
















简介【读者交流QQ群:488944432,周四、六凌晨更新】程一日是人气超高的男校医!富二代出身,人品绝佳!长相更是迷倒众生。从小到大都是女生眼中的“白马王子”,成绩优异样样第一。然而新学期开学,程一日就被首次见面的女老师乔清推倒了!为了挽回“王子”的颜面,程一日决定向风云人物乔清发起挑战,将其攻略! 男友力MAX的女老师 X 傲娇小王子! 令男老师们脸红心跳的爆笑恋爱喜剧拉开帷幕!
















内容简介:驸马守则小说导读:初九日,艳阳照满天。太宁宫玄武殿外宏大演武场中,皇家旗帜迎风猎猎,年轻羽林军儿郎们身穿沉重铁灰盔甲,手执戈戟,静默而整齐地列队立着,当太阳投射了冰冷刀戈尖锋之上时,那 里就会泛出一道肃杀而刺目光。昌平公主求婚者之一,端木家那个年轻人今天没有出现。他伯父,辅国公解释说,那是因为侄儿昨日外出,为了避让闯到路中一名醉汉不被马踏,自己不慎坠马伤了脚骨。边席之上百官们纷纷叹惜,又称赞了一番。女皇宽慰了国公,赏1w0-66470 >>


内容简介:  命里有时终须有,命里无时要强求。  这是一个长生果的故事。1w0-522


内容简介:  李宽穿越了!成为了李世民刚刚出生的二儿子!原本他以为自己进入了历史频道,可穿越之时带的能够穿越时空的金手指,却是一脚踹进了科幻大门!而当他接受了这个金手指,准备以金手指为资本纵横诸 天之时,他不经意间回忆起的一段位于脑海深处的记忆却是打了他一个措手不及!史料记载:楚王宽,武德三年,出后楚哀王,蚤薨。划重点,蚤薨!蚤薨的意思就是早夭,也就是夭折!也就是说,武德三年,他被李世民过继到楚哀王名下后,他就要死了!而今年...是武德二年!!!李宽回想起了他曾经瞥过一眼的新唐书中,关于楚王李宽这个人的记载后,整个人要崩溃了!不过,这还不是最崩溃的事!更崩溃的是当他准备使用金手指抢救自己一波的时候却是发现,金手指之中明确显示着,正在搜索位面,预计最低搜索时间三年...ps:目前已确定要穿越世界哈利波特,火影忍者,海贼王(时间不定,出场顺序不定!)1w0-4507 >>


内容简介:退伍海军、船厂二代目鲁若麟带着阿拉伯王子定制的风帆战列舰回到明末。从朝鲜外的海岛起步,一点点的赚钱、发展自己的势力,解救苦难的大明百姓,建立一个崭新的以人为本的新王朝。灭后金、定中原、 拓展海外领地,东瀛、朝鲜、草原、中南半岛……都将是华夏的领土,打造一个富足强盛、威临全球的新华夏。大航海时代将不再是欧洲人的独角戏,鲁若麟领导下的华夏也是这场盛宴的主角之一,切下最大块的蛋糕。书友群:3075922651w0-34392 >>




内容简介:简介:【暴力美学】【不圣母】【角色扮演】【群号:752974385】书又名:《开局扮演神父的我,在惊悚世界杀疯了!》《什么惊悚游戏?这明明是神父的屠宰场!》扮演暴力神父安德森:死人也敢 在我的面前行走!偏离世间唯一的理法,我将送你们回到地狱!扮演大慈大悲肖自在:我并不好杀,只是有点残忍。生我者不可,因为双亲都以故去;我生者未知,因此不敢有后;余者,无不可!…………观众:“卧槽!疯了吧!整个副本的鬼都快被他杀完了!”“林北,被黑暗所畏惧的神父!”“他在狂笑,那些鬼又要遭殃乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《我在惊悚世界扮演杀生神父》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75006 >>


内容简介:  穿越到洪荒,风紫宸不是先天神魔,也不是先天生灵,而是成了洪荒最弱的生灵。在这个出身决定命运的世界,风紫宸本着人定胜天的精神,一步步缔造出属于自己的神话。群号:10981859901 w0-1603 >>




内容简介:《全职高手》同人,中国国家队以叶修为首的十四名参赛选手,在荣耀世界邀请赛上披荆斩棘,勇夺冠军的故事。“要解封魔术师吗?——放心,我们都在。”“下一场,我们是背水一战,再无退路。”“这是 第一次,让我们感觉到,我们是在为国家而战。”“中国队治疗张新杰突发高热,替补队员叶修将代其上场。”“王大眼,今儿你可劲的飞就是。哥揍得下你,就奶得住你。”“顶住那群老毛子!”“替代孙翔上场的是……叶修,战斗法师,一叶之秋!!!!”“龙抬头!!!”“从半决赛开始,所有替补选手,视同正式选手参赛。”“不服气么?下一场,我在一号位等你。”“再赢一场,我们,就是冠军!”赛程:——:队内训练。:世邀赛开幕式。——:小组赛。单循环,积分制,前两名出线。赛制同原著常规赛赛制。——:四分之一决赛。主客场,赛制同原著季后赛赛制。——:半决赛。主客场,赛制同原著季后赛赛制。——:决赛。主客场,赛制同原著季后赛赛制。最后——中国队当然是夺冠啦!不接受其他结果!原著向。大量战斗内容。一切光荣与梦想属于蝴蝶蓝,一切OOC属于我……1w0-29383 >>


