






简介法力高深的苍穹和尚阻止了一场神龙兄弟相残的斗争,却因自己的一时疏忽,使神龙白陌惨被人类切肉分食, 后悔莫及的苍穹和尚历时十年找寻他破碎的灵魂,以精血真气塑造出白陌幼年状态,与他一同生活,然而平静的生活 却因神龙白容的来临而被打破......










类别都市 恋爱 霸总 少女 其他
















内容简介:看不见的神秘并不代表它并不存在。昏暗的地下室,残破的庄园,半夜的菜市场……谁能想到这里会有怎样的存在。“呃,你相信,我的动漫没有高能。”裴戈默默踩破了一个流着诡异液体的皮球,随手点开了 自己的游戏的回忆。“这一段不错哦,下一集动漫就看你了。”(这是一本十分正经的推理小说,顺带一提,看过的小伙伴们都推荐在夜里观看,据说效果更佳。)群号:8196838331w0-78478 >>


内容简介:①【本文狗血。本文双渣。本文不洁。】②【本文HE。】【本文不入V。】③【基本日更,不更请假。每晚24:00更新。】——这是一本讲‘低俗’的书,谈不上高雅,也谈不上文学性。“他在我的笔记 本上画了一个「马斯洛需求层次金字塔」顶层是‘自我成就’最底层是‘呼吸、食物、性、住房、健康’他在‘性’上划了个叉:「我们的制度非常聪明,管住人最基本的需求。于是我们满脑子就剩下这些,其他什么都不想了。」”——《走出中东》有时,性比一切都危险。CP:魏北x沈南逸男星(受)x文学作家(攻)沈南逸:我只忠实描写人类欲念。魏北:拍点成人电影还犯法吗。沈南逸:为你点播一首《血腥爱情故事》。魏北:那我就给您唱《烂泥》吧。——别舍下我纵是这种烂泥。——能亲近你纵被你踩在脚下也矜贵。至于虐不虐,见仁见智。1w0-84269 >>


内容简介:顾泠沅也不知道他对程颐到底是年少慕艾,还是压制不住的嫉妒。嫉妒他肆意妄为,自由自在,更嫉妒那个能够陪在他身边的人。内心的欲`望就如荒原的野草一般疯长,既然这么痛苦,那么就想方设法得到他 好了。在程颐和顾泠沅好不容易修成正果以后,正义的吃瓜群众揭开了顾泠沅的真面目,那个看起来柔弱清秀的人私下原来是个偏执可怕的变态,而那个被变态所欺骗所控制的受害者程颐却表示:顾泠沅居然这么爱我啊,不枉本少爷对他这么好,谢谢你告诉我,望周知W攻是个真恶毒白莲花神经病,偏执的行动派。受心大蠢萌性冷淡,就好这口装逼柔弱病娇白莲花。同性婚姻合法。狗血甜宠吧зゝ∠水平有限,写出来也就那样吧1w0-85578 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:坑遍红楼戏遍金钗】穿越红楼琏二爷,获得系统,坑人得兵,戏遍红楼正副钗。“叮。坑了王善保家的,获得奖励武夫一个。”“叮。坑了贾雨村,获得奖励弓箭手一个。”“叮。 坑了戴权,获得奖励黑骑一个。”“叮。坑了龙禁尉统领,获得奖励铁甲卫士一个。”“叮。坑了皇帝,获得奖励名将一个。”红楼世界内幕重重。为何会有日月双悬?秦可卿、妙玉真实身份怎样?四王八公为何被皇帝一一铲除?且看贾琏一一解开谜题。皇帝:“狡兔死,走烹。贾琏,你的日子到头了。”贾琏:“皇帝这可是你逼我的。兵来!”天地反复,日月齐暗。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-101295 >>


内容简介:新书《万古神话》已经上传,大家多多支持! ~~~~~~~~ 微信号:anyeyoushang17K 名字:暗夜幽殇 大家可以关注一下 书友群:暗夜3群3705553 (满) 暗夜四群:219242890(新建) VIP读者群::210342236(暗夜山庄!)进群的成员需要订阅截图认证1w0-1214 >>

