














类别搞笑 恋爱 霸总
















类别玄幻 动作 校园


内容简介:实习生赵晨飞,意外吸收了几颗九龙宝珠,从此武学、医学、玄学集于一身,屌丝逆袭。冰雪美人主动融化,魔鬼御姐乖乖投降,绝色姐妹花双宿双飞。美女们齐呼:“我要做大房。”看来只能买个大房了。1 w0-69671 >>


内容简介:我得了十年的绝症,每个人都看不起我,直到那天我爸出现,让我百病不侵! 一个寒门出生,如何登上王者巅峰 作者qq:23794532741w0-1240


内容简介:  一剑诛仙佛,一剑葬神魔!他本是皇城第一武道天才,却被未婚妻设计毁去丹田,无法修行。绝望之际,竟发现体内藏有一座剑神墓!十八道神秘墓碑,刻印着无上剑道绝学,墓中更有一道神剑之魂,名为 葬天!从此之后,一个亘古未有的剑神横空出世,威震九天!1w0-237 >>


内容简介:精选来自————渣逢对手豪门世家情有独钟阴差阳错甜文——*男女主版文案*——就像你好不容易逮到机会本命大大愿意为你c出本子出插画却被小妖精插队以致敷衍了事绝美的儿子女儿没有了人生也不会 再爱了听说你一毕业就结婚时我就是这种感受!女主:代入感太强我已经开始窒息了!你比我更适合写小说笔给你你来写!!——*渣渣版文案*——绿茶初恋勾引,白莲月光为爱归国,个个抛出橄榄枝,渣渣仿佛重回十八处处开花,奈何家有小辣椒。婆婆怂恿不睡白不睡万一是你老婆不能生,那我老x家不就绝后了。仿佛医院检测都是骗钱的。不巧国家刚颁布离婚冷静期,离婚一个进展不好进入二次诉讼,还要为渣渣再搭一年,白月光又发暧昧微信。时灵灵怒从心头起,决定抢白月光的戏份,先扮失忆演圣母,不吵不闹。——*——“我都不记得自己认识这位先生,当然要离婚。我很冷静啊。感情可以重新培养?不了不了啤酒肚没救了脸我也一点都不喜欢……”一闹起来居委会大妈、街道办、网格员、七大姑八大姨爸妈都要围追堵截,盯街道离结率堪比ki;还会被组织、公司领导做思想工作,闹上一年半载,怕是超市大学生促销员那里都社会性死亡。一要离婚就被社会总动员,简直窒息。时灵灵就想安静地离个婚,该她的钱也一分不少。——*——就是毕业一结婚就备孕,三年了不想白费。真想生个孩子赶紧浪,烧烤奶茶造起来。反正渣渣忙着哄野花,她这朵家花也野一野好了。这次感情放一边,选个脸很香身材棒的优质dna载体就成,不不不,别误解当然不是带球跑,相亲多相快踹,总能找到合适的。11w0-80159 >>




内容简介:冲击境界失败的苏方,全身经脉扭曲变形,沦为废人,永远无法再修行,却意外得到一面神奇的古镜,而在古镜的深处,他遇到一个来自神秘世界的强大存在,开始走上逆天双修之路。 修肉身,逆天改命! 摸天门,誓为修士! 看少年万里寻父,一步步在万千天才之中脱颖而出,斗苍穹、逆星辰成为盖世巨神!1w0-4316 >>




内容简介:微博小怯喜陆嘉钰见尤堇薇第一眼,是在长廊下。粉墙黛瓦下,女人纤长的颈低垂,乌发散落,肌肤胜雪,像一场泛青的梅子雨。他饶有兴味地看着,对友人说,我要她。陆氏百年世家,代代名声清远,唯独到 了这一代,出了个陆嘉钰,纨绔不堪,专横跋扈,凡是他看上的,皆是他的囊中之物。不出一月,尤堇薇果然到了他手里。众人打赌,陆嘉钰能持续多久的兴致,十天,一个月,三个月,赌局最后,陆嘉钰随手丢了块腕表下来,轻佻地笑:“半年。”半年之期一到,尤堇薇提醒他:“陆嘉钰,你该搬走了。”第一天,他眉头紧皱:“我腿疼。”第二天,他捂着1w0-99267 >>


