






保密漫画 ,「保密」——对我而言就是「单相思」。






类别搞笑 校园 生活




















内容简介:出门见火伴,火伴皆惊惶。同行十二年,不知木兰变态狂。从二十八岁女法医穿成卸甲归田后的花木兰,贺穆兰表示压力很大。和故事里的结局完全不同,没有鲜花和掌声。这个卸甲归田,年已三十的花木兰, 已经是乡野传闻中的一个怪物。她是鲜卑和汉人混血,身材高挑,样貌并不美,她杀过人,握过刀,气质冷冽,力大无比,又有和男人们同吃同睡十二年的名声,早已做好孤独终生的准备。拒绝柔然使者和亲请求的一句“我癸水从未来过”,更成了她身为女人败笔的原罪。被乡人坑的一脸血的贺穆兰,坚决表示:若是能再来一次,她一定隐瞒身份,接受官职,升职加薪,登上人生巅峰。反正不受这洋罪!穆兰:唧唧……唧唧……唧唧……(断了!)众人:……先谢过兰陵孙氏的给力封面。本文在存稿中,入放心跳坑。分享书籍《木兰无长兄》作者:祈祷君1w0-4960 >>


内容简介:连亦琪因为一场意外事故,觉醒了她前世的记忆,发现她穿进了一本女主奋斗小说中。女主正是她同父异母的姐姐,但她却不是跟女主斗智斗勇的反派,而是活在女主记忆中的早夭的小妹妹,全文描述不到一个 章节。想到现在自己跟女主姐姐的关系还挺好,于是决定跟在姐姐身后喝点汤。顺便存存小钱钱,然后就可以当个幸福的小咸鱼,自由自在的玩耍了!可是只想当小咸鱼的她有位一直让她学习的亲妈,每天不是在学习,就是在学习的路上1w0-66093 >>




内容简介:  邪恶力量席卷世界,所有的城市乡村被隔绝成一座座孤立的堡垒,坚强抵御着无穷无尽的魔物攻击。运输飞艇是这个世界唯一的交通工具。  ——欢迎来到世界级网游《塔防世界》!箭塔,城墙,魔法与 蒸汽飞艇的热血世界!  ……  王力是一名普通的搬砖工外卖员,受一位严厉父亲的委托进入了《塔防世界》,任务就是治疗他儿子的网瘾,但是很快就发现需要治愈的玩家满世界都是。  王力很无奈:“本以为塔防就是玩家守城守Boss,万万没想到我就是攻城Boss……我们玩的不是同一款游戏!”  ……  另推荐相似风格的完本作品《神级英雄》《网游之代练传说》。1w0-2120 >>


内容简介:【下一本写:】《替身皇后她不想争宠》,专栏可收藏【文案一:】酸汤粉儿,酱牛肉。客官,可要再来一碗新品紫米圆子?今早上岸的鳜鱼,片好了肉,滚了粥。烤鸡配香茅;鲜蚝配蒜蓉;番茄配肥牛;洋芋 儿配紫葱。还有我家特制的椒碟儿,别处吃不着的,管够!【文案二:】明家长子明煜,年仅十五便军功加身,任禁军大都督数载,杀伐果断,与帝王《蜜儿》小说推荐:太岁、我在名著世界优雅老去、我给前夫当婶婶、望春山、宫女上位记、今天也想和师尊灵修、宫阙有贪欢、继房嫡女、剑名不奈何、咸鱼飞升、郅玄、女配修仙之逆袭路、本王在此、师兄皆大佬唯我小废柴、我为表叔画新妆、掌中美人、作精洗白手册(快穿)、江湖遍地是奇葩、炮灰原配的人生快穿、袖里春1w0-95455 >>


