




























简介不就熬夜看个小说,醒来竟然穿越了,而且穿成了恶毒女配? 这个女配与白莲花女主积怨太深,就算她一再退避,重生逆袭的女主还是数次要害她性命。 不行不行,为了不被炮灰掉,她一定要找个靠山,而且是绝对讨厌女主的靠山……原著来源:圣诞文学网




内容简介:  李中易,本是最牛的中医,因车祸到了五代十国,附体在一个文不能科举、武不能提刀的废柴身上!这时候,儿皇帝石敬塘刚刚卖掉燕云十六州不久。后蜀国主孟昶,正在与花蕊夫人嬉戏。南唐后主李煜, 隔江犹唱后庭花!后周世宗柴荣,做梦都惦记着北伐。北宋太祖赵匡胤,正琢磨着黄袍加身。这是混乱的时代,却也是李中易的时代!逍遥侯书友一群:75206776,欢迎兄弟们进群讨论!1w0-624 >>


内容简介:一场阴谋,镇国大将军周显恩废了双腿,众叛亲离谢宁被迫替同父异母的妹妹嫁给了他。传闻中这位周大将军乖戾狠绝,喜怒无常。旁人都想看看谢宁什么时候被他折磨而死。可等到最后,谢宁不仅活得光芒万 丈,还被周显恩宠到了旁人望尘莫及的尊位。她是他的妻,是他黑暗人生中唯一的光。——周显恩年少成名,拜为镇国大将军,威风八面。直到他双腿残废,在轮椅上瘫坐了两年。天之骄子,跌落尘泥。他以为自己这一生都只能活着这阴暗潮湿的地方,永远不会再有一丝光亮。直到那一日,一个穿着嫁衣的女子怯生生地推开了他的房门。他眼底泛起嘲讽,等着她害怕地逃出去。可他却只等来一句软软的“夫君。”那一刻,周显恩如一滩死水般的心第一次漾起波澜。【一日为妻,此生不弃】外柔内刚温柔型大家闺秀×美强惨残疾大将军1w0-3980 >>


内容简介:拒绝黄赌毒的大好直男一头钻进了恐怖游戏中,谁劝也不听。穿进了游戏不说,结果还TM为了一个buff折了腰。冷静分析帝小少爷受(颜元)x骚包技术帝回形针攻(沈桉容)双智商在线,年龄差为6, 受17没成年。没成年。没成年。1w0-94368 >>




内容简介:褚文昊带着七年记忆重回青葱少年。凭借这份独有的记忆,他一路高歌猛进,独领风骚各位书友要是觉得《谍影岁月》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得王弗最新小说 作品《谍影岁月》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-69872 >>


内容简介:(人美心野骄纵大小姐x斯文禁欲金融巨鳄老狐狸)南歌最近一直想换掉自己的兰博基尼,但凑来凑去就差几万块。在她的软磨硬泡下,哥哥给她找了份使命感十足的好差事——银河护胃队,简称送外卖。第一 天上岗,她一路身残志坚,把外卖送到了住在富人区的金融大佬沈晏清手里。——沈晏清,淮城商界神话,为人低调鲜少在媒体前露面。合作过的人都说他是批着温柔皮的清冷谪仙。看似温润有礼面面俱到,实际上本人绝情的很,一直以来没人能走进他的心。一次意外,沈晏清遇到一个颇有好感的小姑娘,本以为很难再见,直到某个雪天他点了个外卖,门打开,熟悉的身影站在门口:“沈先生晚上好,我是irelyn餐厅的外卖员,这是您的餐。祝您用餐愉快!”那晚,南歌捧着外卖,眼睛和鼻尖被风吹得红红的,像是只闯入猎人陷阱毫无防备的小兔子。沈晏清以为南歌是个勤工俭学的小可怜,从那之后,便一直点外卖叫她来送,照顾她的工作。直到有一天他的车坏了临时要出门——来送外卖并听到他有急事的南歌:“我有车啊,我送你过去!”沈晏清还在犹豫该怎么拒绝她那四面漏风的小电驴时,结果转头就看到她掏出车钥匙轻轻一按。不远处,一辆价值三百万的兰博基尼车灯一闪:“愣着干嘛,上车呀!”“……”(一句话简介:我开着兰博基尼送外卖体验生活,霸总自我攻略后爱我爱到无法自拔 ̄▽ ̄)阅读指南:1男主受邀只在女主学校开过一次讲座,不是师生关系。2女主没有刻意隐瞒身份,没有装穷,是男主误会。3男主不是见色起意,两人先前见过三次。各位书友要是觉得《我开兰博基尼送外卖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-112122 >>


内容简介:我有个漂亮的道士老婆,她名叫李若桐,正宗古墓派传人,外号小龙女(和神仙姐姐王语嫣长的一样一样的)九阴拉棺,鬼冢门,婴灵活蛊,半死半活半兽人,鬼怪来袭(为了我的道士老婆我拼啦!)看我和我 的道士老婆如何在灵异的世界里斩妖除魔,行侠仗义(实际是秀恩爱啦!)1w0-63453 >>