内容简介:某知名博主微博爆料:【美女摄影师苏扬已名花有主!】并附上一张苏扬与男人在地下车库拥吻的照片,照片里,男人只有一个模糊的高大背影。顾恒的粉丝前来认领:恭喜我家顾影帝终于抱得美人归!方易传 媒集团的员工表示:这背影分明是我家陆BOSS!一向低调淡漠的投行总裁蒋百川,发了首条私人微博动态:【结婚两周年快乐!@苏扬】网友沸腾了!1w0-2659 >>


内容简介:【正在存稿,可养肥,坑品好,放心跳】传说诸葛亮以祈禳之术续命,乃败,英年早逝,蜀二世而亡。临死之际,他留下三只锦囊,记录了遗失千年、承于上古的续命禁术。锦囊以玲珑八卦扣封住,只因为禁术 太过惊世骇俗,不能流传于世。没有人知道,真正的长生之术,远比锦囊里的……更加残忍……1w0-68482 >>


内容简介:东宫有个假半仙是由吴百万所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供东宫有个假半仙最新章节阅读东宫有个假半仙全文阅读东宫有个假半仙免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现东宫有个假半仙更新慢了请第一时间联系小 兵。1w0-77122 >>

Cyborg 009 - Gold-Hen

A compilation of Cyborg 009 stories:1-6. Angel7. Battle with the Gods 8. Cyborg 009 and the 300 Million Yen Criminal9. FunKinder TV: Cyborg 00910. Deinonychus 11. Barefoot Zanzibar 12. People Drifting Between Space-Time 13. Urgent Simulation 1992


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

Junjou To Furachi

Collection of short stories about sweet schoolboy-romances, includes: 1) Junjou to Furachi Hiroto is shocked when his best friend Satoshi tells him he likes Nao-sempai. But he accepts his friend's choice, even though he can't tell Satoshi about his past with Nao... 2) The Pretender Katase is trying hard to pretend he's normal. He avoids Amero and tries to forget his feelings. But Amero is having none of it, and Katase gives in, granting Amero two weeks to see if this is the relationship he wants. Will Katase give into guilt, or will Amero's love win him over? (from BAA) 3) The Green that was Reflected in Your Eyes Popular student Takamiya brushes a caterpillar off mysterious rich student Sonoda's shoulder. Sonoda is so happy, he begins to buy Takamiya many expensive presents; he also never leaves Takamiya's side. Can Takamiya get Sonoda to stop buying him expensive gifts? Does Sonoda really want to give Takamiya more than just an iPod? (from AF) 4) Second Love Uenaga and Haruno were best friends throughout school, even wearing the same clothes. So why doesn't Haruno remember Uenaga at their school reunion? Is there a deep dark secret that should keep them apart? Do they have another chance for love? 5) I want to become your most important one Tomo always says, 'I like Yukihiro.' But Yukihiro can't take him seriously because Tomo's always smiling. Yukihiro's own feelings are a confused mess; does he like Tomo, or love him?

Oikakete Mo Chikazukuite Mo

From Intercross: 1) Oikaketemo Chikazuitemo When she was small, Uiko exchanged a promise with childish Mako that when they are high school students, if they become a couple, they will kiss. All this time, she hasn't been able to forget that promise. But now that they've become high school students, Mako is a popular guy in her class, and Uiko is a plain girl without any redeeming points. No matter what she does, she can't be honest to Mako, who already belonged to a different world before anyone knows, but...? 2) Santa Clause wo Dakishimete 3) 1000% Aisuru Kimochi 4) Suki Sugi Chatte Gomen ne Chikage has been dating Manato for 3 months, they've held hands, and kissed too and now finally Manato has asked Chikage over. Even though Chikage has mentally perpared herself, can she really take that important next step? 5) Aishi Kimi wo Dakishimete

Start By Becoming A Mangaka

Start By Becoming A Mangaka summary: Crossing into the anime world and have a rescue system that will pop out a quest suddenly.Can I get items and abilities after completion?Do I have to travel to another world?But before that Yuuki needs to save the world of otaku? Even though he is a Yakuza?Everything start from here.(This synopsis looked like the one from my Hitotose Note).----------------------------------...

Star Wars_ Recovery

Star Wars_ Recovery summary: Star Wars_ Recovery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Star Wars_ Recovery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag

Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag summary: Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Grave

The Grave summary: The Grave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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