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内容简介:曾经的兵王之王,一手握生死,一掌定乾坤; 如今的赤脚医生,醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝。 最强兵王化身赤脚医生,低调归来,醉卧声色犬马之地,游走莺莺燕燕之间。只待他一朝鹰扬,风尘吸张。1 w0-4094 >>


内容简介:重生情满四合院,成为一个因为医德太差而导致家境贫寒的无良医生。在四合院里,满院的大禽小禽,都明里暗里的嘲笑他,鄙夷他!好在,重生后的赖长生发现,自己脑海中还有一块宝镜,且自成空间。自此 ,医、卜、星、象,赖长生是无所不通,还能利用宝镜空间养活物,种点粮食瓜果……逆转的人生,简直不要太爽啊!1w0-58804 >>




内容简介:七煌天界浩瀚无边不灭尊神独掌天乾尊神破混沌,化清浊二气,清为天,浊为地,又有神之灵气化为空气,孕天地万物而生,载世间造化而起。r神灵之气,自有缓有急,有平有烈,烈者,或电闪雷鸣,或狂风 暴雨,或山川震裂,或海啸滔天;平缓者,或净水潺潺,或清凉飒爽,或暖风和煦,或鸟语花香。自太古以来,万物生灵皆可海纳百川,感神灵之气所润,繁衍生息,辗转轮回。万千生灵中,却有极少数者能够参破这天地玄机,纳入古神灵气,跃上鳌头,悟天地之造化,与太古尊神共存。这极少数者,必有先天灵根,需聪慧,需坚定,需忍耐,需体健,如此一来方有望窥破神机,亘古不灭……少年背负迷离身世之苦,一次次昂首迈步向前!这一生,纵然千难万险也绝不退缩。这一世,纵然烈火焚身也绝不低头!【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《飞剑斩天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68961 >>


内容简介:颜凉修仙不成,反被天雷劈成一只毛团子。狐狸精没了男人精气就会死,可她师门清正,怎会谋害性命?她决定替被渣男欺负的弱女子报仇续命,妖法蛊惑任她报复,可刚开业不久就要关门大吉。为什么所谓‘ 不能人道’的报仇对象是她最怕的大师兄?险些被啪死的小狐狸又被二师兄一脸嫌弃地捡了回去,写作疗伤读作圈养。从此她家云游四方的谪仙师傅丶管理局千年一遇的修仙天才,甚至多年未见的亲哥哥都追着这只狐狸精主动贡献精气!被围在一群男人中间的颜凉瑟瑟发抖,抱紧自己的猫主子不放手,可谁想这只猫半夜也爬上床来了!颜凉:我都缩成狐狸毛团了为什么还要追我?我的毛都要被摸秃了╥ω╥现代NP,甜宠,撸毛团,伪修仙真日常。男主全C。努力日更,珍珠和收藏每逢百加更。请多多留言爱护MUA本咸鱼的催更群:735514712(请督促咸鱼好好码字本咸鱼的微博号:(欢迎勾搭OWO本鱼在追的现代NP甜宠文:Aoiiii的《原来你们都想上我》↑给葵葵小可爱递膝盖各位书友要是觉得《她是一团小狐狸(NPH)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!她是一团小狐狸(NPH)最新章节她是一团小狐狸(NPH)全文阅读她是一团小狐狸(NPH)全集txt下载她是一团小狐狸(NPH)无弹窗小说她是一团小狐狸(NPH)52001w0-95654 >>


内容简介:十年前,他仙骨被夺;十年后,他带着梨花剑雨卷土重来,踏着累累白骨,和伙伴们一起踏向无垠世界的仙主之旅。“我陈无悔,无悔入仙门!!”PS新书首发,求收藏,求推荐!此书交流群:110209 1944本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无垠仙主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84756 >>


内容简介:关于冷面王爷下堂妾:流放关外,贬为官婢,数年之后,大赦天下,她重回京城。她带回来的唯一财产——居然是一名襁褓中的男婴。昔日郡主,沦为最大的丑闻。心仪之人,早已成了位高权重的秦王,一人之 下,万人之上。他就要娶别的女子,她也决心埋葬过往。谁知命运弄人,他竟要她成为他的妾?!他娶她,不过是报复她当年的无心招惹。。。。。。谁知道她深埋地下的秘密?谁知道她无奈深重的仇恨?谁知道她生不如死的煎熬?她咽下的,不只是苦。她学会的,不1w14113-80498 >>


内容简介:明州发现自己的运气不太好,他总是会碰到心术不正的穿越者,这些穿越者想要夺取他的性命,夺取他的机遇,甚至踩着他往上爬,不过明州会用实力打醒他们,告诉他们,什么叫做:想得太美!世界1室友被 末世大佬穿越之后,末世大佬嫌我碍眼,想要了我的命世界2身体被穿越者占据之后,我怀孕了世界3我的女儿被抱错了,亲女养女都被穿越了世界4《总有穿越者想得太美快穿》小说推荐:给校草当假男友的日子、深渊女神、我还没摁住她、军王猎妻:魔眼小神医、娇软美人重生、第二十八年春、不正常博物图鉴、穿到民国吃瓜看戏、爱妻入骨:独占第一冷少、暗欲、小四,向着渣男进攻、大佬都爱我快穿、忧郁先生想过平静生活、他和她的猫、重生空间:首席神瞳商女、奈何只钟情于你、阴客、轻狂、快穿:我只想种田、他与爱同罪1w0-62759 >>