内容简介:  一念成佛,一念成魔。你若不渡我成佛,我便送你入魔!这是一个小国王子重生回来,变成大魔王祸害四方的故事。1w0-1555


内容简介:相亲吹牛逼,被识破怎么办?全职业签到系统启动!房产!豪车!现金!送送送!绿茶女当场懵逼!……嘉禾国际签到,就成世界商业精英!犯罪现场签到,成就顶级破案专家!十万人演唱会签到,成就传奇天 王!中海北山医院签到,成就济世医神!……林楠:我也想低调,但系统不允许呀!(故事发生在平时世界,请勿对号入座)1w0-108185 >>


内容简介:《娇气包能一敌百[快穿]》是甜画舫精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新娇气包能一敌百[快穿]最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的娇气包能一敌百[快穿]评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持娇气 包能一敌百[快穿]读者的观点。1w0-72018 >>


内容简介:地下界第一大佬楚狂魂穿修真大陆,成为仙武玄宗一名不入流的外门弟子。本以为人生彻底无戏之际,却是突然激活《诸天反派之首系统》。了解到系统作用以后,楚狂不经一阵发呆,从未见过如此邪恶的系统 。叮【外门第一反派秦笙,将于一天内上门寻求您的帮助,届时从秦笙手中获得的好处越大,完成任务之后,系统所给的奖励越丰厚!】自此,无论楚狂去到哪里,基本都会有反派找上门来寻求帮助。这是一个真正的反派系统,专门帮助各路反派,碾压、虐杀他们招惹不起的主角。慢慢的,楚狂也喜欢上这种碾压、虐杀、欺凌主角的快感。从此,在反派之首这条路上越走越远…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《开局成为反派之首》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82643 >>

Will O' Wisp

Based on the Victorian-goth otome girl's game. Hannah inherited her grandfather’s ability to make “elemental dolls,” but he forbade her to do that after she made her first doll, her maid Emily. After he died however, Hannah discovered a strange male “elemental doll” called Will in the basement of her grandfather’s workshop. Who made Will and for what purpose? Why is he calling her “master” and are there others like him? These are only a few of the mysteries Hannah has to solve.

Sonna No Koi Ja Nai

1) Why is it This Painful? Chiaki found out that her boyfriend had another girlfriend besides herself, and she ended their relationship while they still loved each other. A few years later, Chiaki meets up with the ex, Konishi, but she already has a boyfriend! 2) That's Not Love Hirobayashi-senpai breaks up with Minako, and she complies because she's hopelessly in love with him, but that doesn't mean she's going to give up on loving him so easily. Her underclassman Shimanuki isn't going to give up on her just yet, either. 3) Sweetheart Tomohiro breaks up with Kana, and she thinks she's okay, thinking that she could easily replace her feelings for him; but after deciding to act like nothing happened between them for a while, he comes back the next day and wants to walk home together, and they become just friends. 4) I Just Want You to Be With Me Story involves a girl named Mami who initially believes that her relationship with her longtime boyfriend has gotten boring. To make matters worse, this cute guy at her workplace kissed her out of the blue one afternoon, which got her questioning her 'love' for her boyfriend even more. So the classic thing happens... they break up. But is that all there is to it? She didn't love him, right? 5) Holding Hands (Joining Hands) Hitoshi-kun has a secret girlfriend, whilst having and official girlfriend that he's been dating for two years. Will the secret girlfriend be okay with being second in his life?


This is the story of a very smart student called Hirama Ren who is used to always getting the top results in his school, and is the chairman of the student's council. One day, he walks past a group of bullies and asks them to leave--and because of that, they decide to teach him a lesson. They decide to beat up a couple of guys and they reported it to the teachers, blaming him. Hirama on being blamed sees the weakness of humans and so he decides to attain the power that would allow him to change the world into an ideal world...one without such weak and pathetic people...the people who hide from responsibilities and blame others. Coincidentally, his vice-chairperson called him and asked if he was fine with her inviting a hypnotist for some event at school to hype up the school population. He thought it might be THE ability that he was looking for, so he agreed to it. During the 'trial' test of the hypnotist's ability, he set up some plan and later on used it to test if hypnosis was able to hypnotise people who were avoiding it. With his new found knowledge, how will Hirama use this new power to reshape the world? - Taken and Edited from Endless Abyss.

Kare No Iinari

Rika is known to be a cheerful girl, but is that her real self?

Days Off

Days Off summary: Days Off summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Days Off. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue

Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue summary: Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Prisoner Of Vandam Street

The Prisoner Of Vandam Street summary: The Prisoner Of Vandam Street summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Prisoner Of Vandam Street. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Church and State as Seen in the Formation of Christendom

Church and State as Seen in the Formation of Christendom summary: Church and State as Seen in the Formation of Christendom summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Church and State as Seen in the Formation of Christendom. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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