









刀剑神域 妖精之舞篇











简介【每周五更新】从小五音不全的卢思思因为结缘古代皇家歌姬之首云音歌仙而变得唱歌技能爆表,由此被好友推荐进入Pink Idol 女团,在女团生活中,卢思思由不被其他团员接受一步步晋级至C位,并带领大家将Pink Idol做成国内顶级女子组合……












内容简介:我的修仙日记我的修仙日记小说阅读玄幻魔法小说我的修仙日记由作家凌空一渡创作距离我成为修仙大能已经过去了上万年,我的寿命还是那么生机勃勃,不见枯竭!我已经活成了一个老妖怪!我不知道自己存 在的意义何在?我很孤独,没有一个朋友,有的只是一馋言趋势想从我身上捞到任何好处的小人。我时常在一个山洞里独自呆上几百年发呆,如果修仙能够重来一次,我还要不要那么孤独?直到偶然间我独自打扫一个只属于我的洞天宝藏时,翻出了那本泛黄的厚厚的日记簿,我才猛然记起,原来在我当初初为一个小修士时,我还有写日记的习惯。随意找到一处角落,翻开日记,我的思绪陷入了长长的回忆中……本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供我的修仙日记最新章节我的修仙日记最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82833 >>


内容简介:在水泽中讨生活的渔民‘陈小柏’,绑定最牛捕鱼系统,能追踪鱼群的位置,于是陈小柏发达了!……而且每捕捉到一条鱼,都能得到龙气奖励。龙气可以用来修炼。当修炼到极致,就能化为神龙,遨游五湖四 海!渔民‘陈小柏’能否积攒到足够的龙气,化为神龙呢?1w0-85471 >>


内容简介:“如果有选择,我只想做红尘中一只小小蝼蚁,懵懂而生,庸碌到死,在金平城的大雾下,终生不见天日。好过这条通天的歧途。”蒸汽朋克修真世界观。十一点左右更新,不更挂请假条。排雷:又臭又长。1 w0-83686 >>


内容简介:小兵提供威猛狂暴龙大神最新作品《当魔王穿成了小可怜西游》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说txt下载,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说笔趣阁,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游无弹窗! 本站最新最快更新当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说最新章节。1w0-102669 >>




内容简介:  从《凡人修仙》开始的世界,证道求长生的故事。【除了主世界,尽量写原创世界】【主角不黑暗,也不圣母。】1w0-2048


内容简介:  CM-4S店大老板,天生狂妄不羁,冷冽张狂,浑身带着一股子野气,一看就是难管的主。谁曾想,突然有一天就栽了。见到人姑娘就迈不动腿了。第一次表白被拒绝后,大醉了一场,舔着脸贴了上去。 第二次被拒绝后,郁闷了几天,舔着脸又贴了上去。第三次被拒绝后,江湛抱着还剩了一半的酒瓶,堵在黎宴家门口,把她抵在门上,眼角蕴上猩红,醉醺醺地问:“你老说强扭的瓜不甜,今天我就试试这强扭的瓜,到底有多苦。”黎宴:你很好,不管是神坛上的你,还是神坛下的你,都是我的骄傲。江湛:我要许个愿,希望我的黎医生,往后一辈子遇见的人,都像江湛一样好。你说你会来,所以我一直等,你没来,我还是等了,最后你来了。PS:【双向救赎】【治愈】【偏宠】【护短】狂妄不羁4S店老板--冷艳乖戾外科医生——黎宴发现这传闻中不进女色的江老板,看她的眼神不太对劲,好心提醒:“我觉得你还是不要对我有想法。”江老板挑眉:“理由。”黎宴:“我有喜欢的人。”江老板叹息一声,颇为不要脸的说:“正好,没挖过墙角,想试试。”“……”1w0-3272 >>


内容简介:神州大地每天都有战争开始和结束,大夏战神遭人暗杀:陨落与不落山脉,独留幼子于世。面临暗杀和下毒,唯有在挥手中剑。犯我国土者杀……辱我百姓者杀……如果您喜欢大夏逍遥王,别忘记分享给朋友作 者:花生配酒所写的《大夏逍遥王》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-81697 >>


内容简介:参加综艺选秀,林轩第一轮就被淘汰,只剩下舞台告别演唱。唱完后,他短暂的选秀生涯将画上句号。告别演唱上,他走上了舞台:“一首《追梦赤子心》送给大家,代表着虽然我被淘汰了,但以后依然会追逐 我的梦想。”没想到他唱完后。粉丝热泪盈眶。评委全都站起。一名被淘汰的选手,却惊艳全场。现场彻底炸了锅。直到此刻,林轩才发现他不知何时已经穿越了,这个世界没有《追梦赤子心》。1w0-82539 >>