内容简介:老妈参加葬礼消失了两个月,回来后就说要她继承一大笔遗产。好吧!继承就继承嘛,这一大笔遗产究竟是个什么样啊?哇嘞嘞这一屋子的美男就是所谓的遗产吗?什么?还不只她继承的居然是个不曾出现在史 书上的古代国家?她怎么突然就成了女王陛下了?这也太天方夜谭了吧?虾米?她来这个国家的第一件事居然是找个美男来陪她睡觉?好吧找就找吧,随手一指,竟然让她整个心都丢到美男身上去了。好不容易打开了美男的心结,两个人的感情极加温中,却突然冒出一个前来联姻的冰山王子给他们本就不平静的生活又加了点料。所谓祸不单行,不知是不是她交友不慎,就这么被人陷害,迷迷糊糊中破了四个待嫁的美男身,她也没说不为他们负责啊,怎么一个个的都弃她而去?她决定拿出愚公移山的精神来把她的美男们都给追回来,只是这山还没有移呢,就让她现了山里还住着一个迷糊脱线的美男子,只是“他”真的是美男子吗?那他背上那薄薄的羽翼要怎么解释?不过“他”还真是脱线的可以,把自己买了还感谢不断的帮着人家数钱,实在看不过去了,管“他”是什么东西,先收到自己后宫再说作者:若夜所写的《女王的男人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-109991 >>


内容简介:“师兄,你昨个同师傅下山除妖可有给我带那家铺子做的糖饼子?”“师兄……我求你。”南洛城已经分不清楚自己身上沾染的血,究竟是他的,还是旁人的,他只是觉得心口疼的不行“温夜歌!你要真的要取 我性命,能不下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读能换一个人?只当我最后一次求你,别用你自己的手杀我,换一个人就好。”他从来都知道我最怕疼,一点疼都受不了,但到最后他似乎忘了,不然也不会用他那把剑刺向我。我怕疼,但我从未怕过死,我只是不愿死在下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读你手下,不愿我爱的和亲手取走我性命的人会是一个人。心脏疼到了一定的程度,肉体好像就感觉不到了疼痛。原来他从未信过我,从未有一天……他这数载岁月之中,受尽蛊毒侵蚀折磨,但他最大的痛苦还是拜那下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读位自己曾一心护着的师兄所赐,他恨透了他,更恨透了谷风派以及修仙世家的众人。自此以后若让他死,必然是以所有门派为其陪葬,谁也拦不住他……?下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-29071 >>




内容简介:  穿越到星际时代的一颗垃圾星上面,季柚穷得都快要刨土吃了,可……这里土有毒不能吃……没办法,她只能放低身段去捡捡垃圾,卖卖破烂啥的……  比如这么漂亮的草籽果然竟没人要,捡起来车个珠 子,能挂网上卖。  可一挂上网,就有人打差评:“草籽果都拿来卖,想钱想疯了吧?”  数日后,这人就后悔的直捶墙:“跪求卖我一个颗草籽果,就一颗!一颗就好了。”  季柚高冷道:“不卖!”  再比如,这满大街的破石头,亮晶晶的,竟然没人要,捡起来,打磨成镯子,挂网上卖。  众人口出恶言:“破岩石都拿来卖,是没见过钱吧?”  数日后,众人痛哭流涕道:“是我有眼无珠,是我眼拙,这么漂亮好看的石头,跪求卖我一个吧。”  季柚摊手:“没了。”1w0-913 >>


A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu.   Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices:   Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire.   After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga

Ai No Sanbon Shoubu

This oneshot is about a couple that likes to play dress up to spice up their love life.


From Black Lilac Scans: What's it like to have a personal cook with great culinary skills and dashing looks? Sumika, an orphan, has one such personal cook, Miyoshi, who takes care of her needs. Miyoshi never complains but caries out his duties to the very end. But is it all just an act of duty? Does Sumika really understand how Miyoshi feels or does she take Miyoshi for granted? Follow Miyoshi and Sumika through trails and tribulations and witness a beautiful love story blossom~!

Papa No Iukoto Wo Kikinasai! -Sora-Iro No Hibiki-

Sora-iro no Hibiki is a spin-off series of Papa no iukoto wo Kikinasai! (http://mangapark.com/search?q=papa-no-iukoto-wo-kikinasai). This particular series is a prequel, starting about one year before the regular series, that tells the story of the Elder sister, Sora, and her new life as a junior high freshman.

The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale

The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale summary: The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Zebra-Striped Hearse

The Zebra-Striped Hearse summary: The Zebra-Striped Hearse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Zebra-Striped Hearse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

test mode

test mode summary: test mode summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of test mode. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer summary: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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