






类别恋爱 后宫










简介一对婚前男女的生活故事,有趣,有理,幽默,光明。一点小坏,一点温情;一点保守,一点前卫;一点小资,一点草根;一点孩子气,一点大人腔……虽酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,但整体上搭配得口味清淡宜口,且还有些营养。转载请到苦笑的QQ空间http://79043708.qzone.qq.com/出版约稿采访等请联系邮箱[email protected]














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内容简介:【HP】紫罗兰【HP】紫罗兰小说阅读其他小说类型小说【HP】紫罗兰由作家荔枝子创作τIáимеIχм()当救世主哈利多了一个亲生妹妹,她委婉,认真,清醇,诱人。养成系,青梅竹马,骨科, 年上,np不喜勿入小兵提供【HP】紫罗兰最新章节【HP】紫罗兰最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-103146 >>


内容简介:嫁给沈霆琛,白偌依才算真正认识了什么叫做上一秒热情似火,下一秒冷若冰霜!沈霆琛,你这男人怎么这么冷血,这么无情,这么无理取闹?我要离婚!白偌依忍无可忍,撕破贵妇的伪装怒吼道。沈太太,咱 们在床上打架的时候,你可不是这么说的。某男顿时满脸阴霾,将炸毛的小猫逼到墙角。我……白偌依顿时无语凝噎。他,冷血冷心,毫无情谊。他,宠她呼她,将她捧在手心。最后,白偌依发现,曾经她以为将她踩下地狱的人,原来才是那个将她捧上天堂的人。1w0-66114 >>


内容简介:叶宇穿越斗罗大陆,意外被追杀唐昊的千道流带回供奉殿。六岁那年,叶宇获得了选择系统!“叮!选择开始!”“新手大礼包是否开启”“选择一,开启,选择二,不开启”这还还用问当叶宇看到自己获得的 东西后却愣住了!“叮!选择开始!”“选择一,亲一下千仞雪,获得神器×1,选择二,抱一下千仞雪,获得魂导器×1”这该如何是好,能不能都选择什么舔唐三?不好意思,我能让他舔我!1w0-68807 >>


内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-25852 >>








内容简介:十六岁之前对她意味着什么黑暗,杀戮,冰冷。而他是她黑暗中唯一的救赎。九岁的沈言晞第一次见到他的时候,脑海里只有四个字:惊为天人。当她在雨林几次被他救过之后,小小的她暗暗立下誓言:要把他 娶回家。回到沈家后,她被沈烨逼迫嫁给了二十八岁的顾墨琛,可她早已没有十六岁之前的记忆了。ltbr顾墨琛,顾氏帝国的掌权人。他和她的结婚不过是沈老爷子和顾老爷子年轻时的一句话。外界认为他们只是协议婚约。但他给了她极致宠爱,他冷漠,狠利。却独独将温柔留给了她。后来他们才知道,原来顾少喜欢一个人,是将她捧在手心里的。仗着顾先生对她的宠爱,沈言晞开始无法无天。有人看不惯她的做法,顾先生不屑:“我宠的,你们有意见”“顾先生,我敢娶,你敢嫁吗”沈言晞挑衅道。紧接着,沈言晞便被顾墨琛抱进怀里,压着吻了一通。直到沈言晞被吻的脸色通红,只听见他低沉着声音说道:“顾太太,你早就是我的人了。”【展开】【收起】1w0-27767 >>


内容简介:爽文,男女主角双洁,甜宠。——穿越千年,只为你相遇——她,温婉娴静,风华无双。身为大楚丞相嫡女,后位的既定人选,苏云卿以为她的人生就该是凤袍加身,母仪天下。谁知一场意外竟让她跨越千年的 时光,落在了一个完全陌生的世界!苏云卿彷徨,茫然,惊恐,但最后却不得不学着接受,所幸,她遇到了他。他,削瘦苍白,凌厉狠绝。他是重伤昏1w57730-62734 >>


内容简介:【简介】为人要有底线,为官更要有底线,坚守底线,才不至于堕入欲望的深渊。丈夫车祸,父亲中风,女儿被抢,偏偏单位里上司潜她心切,情敌除之后快,江夏至咬牙含泪开始了一个人的战斗。在危机重重 的官场,她和空降兵市长上下联合,四两拨千斤般打出了一套套漂亮的组合拳,搏出了一条官场升迁之道……1w0-76473 >>



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Aritake Deigo has decided to move out because he could not stand living with his family anymore and wants to find a place to live a miserly life of self-loathing. While talking to an apartment agent, he encounters a strange blue haired girl carrying a snake statue. He then starts hearing a voice from the statue and after touching it, he gets knocked out. Upon waking up, he finds out that he has been possessed by Lyssa, the Goddess of Madness. Now, if he can't be happy from the bottom of his heart, he will die.

Shina No Kawa

Yukie grows up in the countryside in the 1930s as a daughter of a well-off family plagued with dark secrets. Surrounded by people but without any real friends, she tries to come to terms with herself and learn what love is.

Velvet Kiss

Shin Nitta is abruptly smashed with debt, but his loan broker tells him he could be freed of the debt if he keeps a particular girl 'company'. Over time, he learns that doing so is as difficult as he believed. The connection between Kanoko and Shin Nitta starts out badly. He initially simply runs errands to keep Kanoko met at a bare minimum, as Nitta simply views Kanoko as a spoiled brat who can not care less about anyone but herself. As time passes, Nitta shortly finds the facets of the life of Kanoko that led to her self centered isolation: the stepmother of Kanoko /aunt caused her dad's sickness throughout the string in addition to her mom's passing. From the conclusion of the show, Nitta and Kanoko have both fallen in love with each other. But since her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko, she cannot be with Nitta as they both concur that Kanoko must concentrate on her new duty. Three plus a half years after, a brand new job has been began by Nitta and her dad's business has been taken over by Kanoko. Her aunt has been detained for her offenses. Kanoko and Nitta reunite only to find that Kanoko must travel overseas to enlarge the company. At first, she is seen by him however he falls in love along with her. Kanoko Kikuchiya A wealthy girl that Shin was delegated to. Kanoko is a solitary man belonging to some family that is wealthy, having a stepmother, Yoriko as well as a father. In the beginning, her relationship with Shin just is apparently a relationship that is forced, with Kanoko taking great advantage of the debt to order Shin to do her errands. Nevertheless, this shifts as Shin learns of her youth, and bonds closer with Kanoko. Kanoko is dependent on sex, as her other pals affected her. Yoriko Kikuchiya Kanoko's step mother who commands the company aspect of Kikuchiya hospital. She seems to be sort and worries about Kanoko but it's simply a facade; she's a manipulative girl who happens to be the one that gave his debt to Nitta. Yoriko is having an affair with among the physicians in the hospital.

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Chiemi is a young romantic girl. She dreams about her final love and imagines how the confession will be. One day, a boy named Kenzo-kun, who has a reputation as an ill-mannered and violent person, claims her to himself. What will happen between these two people and with the lecherous males students who are chasing after Chiemi?

History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry: A prisoner's diary

History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry: A prisoner's diary summary: History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry: A prisoner's diary summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry: A prisoner's diary. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Necromancers Guide to Magic

Necromancers Guide to Magic summary: This is the story of a Necromancer who was cast into the world of Harry Potter. Taking over the body of a 11 year old first entering into Hogwarts.
Authors Description
“Give me a body, I can pay you a, ah, bone dragon.”

The Dark Star

The Dark Star summary: The Dark Star summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dark Star. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Team Of Rivals

Team Of Rivals summary: Team Of Rivals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Team Of Rivals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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