内容简介:  在这个神怪遍地的世界经历了第六个纪元之后,煌煌天夏降临了!…………玄浑道章书友群:【762873632】玄浑道章?造化之界:【526275426】玄浑道章VIP书友群:【61538 7042】…………1w0-206 >>




内容简介:特工军医顾知鸢,意外穿越成顾家名声最臭的三小姐身上,还好死不死的,稀里糊涂嫁给了阴冷的昭王!渣男求复合?给你杯毒酒让你连渣都不剩!绿茶撬墙角?给你点硫酸把你的茶味都给你泡干净!明里暗里 动手脚?就这?这都是本王妃玩剩下的!接断手,医断腿。活死人,肉白骨。阴谋诡谲之中,她的医术谋略,无人左右!凭借着一双圣手,翻云覆雨,拯救苍生。只是这冰冷王爷怎么忽然开启了恋爱脑?1w19115-25319 >>


内容简介:  地球元气复苏了,但这真不是地球灵气复苏的故事,  而是一个流浪宇宙的故事。1w0-2018



Juukou B-Fighter

Based on the TV Series of the same name, insects all over the world begin to swarm for unknown reasons, with other animals and plants acting strange as well. To investigate this, Takuya Kai is dispatched with an Earth Academia group. Investigating independently, Takuya finds Guru who reveals that insects are preparing for battle against invaders from another dimension. Offering their aid, the Earth Academia create suits of armor to combat the threat as the Jamahl arrive to Earth to enslave humans. Though they have trouble perfecting the Bio-Machinery, Guru arrives to infuse the armor with the life force of many insects. Once the suits become the B-Commanders, one suit chooses Takuya while the other two bond to Daisaku Katagiri and Rei Hayama. With their newfound power, the B-Fighters fight to drive back Jamahl's forces. (Wikipedia)

Jail Bird

collection of onehsot 3) Blue Cheer Nobuhiro Honjou was, all of a sudden, attacked and kidnapped by two guys. He woke up to find himself tied to a chair in front of a an unfamiliar young man... 27 pages concerning abduction, drugs, death, sex, and torture. 'Maybe it was the drugs... or... or because I was already insane... or maybe because I was only looking for body pleasure... or... maybe in that moment, I really did love him...' -- Honjou (summary written by Flamie) The insane love between a drug dealer and the mad man who was in the incest relationship with his younger brother who died from overdose. 4) Betrayal Game The revenge drama of the beautiful employee who is sold to the support company's owner by his lover, the young CEO of the company. 5) Futaba-kun and Futaba-kun The romance of a student who gradually finds many unique points in his transfer classmate with the same name and falls in love with.


From MangaHelpers: There's been a string of mysterious deaths, where the victims are torn up for no discernible reason. One day, the situation escalates and Homura Kei's computer class of 36 people is slaughtered. Due to Kei's delinquent behavior in skipping class, she ends up as the sole survivor of the massacre. When she goes home that night, a hacker called Yuon comes to her door. He claims to have also lost someone to the mysterious murderer, and he has information that Kei does not. Apparently, someone has created a program that can affect humans through the image of a blue butterfly on a computer screen, and that someone is using the program to murder people. Kei and Yuon will have to track down the murderer, before whoever it is decides to finish them off! [tethysdust]


Foreign exchange student Alyosha Stalina has been attending a Japanese high school for 3 months. She comes from the nation of Solessia but she is yet to fit in with the other students because of her unfriendly demeanor and cold personality. Rightfully so because Alyosha is a trained assassin that has been murdering people since she was 5 years old. Officials in Estolakia, a country devastated by the attacks from Solessia, found the orphaned Alyosha and trained her as a top notch assassin to work against Solessia. Her most recent and soon to be last mission is to murder the president of Solessia who is to attend the high school she has infiltrated for 3 months. However, the mission is aborted and she is ordered to remain a student. The only thing Alyosha knows how to do is to be an assassin and has never learned how to be a normal teenage girl. Will Alyosha be able to complete her most difficult mission yet? [vyc]

The Card Apprentice

The Card Apprentice summary: Claimed to be the greatest team in the history of the card film industry — “Mu Lei” is born. With even the elites of the academic world unable to decipher these cards’ structure, his powerful cards were able to unnerve even the federation, causing the greatest Card Creators and Card Fighters to grow frantic, triggering open battles and covert maneuvers among various interest groups — all behind the silhouette of Chen Mu. Although he was not the originator of the federation’s unrest, he was definitely the number one reason for continuously escalating it. Through his exceptional intelligence and toughness, he evolved from the weak to the mighty. From a solitary life of survival to his collaboration with his friend to the team’s business of fantasy stories: As card films full of fantastic oddities flowed from Chen Mu’s hands like an unending stream, his own fighting strength rapidly grew. Fame, wealth, beauties, dangers gathered all around from far and near until finally, he became a paragon of inspiration to all.

Katherine Katt: Universal Alien

Katherine Katt: Universal Alien summary: Katherine Katt: Universal Alien summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Katherine Katt: Universal Alien. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Madonna in Art

The Madonna in Art summary: The Madonna in Art summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Madonna in Art. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Ancestors summary: Ancestors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ancestors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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