
















类别玄幻 恋爱


简介死囚集中之地,牢国帕罗姆,“MAD GAME”比赛限定展开中。这是一场名为“自由”的战斗。 但自由又是什么?那些厮杀中飞溅的鲜血,里面可有自由的味道? 我曾经承诺,所以我来了,用手中之刃,斩开这世界的枷锁!!!!














内容简介:本文将于4月10号周日倒V,倒v章节从3149章,看过的读者请勿重复购买哦,入V将三更奉上。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后新文也请继续支持。。。陆宁安穿越古代成了平凡的农家子家庭贫困、徭 役繁杂、极品亲人来源于生活的种种困难他依然面不改色家庭贫困?那就想方设法兴家立业徭役繁杂?看我读书科举免除徭役极品亲人?哼,别想沾我家的便宜万般皆下品,惟有读书高努力发展现代化建设,造福百姓不为升官发财,只为百姓安居一隅如果您喜欢穿回古代科举养家,别忘记分享给朋友作者:云深雾所写的《穿回古代科举养家》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-105078 >>




内容简介:众所周知,白野和叶青蔓是两个世界的人白野,白家私生女,流落在外十八年,终于被从乡下找回家。众人眼中痞里痞气的小混混。不仅白家不待见她,学校里不少人都等着看她的笑话。叶青蔓,叶氏财阀继承 人,性子矜贵孤傲,狠戾无常。别说学校,整个豪门圈子,都没几个人敢得罪她。开学第一天,白野径直坐到叶青蔓身旁,凑到人家脖颈边,笑意盈盈:“你的信息素真好闻。”同学们不怀好意地看过去,等着叶青蔓狠狠甩白野一巴掌没想到,叶大小姐不但没生气反而弯起眉眼轻轻地笑,捏住白野下巴晃了晃,拇指温柔抚过她的唇:“谢谢,你的也是。”所有人都震惊了。白野有个秘密从分化成alpha的那一天起,她就时不时会和某个omega交换身体那个omega叫叶青蔓。只是……白野一直以为,叶青蔓是个优雅端庄、不食人间烟火的大小姐直到一次交换身体时,叶青蔓面不改色标记了自己。白野才反应过来,叶青蔓她就是个不折不扣的疯批——!——她是她无人可替的矛与盾,亦是夜空中予她温柔的皎皎月光。【街头一霸·忠犬·小狼狗Ax优雅端庄·疯批·大小姐O】注:1白野不是小三的女儿,是未婚生女私设很多,女A【没有】器官。ABO私设很多,架空世界观,我说了算。3没什么逻辑的校园小甜饼【入v公告:本文将于(周三)入v,届时三合一大肥章送上,感谢订阅ovo】下一本写《成为妖女的朱砂痣》,文案如下:世人都说,桃羽是不折不扣的妖女,薄情冷血,诡计多端只有我知道,她不是。是她救了我的命,帮我报了血海深仇她会在所有人都不知道的时候,温柔对我笑她会偷偷折一朵花哄我开心她会在我耳边说最动听的情话我坚信,世上没有比她更好的人了。直到那天,她亲手将我押入敌营她最后看我一眼,笑得轻鄙我这时才知道,原来我和她的宏图大业相比,不值一提。几日过后,魔教和正道交战,江湖动荡我最终没有死在敌人手中,她脸上带着一贯的浅笑,朝我伸出一只手“回家吧。”她说。我笑着后退一步,第一次没有听她的话“桃羽,你爱我吗?”我问。她古怪地笑了笑:“你在说什么?我当然……”我已经知道答案了。不等她说完,我仰头,毫不犹豫跌入万丈悬崖再见了啊,桃羽。再也不见。我最后看见,她的目光忽的破碎,眼眶几乎渗出血泪。桃羽一直以为,白芒是她床前的一抹白月光,随手可以抹去直到那一天,白芒温柔笑着跳入万丈深渊,决绝离她而去她才惊觉白芒不是她的白月光是刻在心尖的朱砂痣从此,她没有一刻不在心痛。1w0-26203 >>