内容简介:白玖笔趣阁,白玖sodu,白玖小说,白玖顶点,白玖佚名,精选来自————虫星第一心理治疗师强强重生星际爽文【预收同系列《虫星第一司法审判官》】文案秦斯,编号008的失败实验体。他醒来的 第一天就被告知,拥有超强体力和变异能力,以及超高智商的他,是被制造出来的,整个虫星最完美的杀戮机器,然而因为基因链条的错乱,他注定无法理解正常虫的情感。上辈子因背叛而死去,再次醒来后却发现自己重生到了一个边陲小镇,还是个看上去柔柔弱弱手无缚鸡之力的沉默少年。然而……秦斯面无表情,徒手拧断第一百零八只杀手虫的脖子,拍了拍手:“不好意思,依旧很强。”不被杀,就只能先发制虫,步步为营。秦斯深谙此道。以身相许还了救命恩虫的恩情,他孤身一虫前往帝都,一边蛰伏一边顺手惩恶扬善,扫荡冤屈,谁知一不小心平步青云,一朝从第一通缉犯首位,坐上了首席司法审判席。秦斯:无情道真好,我爱无情道。等到大权独揽,坐拥江山,高处不胜寒的秦斯想起了前世最终将他推向绝境的宿敌,于是一挥手,想着怎么将他挫骨扬灰。但是……等等,这个被锁着的眼泪涟涟的美雌,怎么有点眼熟?[啊,发现同床共枕的恩虫是前世宿敌怎么办?在线等,不太急。]莫得感情超强虫形兵器冷酷审判官攻X大龄傻白甜流氓博士受本文文案古地球时期的金牌心理治疗师郁涉重生到了虫星,成了科研所培养出的一只身娇体弱的幼年雄虫,身边就是反社会型虫格大反派。为了净化反派,郁涉重操旧业,每天和统帅大人一起睡觉聊天讲故事,时不时的撒个娇,背地里替他铺路顺便考个医师证件步步高升。然而好巧不巧,二次分化后,他居然长出了一双翅膀?还因此成了全星际虫网公选的最美雄虫?郁涉:过誉,请问有什么办法可以把这玩意收回去吗?白玖严肃且害羞地瞄了一眼又一眼:“今天画完房树人,我想画阿涉的翅膀。”郁涉:“……”我拒绝。一次统帅在接受采访时无意中说漏了嘴,所有虫都沸腾了,【扒一扒那个统帅背后的雄主:那个让冷酷统帅每天乖乖巧巧画简笔画的虫,居然跟那只最美雄虫撞脸?他究竟是何方神圣?】【第一军校:郁涉我校特聘心理学博士,领域开拓第一虫。】【帝国皇室:郁涉遗失在外的十三皇子。】【兽族:郁涉用催眠打败我们的小克星?】【最高统帅:郁涉私属专虫,我的挚爱。】众虫:什么都没有,fine。日常嫉妒而已。我们一点也不酸。真的。柠檬本柠jpg沉稳小天使牌大佬攻X冷酷腹黑统帅受——我的灵魂穿越宇宙给你拥抱。——我对你的爱意在这具身体内生生不息。【食用指南】1互宠治愈系。2虫族设定以大流为准,偶见私设~3避雷:有蛋,正文大概完结在生子前,双C。4一般每晚九点更新,有事请假。1w0-79720 >>


内容简介:惨遭继母陷害,她与神秘男子一夜缠绵,最终被逼远走他国。五年后,她携带一对漂亮的龙凤宝贝回归!却在回国当天,就惹上了高冷俊美的大总裁,更令她震惊的是,这位大总裁和儿子的长相如出一辙!一对 萌宝可爱的照片意外走红网络,于是某天,大总裁长腿一迈,挡住了她去路。“女人,我们谈谈孩子的抚养权问题!”“不谈!”某男直接将她壁咚在墙壁上,“行,不谈孩子,谈谈我们什么时候去领结婚证吧!”1w0-2558 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:向往的生活之大天王】杨华,一个意外穿越到平行世界的主持人,再一次偶然情况下主持《我是歌手》,歌手没火,他这个主持人火了。受邀参加《真正男子汉》的录制,展现完美 身材,硬汉帅男一下子吸粉无数。参加《向往的生活》《极限挑战》《奔跑吧》杨华用一身功夫和完美的肌肉释放男人荷尔蒙,成为真正的功夫天王,演唱天王、演戏天王,导演之王……更是军中之王!他是神级天王!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86616 >>


内容简介:少年李叶,偶得太古血祖之神瞳,融合成自身神级血脉,从此鲤鱼跃龙门,彗星般崛起!修武道巅峰,踏上成神之路,收各路美女为眷族,笑傲苍穹!————李氏家族:168141063(普通书友群)1 w2499-29451 >>




内容简介:【本文几次大修,完整版只在晋江】【专栏下一本《七零重组家庭》求收藏】林舒长得凝肌玉肤,腰细腿长。十八岁就要下乡,舒妈操碎了心,女儿生成这样,下乡可怎么让人放心?好在在乡下七拐八弯找了个 远…1w39969-65811 >>


内容简介:修仙世界,无奇不有。有一老道士,过仙门而不入。有一痴情女子,等轮回之人一世又一世。有一书生,喜欢和人讲道理。有一剑客,一人一剑最是风流。又有一魔头,敢叫仙人也低头。还有一和尚,万花丛中 过片叶不粘身...一少年迈入修行,从此便一发不可收拾。1w0-3092 >>

Sound Of The Star

Sound of the Star summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sound of the Star. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Code Geass: Lelouch Of The Rebellion

