


简介林岚,她是落魄的草根模特,漂亮、倔强、为爱不顾一切,却发现抵不过对手胸脯三两肉,被前男友背叛、利用,才知一心一意想要嫁给他不过一场笑话。 阎军令,他是高高在上的娱乐帝王,尊贵、冷酷、翻手为云覆手为雨,却对她一见钟情,柔情备至。 幸福来得太突然,让她备觉惶恐,却不知道这背后藏着怎样一个深情的秘密……


类别都市 恋爱 少女 其他










类别历史 热血 动作



总裁在上 真人版















内容简介:他是在黑暗中默默守护着村子的忍者,为此不惜背负着骂名以及弟弟的仇恨死去。没有人理解他,提及他时,只有叛徒二字。然而在他的心中,仍是怀着身为木叶忍者的骄傲。身负宇智波的姓氏,当鼬再一次面 临着曾经的人生,改变的是命运,但那颗深爱着村子与弟弟的心,永不改变。鼬不想被当成什么天才,也不贪慕英雄之名,只想好好的守护自己所爱着的村子和人们。鼬神再现,这一次,不再1w40729-69916 >>


内容简介:“恭喜主人捡到战龙龙蛋,获得无极战力。”“捡到雷龙蛋,习得万世雷法。”“捡到音美龙蛋,拥有天道灵音。”“捡到黄金龙蛋,掌控点石成金术。”陈天激活无敌龙蛋养成系统,带领一群萌龙遨游都市。 山巅,陈天负手遥望。“广目无尽红尘中,唯我与天齐同寿。”身边,一只小手拽了拽他的衣角,“粑粑,这么装逼会带坏我们的哦。”“二妹,你还不知道?不装逼,老爸他无法呼吸。”陈天:“”emmm你们这群小龙仔,坏得很。各位书友要是觉得《无敌龙蛋养成系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76484 >>




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者清尘淡出的经典小说:《他掌心的宝贝》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说她是单纯温和的乖乖女,他是庞大财团流放多年的帝少。有天她被爱了五年的未婚 夫背叛,一气之下她嫁给了他的大哥。明明说好做有名无实的夫妻,可每天这么腰酸背痛是什么鬼?1w0-80435 >>


内容简介:怎么那么多太监烂尾的书呀?怎么这些书结局都不尽人意呢?苏嫣扶额。每一本书都是一个世界,做为倒霉读者的苏嫣要做的,就是为这些太监烂尾的、没有创造完美的世界弄一个完美结局。这是一个奇葩的世 界,苏嫣现,原来作者的脑洞真大呀……1w346-109359 >>


内容简介:七煌天界浩瀚无边不灭尊神独掌天乾尊神破混沌,化清浊二气,清为天,浊为地,又有神之灵气化为空气,孕天地万物而生,载世间造化而起。r神灵之气,自有缓有急,有平有烈,烈者,或电闪雷鸣,或狂风 暴雨,或山川震裂,或海啸滔天;平缓者,或净水潺潺,或清凉飒爽,或暖风和煦,或鸟语花香。自太古以来,万物生灵皆可海纳百川,感神灵之气所润,繁衍生息,辗转轮回。万千生灵中,却有极少数者能够参破这天地玄机,纳入古神灵气,跃上鳌头,悟天地之造化,与太古尊神共存。这极少数者,必有先天灵根,需聪慧,需坚定,需忍耐,需体健,如此一来方有望窥破神机,亘古不灭……少年背负迷离身世之苦,一次次昂首迈步向前!这一生,纵然千难万险也绝不退缩。这一世,纵然烈火焚身也绝不低头!【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《飞剑斩天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68961 >>


内容简介:《元卿凌宇文皓》是六月精心创作的玄幻魔法,实时更新元卿凌宇文皓最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的元卿凌宇文皓评论,并不代表赞同或者支持元卿凌宇文皓读者的观点。1w2695-285 57 >>




内容简介:  一树生的万朵花,天下道门是一家。  法术千般变化,人心却亘古不变1w0-603


内容简介:“你是我的宝,谁碰一下,都是抢。”他偏执入骨,所以上辈子陆凤璇不顾一切地逃离,直到临死,她才幡然悔悟。重生后,她抱紧老公的金大腿,一手虐渣一手虐狗两不耽误。敢说她蠢笨、刁蛮、自私又贪婪 ?御爷大手一挥:给我通通扔到海里喂鲨鱼!说她目无尊长,欺压小辈?御爷抱起他家小孩,笑容无比宠溺:“我惯的,谁有意见?”御爷以为他家小孩只是生育能力惊人,直到他心腹不小心扒出她的马甲——妙手回春的国医传人;称霸世界的超级黑客;天赋极佳的天才漫画家;她还是——华国第一权门真千金,上头有九个哥哥,个个都是宠妹狂魔!渣渣们颤抖:夫妻双大佬,惹不起惹不起……1w0-28923 >>


内容简介:今日头条“国服第一女玩家红尘再度斩获世界冠军!”“震惊!引动天地异象的神器竟在她手中?”“国战女武神率领机械军团捣毁惊天阴谋!”“……”楚风懒洋洋的翻着新闻,头也不回道“老婆!你又双叒 叕上头条啦……等等?最终版本魔王即将来袭?老婆你去搞定他,我先把衣服收了!”……这是个主角靠着抱大腿吃软饭(伪)走上人生巅峰的故事。1w0-25395 >>