内容简介:一块神秘的黑石头,一张上古鹿皮图谱,彻底改变了穷小子刘宇浩的一生。一双透视天地万物的法眼,美轮美奂的玉器陶瓷,古拙大方的青铜古董,惊心动魄的赌石接踵而来!甜美可爱的清纯萝莉,冷艳高贵的 极品御姐,火爆热辣的美女警花,众多超级美女投怀送抱!各位书友要是觉得《超级都市法眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级都市法眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65834 >>


内容简介:简介:洛昭穿越成为周武王姬发的弟弟,受命摄政,从商末周初开始,建立家族,历经王朝轮转,传承不断。br“洛氏绵延至今,两千三百余年,从始祖素王昭摄政起,九摄国政,俱还政于王。见到了多少王 朝兴衰,气数尽时,皇族破落。至尊之位,受国之垢,承国不祥,洛氏绝不沾染分毫。天命自有定数,洛氏敬天而知命,岂会逆天而行,觊觎神器。”姬姓洛氏,世有盛名。千载以来,有摄政辅政者,权倾天下,不可一世;有救时宰相,慨然为天下先,挽天下之倾颓;有无双神将,戡平乱世,再造社稷。故有言,洛与皇,共天下。展开作者:花非花月夜所写的《祖宗保佑:我建立了千年世家》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-125247 >>


内容简介:“恭喜您成功登录生存游戏,在这里,让我们一起打开新世界的大门!”一句附耳呢喃,让商以柔瞬间惊醒。24世纪爆火的全息游戏【噩梦】突然只能登录不能退出,无数人真的进入了这个名副其实的“噩梦 游戏”。黑暗的海底古城,错综复杂的隧道机关,49位陌生玩家……系统的提示音泛着诡异,在这里不分性别,没有金钱地位,现实与游戏彻底混乱,只有全身心依靠于自己的博弈才有可能存活下去。随机移动的密室、美人鱼的神秘歌声、随时可能涌进的海水、七个队伍间进四退三的生死PK……一切的一切都在告诉商以柔,她也进入了噩梦游戏中。【系统提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功破解副本世界观!【副本提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功速通副本!……【系统】:“宿主你为何总能通关?!”商以柔:“真当我两百多年是睡过去的么?”别问了别问了,男主是季朝1w23069-95131 >>


内容简介:   【地狱级狠辣女主VS至尊无敌超强男主,强强联手。】前世捡了一只狼崽子,疼着,爱着,呵护着,到头来却被他亲手推入万丈深渊。腹中胎儿被生剖,惨遭挖心噬血。她被扒皮抽筋,骨肉遭众生分食 ,魂飞魄散。千年后,再睁眼,她是温府灾星。这一世,她誓要那狼崽子和六界众生万劫不复。六界:也许……拼死抵抗还能苟命?偏偏那个超强的圣界至尊站在了她身边:负过你的,全都干废!六界:大家摆好姿势,等死吧!……扶渊:前世来不及爱你,今生千倍奉还。【简介无能,正文真香,信我。】1w0-1895 >>


内容简介:宇宙风暴来袭,无数神格陨落,万神殿中只剩下一片死寂和黑暗。诸神行走于世间想要重新点燃神火,带来的却是遍布多元宇宙的残酷杀戮和与毁灭。黑暗时代还未开启,穿越而来的楚云却已经被架上烧锅成为 哥布林的美食,然而被投入烧锅的楚云神奇的进入到了【镜世界】中!无论是法术武技还是经验装备都可以在这里得到,甚至于还可以在这里建立属于自己的国度!PS:异界文、伪DND、镜世界、无视其它标签(一个月后才能修改)1w0-61555 >>


内容简介:穿越火影世界,重生为干柿鬼鲛。“我身为一个大坝维修员,随身带着两百斤石灰,是很合情也很合理的对吧。”“所谓无限制体术,就是你负责体术,我负责无限制。”我偷拐抢骗、欠债不还、殴打老人、欺 负小孩、总是不讲忍德偷袭别人,还经常干掉上级和雇主……但我知道,我是一个好忍者。我有菩萨心肠,金刚面目,妖魔手段。我行走在忍界的黑暗之中,却追寻着一个人人如龙的光明未来。我,干柿鬼鲛,天生一条杂鱼,发誓终有一天,笔趣阁要干碎这个被血统论主宰的无聊世界。各位书友要是觉得《忍界:我干柿鬼鲛不做人了!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81810 >>


