










简介【每周二、四、六更新】前面虐女主,后面反转虐男主,更新量巨大 爽爆笑








类别都市 恋爱 生活














内容简介:年龄差8岁/救赎向/追妻甜文超A偏执兵哥哥x腰细声甜心机软妹1.家遭变故后,棠宁寄养在程家。人人皆知,她与程家二少爷是青梅竹马,格外登对。却不知道她真正觊觎的是程二少的叔叔。那位执行维 和任务遭遇重大事故后,据说双眼失明、脾气怪戾的“疯子”。她曾怕他,试探他,也曾在电闪雷鸣夜抱着枕头来到他房间,嗓音甜软地喊“小叔叔”。2.放弃喜欢程怀恕那天,棠宁在大雨夜里走得决绝。没曾想,再相逢,男人一身空军制服,面容冷峻,清冷禁欲。尤其是他那一双眼睛,黑白分明,眼神锐利。部队巡演完的后台,有新兵戏称她的舞是温柔刀,刀刀要人性命。无人知,程怀恕听到这种说辞后眼神暗了暗。之后,程怀恕将人拦下,故意在无人的通道里把控着她的细腰:“长大了,不听叔叔的话了?”*1V1 SC双初恋*是个甜文,很甜,男主眼睛会好1w0-4475 >>


内容简介:五年前,叶辰被人当做死狗沉江。五年后,一代天帝强势归来,却意外的发现自己有了一个宝贝女儿。女儿对着夜空许愿:“爸爸,人家想要天上的星星。”叶辰满脸宠溺,屈指一弹,一颗星辰划过苍穹,轰然 落入东瀛国!女儿望着天际发呆:“爸爸,人家想要飞高高。”叶辰微微一笑,隔空一抓,龙族老祖九爪金龙撅着屁股瑟瑟发抖!“爸爸,人家还想要一个弟弟。”1w6358-28981 >>


内容简介:她,21世纪王牌特工,被家族遗弃的天才少女;他,傲娇腹黑帝国太子,一怒天下变的至高王者;她扮猪吃虎坑他、虐他、刺激他、每次撩完就跑。是个男人就忍不了!他只能猎捕她,宠溺她,诱惑她为他倾 心,谁知先动心的人却变成了他。——君临天下的少年,凤舞江山的少女,一场棋逢对手,势均力敌的爱情追逐游戏。各位书友要是觉得《神医凰后凤舞君临渊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w505-4841 >>


内容简介:女儿国,这仅限于穿越小说中才有的名词,如今却真实地呈现在眼前,是上天开的玩笑吗?我,上官语嫣,堂堂上官家族的长女,社交界最优雅完美的极品淑女,让黑道忌惮,让警察头疼的凤帮帮主,只不过惩 罚了几个淫贼而已,居然诡异地穿越了!!!好吧,我承认,这儿的男人的确够美,也很乖,很合我这个女权主义者的胃口,但是…这也太多了吧!!!呃,他们都是我的人?算了算了,既然不小心闯进了女儿国,那么…就好好玩玩吧!哇……妖魅型、正太型、纯洁型、腹黑型、冰山型,火爆型,害羞型,邪肆型,木头型,热情开朗型,不食人间烟火型,活泼调皮型,温文儒雅型,高傲孔雀型……啧啧啧,品种齐全,个个极品,哈,女尊国的女人果然是幸福滴,身为女尊国优秀的女人,更是性福滴!!!1w0-108310 >>


内容简介:没钱没房没吃的孤儿王仁,意外获得末世系统,在生化危机爆发下,凭借末世系统,一步步走向巅峰,建立一个不朽的幸存者王朝,抗击丧尸,击毙变异生物,当王仁一统收回整个人类失地后,却发现,这是一 个阴谋,一个外星人侵略地球的阴谋,是妥协,还是反击各位书友要是觉得《恐怖之末世系统王仁》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27009 >>


内容简介:正式版:渡劫期大修士陈凡陨落在天劫中,却一梦五百年重回地球的年少时代。上一世我登临宇宙之巅,俯瞰万界,却无人相伴。这一世只愿不负前尘不负卿。通俗版:修行五百年的渡劫期修仙者重生回都市, 弥补遗憾,扮猪吃老虎的故事。真武仙宗:415550977已满修仙后援群:173822811已满北琼派631784375有空位VIP书友群:467647576全订截图各位书友要是觉得《重生之都市修仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4886 >>