内容简介:某一天,地球灵力复苏,人类开启了修真时代。但在修真50年的时候,一团红色的迷雾突然出现在了欧洲,无数的魔兽从迷雾中走出袭向了人类,欧洲就此沦陷。那一天,人们想起来曾经被野兽支配的恐惧。 洛天原本是一个没有任何修炼天赋的普通人,却在一次意外中捡到了一条神秘的小白龙,并且喜提成为大佬系统,开始了他的成为大佬之路。1w0-91860 >>


内容简介:隔壁新文同步更新中,求收藏啊!花式热搜娱乐圈手机客户端请点作者专栏,进去就能看到。简介封懿一不小心穿进一本书里,成为跟男主有仇的表亲家的表妹。面对这位表面文弱,久病缠身,实际上心狠腹黑 ,未来更是遇神杀神,遇佛杀佛,一路坐上九五至尊,对于曾经侮辱过他或是伤害过他的家族一律灭其满门的表兄,封懿瑟瑟发抖,争取在她封家还没有彻底得罪这位表兄前刷个好感,改变他对封家的印象观。一心扑在挽救封家于水深火热之中的封懿却不知道,她穿的这本书是盗版,剧情更是被严重篡改。剧情进展到一大半,封懿才察觉不对:我了解剧情的金手指呢?明明要当皇帝的人,为什么最后成了首辅?mmp某首辅大人:当皇后不如当首辅夫人,过来,让我亲下。女穿越X男重生注:1女主人设傻白甜,男主人设阴狠腹黑,后期会有变化。2架空,架得非常空,穿的是盗版小说,剧情不安套路出牌。蠢作者没有逻辑,只有脑洞,考据勿究。3看文随缘,喜欢这篇文的亲都是作者君的小天使,还请收藏支持一发作者君。不喜欢的请点右上角的叉安静离开,不用留下只言片语刷存在感,感谢!最后,对本文有兴趣的亲欢迎收藏作者君,专栏里还有其他完结文供大家欣赏。下一篇文求预收啊啊啊古代赚钱日常(穿书系统)简介:乔璧一觉醒来,才发现自己穿进了一本书里,穿成了反派boss的姐姐。先不说反派下场凄惨,最后更是被凌迟处死,最重要的是,反派他小时候父母双亡,唯一的姐姐,也在逃难途中被流氓强奸致死,才造成了反派阴冷嗜杀的本性啊!乔璧抬头环顾家徒四壁的茅屋,望着床上奄奄一息的老父与饿得皮包骨的弟弟,想着自己悲惨的结局,正苦恼之际,脑子里突然冒出一道声音:“饲主,恭喜您触发生财有道系统!”乔璧:exo……?绝对精彩的一本书哦,大家不要错过,赶紧收藏啊!手机客户端点作者专栏进去就能看到,下一本就开哦!如果您喜欢表兄大人是首辅(穿书),别忘记分享给朋友作者:子泽所写的《表兄大人是首辅(穿书)》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-77023 >>


内容简介:石凡无意间微信连通了西游中的古代广寒宫,此时悟空尚在襁褓之中,嫦娥姐姐春心萌动,三圣母尚未遇刘郎,牛郎织女隔河相望,七仙女临街戏董永,三公主与杨戬矛盾不断。跟悟空学法术,跟嫦娥姐姐聊聊 私房话,没事逗逗龙女、给三圣母讲点成人小故事,当蜘蛛精爱上唐僧……这是一个不一样的西游,一场跨越时空的爱恋。1w0-108967 >>

Nekomedou Kokoro Tan

From Lililicious: Cat's Eye Hall is a mysterious shop that exists to guide lost hearts. If your heart is lost, follow a black cat and you might just end up here... In the Nekomedou Kokoro Tan series: V.1 - Yuri Shinjuu (A Yuri Double Suicide) - A Yuri Double Suicide Shiho and Hiyori think they can only be together in death. But as they're looking for a place to commit suicide, Hiyori disappears and Shiho follows a cat to a mysterious shop called the Cat's Eye Hall. - Beautiful, Cruel Pride - Hana ga Chittemo - Shitataka de Ite Bukiyou na - Kaminagahime V.2 - Shoujo Hakumei - Shibaru Ito - Stella Maris - Satou Kashi wa Yume wo Miru - Amai Moumoku

Not For Sale!