内容简介:  苏晓穿越成了职业战队替补上单,意外激活奇葩系统,在比赛中死亡竟然有金钱奖励,苏晓:“不好意思系统,我能送到你破产。”  比赛前,苏晓:“教练,我上单亚索贼溜!”  教练:“卧槽,亚 索上单都能拿五杀,这就是传说中的天才吗?”  比赛中,苏晓:“对面要来四包一了,这波我必死!”  解说:“我去,这波越塔怎么失误了,苏晓在塔下换了四个。”  比赛后,苏晓:“我摊牌了,真不是什么天才上单,是对面太菜。”  粉丝们:“苏晓人帅技术好,关键还谦虚,爱了爱了!”  若干年后,已经成为人生赢家的苏晓还念念不忘道:“当年只有黑铁水平的我,一开始只想当个演员捞一笔就跑。”1w0-1661 >>

Hinekure Shisho No Mikaiketsu Jikenroku

A young man sits in the inner room of a library, diligently restoring old - but valuable - books to their former splendour. An enthusiastic, upbeat young police officer often comes to him for help with hard-to-solve cases...But what exactly is the mysterious skill that allows this man to unfailingly discover the truth lying in places that even the watchful eye of the Law has failed to penetrate?

Tales Of Graces F

From Namco Bandai Games Taking place on the planet Efinea, Tales of Graces f centers on Asbel Lhant as he seeks the strength to protect those he holds dear. Along with his childhood friends and the mysterious and innocent Sophie, he must explore the bonds of friendship as they find themselves drawn into the conflict between three kingdoms competing for dominance of the planet.

Romantic Beauty

Collection of 5 stories 1. Romantic Beauty - Yuka, who during the Junior High graduation got rejected by Takigawa-kun from that day on goes on a diet, loses 20 kilos, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This is because she wants to meet up with Takigawa-kun again, confess her love a second time, and have her first time with him! The completely transformed Yuka goes back to her old home town for a school reunion but the person who calls out to her is...?! [from Tenshi-Tachi] 2. The Queen And Her Slave - Ai is a university student and also a virgin, but when she's drunk she forgets everything. One morning, she awakens only to find herself naked and next to a handsome high school student. He fell in love with her and offers to become her slave. 3. Pure Love, Forbiden Love - Ryo nii-san is Kazuko's cousin and her first love. After ten long years, she transferred into Ryo's school where he is the student council's president. She's looking forward to seeing her kind, gentle cousin, only to find that he's not as pure as she thought he would be. 4. The Days Where I Yearn For Love - Mochida is a shy high school girl who can't seem to speak up about her opinions, especially in front of Aoyama. But now he sits next to her - the worst thing ever, because now she's more nervous than ever. Aoyama befriends her, noticing her shyness and manages to make her open up to him. Although Aoyama is now friends with her, Mochida doesn't expect anything out of their friendship, but does Aoyama want something from Mochida? 5. The Warmth Of Your Fingertips - Hanashima Yuna is often molested on the train to school, but she is afraid to speak up. One morning, Yuasa Kouichi saves her and protects her throughout the entire ride. She's confused at his kindness, especially when he hovers over her protectively on the train ride home. Why is he protecting her?

Obaachan Wa Idol

Yamada Momoka is your average 16 year old girl. Her family consists of herself, her dad who works at a TV station, and her mom. Apparently she also has a strict prune of a grandma, but who doesn’t? Except that the grandma, Yamada Tamaki, had an accident at the TV station where she got electrocuted and now looks like a 16 year old Yamato Nadeshiko. It isn’t easy for Momoka when her grandma arbitrarily decides to attend Momoka’s high school as a student as well. Tamaki isn’t just pretty, she’s also very cultured, well-mannered, and still maintains her old-fashioned streak from her 65 years of wisdom. It’s bad enough when Momoka starts being referred to as “Old Yamada” and her grandma (Tamaki) referred to as “New Yamada”, but it’s even worse when Momoka’s crush on a dashing young man starts to take an interest in Tamaki as well. Fight-o, Momoka! Protect your beloved grandma, Momoka! And don’t let her walk off with your boytoy, Momoka!

A Round Trip To Love

A Round Trip To Love summary: The blind fortuneteller at the mouth of the alley said to me, “Your road of love is destined to be one that’s rough. You shall be forever intertwined with a man, and there won’t be a peaceful ending.”
I shoved my half-finished soda in his hands, patted myself down and left.
“Hey, you haven’t paid!” The blind fortuneteller was still madly shouting from a distance.
Are you kidding me? You couldn’t even work out whether I’m a man or woman and you still dare ask for money? I’m doing my daily good deed by not wrecking your stand.
Now, I’m sitting in a train station, disheveled and empty-handed, my face swelling like a pig’s. Recalling the blind fortuneteller’s words, I regret blowing him off with my unfinished soda. I should have given him some money. Unfortunately, I’ve been a fool up till today. My life has indeed been intertwined with a man, but I have not realised that nothing good will come out of it in the end

Studies in the Life of the Christian: His Faith and His Service

Studies in the Life of the Christian: His Faith and His Service summary: Studies in the Life of the Christian: His Faith and His Service summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in the Life of the Christian: His Faith and His Service. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

History of the Buccaneers of America

History of the Buccaneers of America summary: History of the Buccaneers of America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the Buccaneers of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Prisoners summary: Prisoners summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Prisoners. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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