内容简介:一本好书一个下午。为你分享好书林秋阳一不小心睡了自己的室友,并睡上瘾了,觉得室友各种可爱各种萌,想一睡再睡……把小白兔睡服了,打算一起考上同一所大学,继续睡……结果室友飞了!!!……六 年后再相遇,继续啪,各种无意识秀恩爱,最后快乐的he剧情肉高h1w0-102343 >>


内容简介:顾凭被抓了。陈晏三十万大军已经到了城下,攻城势在必得。叛贼把刀横在顾凭脖子上,城楼上的风把他的血都吹冷了。这人居然要拿他换秦王退兵。顾凭想,哪儿来的小道消息害死人。自己不过是秦王身边一 个微不足道的幕僚,哦对,因为他这张脸,害他还兼了个佞幸的身份。人传人,害死人,底层打工人也能传成心肝宠。陈晏是谁,掌权天下,冷酷无情,大盛朝凶名赫赫的战神。隔得远远的,顾凭看到陈晏举起了弓箭,他都没穿战甲,真1w0-97529 >>


内容简介:  一个千门高手,因为一道闪电,莫名其妙的来到了大唐永徽四年。自此,一个个弥天大谎,让整个世界都为他起舞。不管是刚刚即位不久的唐高宗,还是当下权倾一时的长孙无忌,又或者是未来将会成为千 古第一女皇的武则天。“真相是痛苦的,现实是残酷的,诚实是伤人的,于是我试着让他们永远都活在我那美丽的谎言下。”----韩艺。----------------已有完本精品作品《北宋小厨师》,高订破万,七百万字从未断更,节操保留至今,书荒的朋友可以去看看。1w0-601 >>

Q-Ko-Chan The Chikyuu Shinryaku Shoujo

From Del Rey: In the near-future on planet Earth, a world gone mad where never-ending war is a fact of life, Kirio is the coolest kid at school. Up in the sky, a giant robot is fighting a fleet of gunships, but the brilliant and distant Kirio is far from fazed - until the battling 'bot makes an unexpected landing in Kirio's front yard and rings the bell. But the worst threat for Kirio could be what stands on the other side of the door: an alien invader robot with the face of an adorable girl!

Bus Gamer

Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz Game, a game much like capture the flag, only with company secrets and insane amounts of money involved. At first they think it's a crazy but fun way to get some money, but as the game goes on, they hear stories about mysterious deaths on the news, and recognize the victims as members of the teams they've beaten in the game. When one of the losers of a game dies right in front of them, they realize what is really at stake - their very lives!

Glittering X-Mas Story 2003

This is a short furoku book that came with Hana to Yume magazine. It contains two Christmas stories. 1. Dakedo Happy Paradise ~Side Story~ 'Anyways Happy Holidays' 2. Angel Love Song Mizuho is a young girl who just had an argument with her boyfriend, Kei-chan. On the way home, she met a guy with a guitar from the greenhouse who called himself Tenshi. Mizuho took him home and asked him to form a group for the competition to win a cruise dinner so she could make up with Kei-chan. So will Mizuho get back together with her boyfriend, or will something else spark? It was also included in Bloody Kiss v1 tankoubon (2006).

Crimson Grave

Many ages ago, a devil roamed the world. Bearing wings of black and eyes of molten gold, he traversed the world leaving a wake of death with his powers of glittering darkness. The Devil was slain by the 10 gods who created the world and to protect the world from further evil, the gods created 10 swords infused with their power.... Mirim is a member of the Ten Pillar Swords Guild. In fact, she is one of its top ranking members earning the title of 'Crimson' and the right to wield one of the 10 swords forged by the gods. Her companion, Ash Grave, happens to be the devil of legend. Why is a swordswoman with a sword forged to protect the world teamed up with a demon seeking to destroy it? Perhaps there is more to this legend than meets the eye....

Fox Tale Of A Dungeon Boss

Fox Tale Of A Dungeon Boss summary: Fox Tale Of A Dungeon Boss summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fox Tale Of A Dungeon Boss. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

So Runs the World

So Runs the World summary: So Runs the World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of So Runs the World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nuworld - The Saga Begins

Nuworld - The Saga Begins summary: Nuworld - The Saga Begins summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nuworld - The Saga Begins. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

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