佳偶天成 (1v1)

内容简介:人人都知道乔琬拱了江聿淮这颗大白菜,无人知晓江聿淮早已把把乔琬放在心尖尖,看似拿下高岭之花的包养文学实则是狗血替身文学娇滴滴大小姐x穷小子因为很喜欢这种梗所以想自己动笔,第一次写文,就 是说欢迎大家提意见,我玻璃心别骂1w0-121267 >>


内容简介:  当了三百多年的小幡鬼卢悦,因为自家双胎姐姐送的一滴精血,准备去轮回转世,孰料,魔门大佬元婴自暴,正值血月当空,轮回道上,卢悦被卷进一股时光乱流当中。再醒来时,却回到了身死的两年前。   重活一世,卢悦脚踏实地,走向一条不一样的仙路。  1w0-629 >>


内容简介:王小颖哭着说:“有很多漂亮姐姐围着我爸爸,我好心好意把她们当姐姐,她们却想当我妈妈。55555,她们都是坏人。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《国民的岳父》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和 微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96592 >>


内容简介:【千术】【悬疑】【腹黑】我出生千门,千门分八将,上八将和下八将,上八将才是千门正统,手法高明,多方配合,讲究‘术法’,下八将最为让人不齿,没有高明手段,只能坑蒙拐骗,坏事做尽。我的叔叔 是正统的千门正将,我和他学了很多手段,但十赌九亡,在我而立之年,因为千术而进去了,整日唱铁窗泪,现在我弃暗投明,想给大家讲讲我曾经的故事,起到一些警示作用……1w0-130200 >>


内容简介:我获得了一个世界权限,成为了一个色孽神选。不要误会,我只是被一个叫色孽的神选中了而已,此色孽非彼色孽。我将会根据自己的喜好穿越到一个个世界中去,使得一个个世界沉沦于淫乱与暴虐之中。而我 的第一个世界,也是我一直想写同人凌辱文却迟迟懒得动笔写的《斗罗大陆》。1w0-106815 >>


内容简介:骂一句沙比,也能获积分;送人一顶绿帽大赚积分。穿越到异界的宅男王小剑,脑海里多了一个王者荣耀嘲讽系统。妩媚倾城的狐女妲己,冷若冰霜的冰女王昭君,美艳无双的猫娘阿珂,风华绝代的舞女貂蝉。 潇洒飘逸的李白……只要有足够积分,就能换到所有英雄和技能!妲己:“主人,鸡棒是什么意思?”王昭君:“帮你消消火。”阿珂:“想叫就叫吧,反正是最后一声了。”孙尚香:“来一发吗,满足你。”……“看我青莲剑歌,啊不1w17711-26588 >>


内容简介:  在系统里苦学十八年终于出山的满级年轻导演,一头闯入了五光十色的浮华世界。导演,明星,平行世界,系统,华娱。普通书友群:7945 4036vip书友群:6991 46182(需200 0粉丝值,有管理验证)1w0-245 >>