Nozomi is a boring and late-blooming college student. His classmate, Ryuji, is an extremely dangerous delivery host. When Nozomi witnesses a steamy kiss between Ryuji and a male teacher, he's thunderstruck! His eyes can't seem to stop following Ryuji's movements. If Ryuji has any say (and he does!), Nozomi is just about to get a taste of paradise. Oneshots from the book include : • 04 Hitori De Yare yo - Comedy duo Masata and Naru aren't doing very well, but they're still together. Mainly because Masata is helpless and Naru can't leave him alone. But when Naru finds out Masata's been keeping secrets things may fall apart. • 05 Love Cocktail - When unfortunately named Minami Haruo wanders into Sagawa's bar, Sagawa gives him his special aphrodisiac cocktail and has his way with him. But who is Minami really? And is he ever coming back? • 06 Air - Nobuyuki and Yugi became a family 7 years ago, when their parents remarried. A year later after that, Yugi's father got into an accident which left Yugi a scar inside himself. Yugi convinced himself that everyone around him will disappear one day, and that in the end he will end up alone, always. Nobuyuki disagree and claim that they are family, and so they will always be together. 'If you can, show it to me. Since you are not my brother, from now on...you are air' is what Yugi said. What will happen to this pair?

Houkago, Kimi To Koi O Shite.

Compilation of seven pure love stories: 1. Girl's Revolution by IKEYAMADA Go 2. Haru ni Naru Made Matte (Wait Until The Spring Comes) by MINASE Ai (Also included in 37°C no Boyfriend) 3. Puberty BABY by CHIBA Kozue To Eri, Kaoru is like a troublesome little brother or a cute puppy. She's been taking care of him for fifteen years since they live in the same apartment. She thought he had no interest in girls but that changes when she catches him with a group of girls and flirting! (Also included in 7 Genme wa Himitsu) 4. Koi, damono (Because, It's Love) by SHIRAISHI Yuki While Jun is washing mops, the guy beside her becomes soaked through an accident. She hands him a handkerchief that's special to her. Before she could ask for it back, he gets dragged away with her important handkerchief! (Also included in Akuma de Koibito) 5. Ore-Sama Housekeeper by ICHIKAWA Shou (Also included in Ouchi e Kaerou) 6. Dare yori Soba de Kataomoi by HOSHIMORI Yukimo 7. Kanpeki na Kimi, Donkan na Anata. by HATTORI Miki

Uruwashiki Wana

From Attractive Fascinante: Itsuki was one of the potential successors of the Toudou family, but was chased out of the family after being framed. Unknown to Itsuki, Kyouya, another potential successor, has been sending money to help him for the past year. Under any circumstances, the members of the Toudou family should never accept another person’s gratitude. Thus, Kyouya wants Itsuki to obey him for the help he has received from Kyouya. Is this a trap set up by Kyouya or does Kyouya really wants to help Itsuki to return to the family?

The Beasts in the Void

The Beasts in the Void summary: The Beasts in the Void summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Beasts in the Void. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Call Of The Veld

Call Of The Veld summary: Call Of The Veld summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Call Of The Veld. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu summary: The game is at fault!
And that’s what adults says, those who started the questionnaire.
『Can you revive a dead person?』
That type of questionnaire.
30% of primary school students answered with an affirmative.
When adults received that type of results they banned games.
Saying that, thanks to the games, the values of the children against life have been turned.
And it’s true, excluding the exception; the majority of these games have a rule where the dead can be resuscitated.
I think that just because the outcome of that questionnaire, banning all games is, a little, overbearing.
Actually, ambiguity of death is because the medical science is overdue and the geographical factor such as the cold.
Or because the globe fish poison and the others that the person who died resuscitated, and that had become the reality.
And that’s maybe why, the people who saw people resurrecting, created monsters, demons such as zombies and vampires.
But, still…
Compared with reality, the death on a game is always near one self and is a simple thing so there is no doubt about it.
A little girl had bitten a boy’s shoulder.
From both legs and right arm of the girl, a large amount of blood had been ejected.
A fatal wound.
No, she is already dead.
Although she is dead, she keeps moving.
A moving corpse is.
The girl who was biting the boy’s shoulder, after swallowing the meat, talked.
「…Don’t… …g……ooo…」
Circular drips were falling from her eyes, falling in large quant.i.ties.
The boy, who was bitten on the shoulder, saying nothing, embraced the girl.
Again, the girl sank her teeth on the boy’s shoulder.
He thought, what I’m going to do?
He thought, whether he should revive this girl or not.
Because, if he had one million yen, he could revive this girl.
Because, the world has now turned into a game.
A person’s life is worth a million yen.
In this world that had turned into a game, that’s what is worth a life.
The price is high or cheap?
In the end, although the world had turned into a game, perhaps, the value of a life has not changed.

Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall

Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall summary: Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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