Or perish before these monsters. Original manga is published on the artist's pixiv page.

Le Portrait De Petite Cosette

From Tokyopop: Eiri Kurahashi is an art school student, with a job at a local antique store. It's there that he develops a strange obsession. He finds himself entranced by a portrait of a Victorian-era girl named Cossette. It's a portrait with a strange history--everyone who has owned it has been murdered in a bizarre fashion. But the story runs much deeper than that. Cossette was savagely murdered by her lover, who also happens to be the artist who painted the portrait. When the new owner of the portrait nearly kills himself, Eiri decides to get involved. And that's when Cossette begins speaking to him...

Coponicus No Kokyuu

From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You summary: 'I love you, despite the danger signs.'
'Let me tell you this. You're standing before the gates of h.e.l.l right now. Doing this means ruining your life. Are you ready to step down to h.e.l.l with me?' his eyes blazed. A warning was burning within it and Abigail knew he was more than serious and that the danger was real, but… every time she thought about her future, was there anything scarier to her at this point? Wasn't she looking for something like this? For a man like this?
As the silence dragged on, the man's lips curved up into a triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her.
'h.e.l.l is not a good place, at least for a little lamb like you. I'm sure you're aware of that. Now run away while this demon king is still being nice and calm.' He whispered.
And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, the girl stopped him again.
'The h.e.l.l you're talking about...' she mumbled, 'I… I'd like to see it for myself… Take me there.'
Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qin, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.
Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abi handle his own kind of h.e.l.l? Can Alex handle her light?
He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.
The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand.
'Don't make me wait. Put it inside,' the man ordered and Abi swallowed.
Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was.
'Is this clean?' was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled.
'It. Is. Very. Clean.' He stressed out every word.
Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness summary: Chronicles of Ancient Darkness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Found A Planet

I Found A Planet summary: Through a mysterious portal, Chen Jin arrived at this strange place – a post-apocalyptic world where civilization had been destroyed. Consequently, he found – A piece of metal sc.r.a.p A robot trash collector A battleground A city A ton and more of gold A copy of high-tech doc.u.ments A&h.e.l.lip; In short, Chen Jin found a planet.

Keziah Coffin

Keziah Coffin summary: Keziah Coffin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Keziah Coffin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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