内容简介:穷屌丝当了二十五年的许并非,一觉醒来突然拥有了十亿零花钱,人生从此发生了翻天覆地的变化。看不上他的长腿女生,看不起他的白富美。践踏他的嚣张女,欺辱他的学生妹。终将匍匐在他的脚下。喝一口 八二年的拉菲,索然无味。抽一口高斯巴雪茄,没点意思。许并非的暴富人生,从过完二十五岁生日开始。1w0-99544 >>


内容简介:那年雨夜,宫千竹初次见到手执白玉伞的墨子离。要不要做我的徒弟?一向清冷的墨子离问她,给她那名为九璃盏的宫灯。九璃盏,上古失传遗神器,燃灵魂之火,灯在人在,灯灭人亡。师父,为什么姐姐还没 有醒?快了,快了。他一直这么说。竹子,那盏宫灯,救的根本不是你的姐姐!师父,你骗我…你一直在骗我。被欺骗被背叛,他挽回了心爱之人,而她,却失了心失了情。天地变色,魔君出世,她仍旧去得义无反顾。小竹,不要去!她终归还是回头看了他一眼。墨子离,事到如今,你还关心我的死活吗?千竹,用这把剑杀了墨子离。你若还当自己是我的徒儿,就杀了你身边的那个男人!宛如琉璃破碎的心,高高举起的莫邪长剑,竟是对准了自己的心口。千竹……你还是那么傻。对不起,姐姐和师父同样重要,若真的要逼我做出这样的选择……我只能对自己残忍。小竹,你终究还是恨了我,恨了我啊。1w0-104246 >>









Nabari No Ou

From Wikipedia: Set in the modern age, the story is about Miharu Rokujou, who just wanted to live a normal life and inherit an Okonomiyaki restaurant. At the moment, his biggest problem was the constant pestering from Kouichi Aizawa and Durandal Thobari Kumohira, who started a Nindō (忍道?, lit. 'Way of the Ninja') Club. Miharu wanted nothing to do with 'ninjas' and turns them down every time. But soon, he is attacked by an actual group of ninjas and is protected by Kouichi and Kumohira. There, Miharu learns of the hidden ninja world Nabari, the roles of his classmate and teacher in that world, and of the secret art Shinra Banshou (森羅万象 Shinrabanshō?, lit. 'all things in nature') within him. The secret art, containing all the world's knowledge, is sorely coveted in Nabari. And because of that, Miharu cannot return to his normal life. He must become the 'Ruler of Nabari' to survive. From Baka-Updates: Rokujou Miharu was a seemly reluctant junior high student living in his own world. However, within him, lurked the ultimate power of Nabari, “Omnipotent”. To possess such supreme weapon, the Wolf Pack of Iga swore to bring Miharu back to Iga village. On the other hand, Miharu’s English teacher, Kumohira sensei, and classmate, Kouichi, were the Banten ninjas whose mission was to protect Miharu. A war waged over the ownership of “Omnipotent” thus started. To survive, Miharu must enter the hidden world Nabari, to become the king.

Jafuu No Stra

The beginning of the end of the world. Humans face not the fate of death, but being enslaved to cruel demons. After eons of peace in the human realm, a heinous race of demons has suddenly appeared. With the wizards extinct, the only hope against the demons seems destroyed, but from this despair ridden land a mysterious boy has appears. Could he be the messiah who’s come to save humanity? A magical fantasy woven by the bond between two brothers who’ve been torn apart, be ready to carve the roar of victory in your soul!

Yuru Koi

From Aerandria Scans: Quitting her job, Suzu comes back to her hometown after six years. On her way back home, she fell into a hole, and was saved by Sou, the guy who dug that hole. Her first impression of him was horrible. But Suzu started to be attracted by this guy, who weaved his way into her heart before she realized it?!

Crazy For Daddy

From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?

Aether and Gravitation

Aether and Gravitation summary: Aether and Gravitation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aether and Gravitation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Five Arrows

The Five Arrows summary: The Five Arrows summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Five Arrows. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

In the Wilds of Florida

In the Wilds of Florida summary: In the Wilds of Florida summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Wilds of Florida. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature

The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature summary: The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Eighteenth Century in English Caricature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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