Boku Ga Utau To Kimi Wa Warau Kara

Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a 'scary person' because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the only one who ever smiled wholeheartedly upon meeting him, but now that they have met again in high school, Anzu has changed completely. Why doesn't she smile? What can a boy--a singer--with a frightful expression and no speech do to bring her beautiful smile back...? Story 2 - Ding Dong Happiness resounds, ding dong. Though the sound of it may be short-lived, the echo only dies if we allow it to. Chisato wonders if her father ever loved her. He died in a car accident, leaving Chisato behind with her stepmother. He never gave her anything--no gifts on holidays, and he didn't even have the decency to go on living for her. It might be the case that even Chisato's stepmother feels no love for her and will leave. But one question from Chisato's childhood friend, Takahiro, brings the past echoing back with more clarity than ever before. Story 3 - Voice of Mine Inagaki Shuu is a musical genius, the son of musical geniuses, and so the eyes that watch him as he plays the violin are not the eyes of attentive listeners, but the eyes of scrutinizing customers. People are cold to him and the technical perfection he picked up from his parents...except for Futaba, that strange girl who ran into the music room to hide while he was there and then escaped out the window. She's straight and honest in her actions--and in her music. You can hear her voice when she plays, a voice that's uniquely hers. Can she help a genius to find his own voice...? Story 4 - Double Flower Suguru is a little strange for an 18 year-old boy. As a hobby and by profession, he's a seamstress. His rude little grade schooler step-niece, Aya, has run away from home and is staying with him now, and she lets him know everything that's on her mind without hesitation. It hurts to hear from her why women don't look on him as a man, but it also helps him understand what he needs to do to win the woman he loves... Story 5 - Dark Princess A hilarious fairytale side story of 'Those Who Have Wings'. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess Shoka. She was so lovely that she was called 'Snow White,' but she was also called 'Storm Black' because she was a sadistic slave driver! King Hiruto, Queen Phia, and General Tooya knew they had to do something about her behavior, so they hired Hunter Yang to kill her!? But she escaped, with Hunter Yang as her hostage, and went on an adventurous journey to find a hot knight to be her ultimate love!

Tokyo Mikaeru

On the Seventeenth Birthday, a virgin must sacrified!!!!! Why is that?

Penguin Revolution

High school student Yukari Fujimaru knows a potential star when she sees one because she sees the special 'aura' they give off, in the form of angelic wings. Yukari's fellow student, the beautiful and responsible student body vice president, Ryoko Katsuragi, has a small pair of wings herself, and is one of these aspiring talents. She's so talented, in fact, that no one even knows that 'she' is actually a boy in disguise. Due to a series of events, Yukari has come to discover Ryoko, or rather, Ryou's secret, and is hired as a manager for Ryou by the president of the Peacock Talent Agency. Living together with the promising Ryou and his rather dashing room mate, Makoto Ayori, the number one star in Peacock who is also the lazy, ruffle-headed student body president, is bound to be an adventure! Now, to make her own down-to-earth dream come true Yukari must help her new friend become a star while doing her best to protect both her beloved room mates. read right to left. but read vol.5 ch.24 and 25 from left to right.

Chanto Kaitemasu Kara!

As a manga author of a semi known series, Hirahara Daichi has the talent for coming up with stories, but is incredibly lazy and irresponsible. That leaves his two daughters, middle school student Ayumi and the even younger Sora, to pick up the slack. With the help of the assistant, Akane, the two kids are forced to draw and complete the series every month if they want an income for the household, a task no child should burden themselves with. On top of that, they must do this without people finding out because it will ruin the credibility of Daichi as an author and put a stop to the series. If being a teenager wasn’t hard enough, add to that the pressure of meeting deadlines for a national comic magazine.

The Winter King

The Winter King summary: The Winter King summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Winter King. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Empirical Survival System: Return To The Enchanted Planet

Empirical Survival System: Return To The Enchanted Planet summary: In 2147 the new energy particle 'TreDecon' was discovered by mankind. Twenty-one years later, citizens fled the solar colonies due to the TreDecon plague, more generally referred to as 'Mana Apocalypse '. Aiden and another seven adolescents were returning to earth twenty years later to research the state of the planet. But the enchanted land was not that welcoming. Aiden and two others were...

Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse summary: The most powerful being dies and his soul trsnsmigrate back to his body on Earth. After the great battle against his archenemy, A powerful being pays a huge sacrifice to save his world. His action leading to the utter destruction of his physical body. Through a mystical encounter and a great coincidence his soul returns back to his comatose body on Earth, years have pa.s.sed since that day. ...

Reincarnated As My Little Sister

Reincarnated As My Little Sister summary: He, Yuuyami Riku, suffered from familial abuse. No, it was not from his parents. He was on the receiving end of his little sister’s violent tendencies. One day, he stood up against such a sister. For the first time, he told her off. And yet, on that night, his enraged sister stabbed him to death as he was fast asleep. However, Riku was reborn, and now was a baby. Jubilous about his new life, he almost didn’t notice a huge problem…

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