The Empire of Britannia invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan was reduced to Area 11, an imperial colony, and its people referred to as the Elevens. At the time, Lelouch, a young Britannian boy exiled to Japan, vowed to his Japanese friend Suzaku that he would destroy Britannia. Years later, Lelouch is a high school student who regularly skips school to play chess and gamble. When he stumbles on a terrorist group of Elevens who are caught by a Britannian task force after stealing a military secret, Lelouch is unexpectedly reunited with Suzaku, who works as a member of the Britannian military. As the rest of the task force arrives, Suzaku is shot for disobeying orders, while the military secret, a young girl, gives Lelouch the power to make anyone obey any order. Taking command of the terrorists, Lelouch adopts the alias 'Zero' and begins his rebellion to crush Britannia once and for all. However, his greatest friend soon becomes one of his most troubling enemies when Suzaku becomes the pilot of Britannia's new test model Knightmare, the Lancelot. Note: Storyline is a bit different than the anime.

Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo

Collection of 7 short stories revolving around an all-girl's school. From Lililicious: • Tomodachi ja Nakute mo (Even if We're Not Friends) - 'Even if We're not Friends,' is about two girls who were friends in junior high but end up going to different high schools. • Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Natsu (The Summer Closest to Heaven) - Tells the story of a ghost who accidentally possesses a girl, then takes advantage of the situation to interact with the woman she loves. • Kiss to Koi to Oujisama (A Kiss, Love, and a Prince) - Takes place in the same setting as 'Even if We're Not Friends,' but centers around different characters. The main character is kissed by her sempai, who is playing opposite her in the school play, and freaks out because she always imagined her first kiss would be with a boy, preferably a dashing prince. • Itsuka no Kono Koi (This Love from I Can't Remember When) - Tells the story of one girl's unrequited love. • Kuchibiru ni Cherries (Cherries For Your Lips) - Tells the story of a girl who's in love with her best friend. • Kusuriyubi ni Kiss Shitara (If I Kiss Her Ring Finger) - Nana wants to take things farther with Hitomi, but Hitomi doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile, Nana's failed her midterms, and she uses the make-up tests as an excuse to avoid Hitomi. • Honto no Kimochi (Real Love) - Michiru confesses her love to her sempai and asks her out.

Kimi De Oboreta Ato Wa

A series of oneshots of boys falling in love. 1) Kimide Oboreta Ato wa (After Indulging With You / After I Get Drunk On You) - Quiet student attends drinking parties to see flirty student he has a crush on. But after drinking too much he ends up back at flirty students place and wanders into the shower with him... 2) After I Get Drunk on You, Next Deep Drink - The couple from the first story return, Quiet student is feeling insecure about his experience and whether or not he's pleasing his partner. Is it time to drink again? 3) The Other Side of the Glass - Iori is the adopted son of a powerful family. He is sexually harassed by his adopted brother Yoshiyuki and must present a cold face to the world. Will Ariga be able to see past it? 4) After School in the Atrium - Star student Hayase invites poor Koharu to his house so he can sketch him. In the nude. Probably totally innocent. 5) Maid-kun no Gohoushi na Hibi (The Little Housekeeper's Daily Routine of Serving the Master) - Young butler is trying to serve junior master to the best of his abilities, but the young master only wants to sexually harass him! 6) Pet Grooming - Catboys are roommates at a boarding school. 7) Extra.


Sisters summary: Sisters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sisters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Magpie Hall

Magpie Hall summary: Magpie Hall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Magpie Hall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Girl With The Golden-Cat Eyes

Girl With The Golden-Cat Eyes summary: Revision of 'SkyGardens.' It will follow the events loosely, but add more depth instead of zip here and do this.

The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse

The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse summary: Lacking a pocket dimension, lacking a power, lacking a thigh to hug onto and the three life advantages (money, power, and looks), he had been cautiously living in the apocalypse for ten full years, getting closer to falling into the zombies’ mouths, but unexpectedly he had the bad luck to be caught in a fight between two gangs and die, it really left people feeling disappointed. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to a decade ago, three months before the apocalypse! Like before he still lacked an ability, an ordinary person without a pocket dimension, but he did have ten full years of experience in living in the apocalypse! Even if he didn’t fight zombies, didn’t hunt monsters, he could still live a careful farming life in the safe zone. Find a safe house, utilise all kinds of skills from his previous life to farm in exchange for meat, and if possible, find a person to peacefully spend the rest of his life with; ordinary people had their own ordinary little pieces of happiness. Originally believing he had picked up a beauty he returned home to prepare a golden house, but on the contrary he was the one being pushed down&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;someone once said, whether it is people or matters, by no means can you only look at the surface!

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