
































内容简介:李路是都市后宫流的男主角,随着一路的打脸反派、征服佳人,他的金钱和权力越来越大,拥有的后宫也越来越多,真可谓风流潇洒、羡煞旁人。然后,李路变成了李露,她发现她的后宫也性转了,那些绝代佳 人、倾城美人都成了男人!更不幸的是,随着李露和他们的接触越来越多,曾经的后宫和反派也似乎在逐渐恢复记忆。而他们有些人视她为生命,能为了她去死;有些人杀意满满,恨不得亲手弄死她;还有些人,前世是情敌,今生是舔狗。总之,真是一场纷乱纠结的戏剧,叫人不知如何是好。注:1男主们身心处,无白月1w0-120434 >>


内容简介:她可以再倒霉一点嘛,居然半路出了车祸,变成了灵魂状态。不过好在的是,可以有回去的机会。什么,居然要完成任务。于是面对着一个个,傲娇总裁,魅惑大叔,完美上校,至尊上神。她到底什么时候才能 把男神收割完,好回去啊!1w0-105656 >>


内容简介:2025年,当一群拿着刀剑法杖刚刚点出燧发枪科技的外星人从遥远的外太空来到地球喊出了“征服地球”的口号时,他们才发现这群连超光速都办不到的地球土著实力竟然强大到令他们望而却步的地步。那 一天,银河系诸文明才终于回想起曾一度被人类支配的恐惧,被诸神禁锢在海蓝炼狱的80亿恶魔出笼啦!地球文明终于获得了一系列“黑科技”,五大流氓垄断技术,宇宙大航海时代到来。看惯了无限、机甲和末日,不如来看1w0-30629 >>


内容简介:正文完结!【下本预收《严禁崩人设091无限093》无限流,感兴趣的进专栏收藏一发丫!(文名可能改,文案在底下)】蓝央重生醒来,发现自己莫名被传成了江湖第一美人,武林盟主、魔道教主、朝中 小王爷一个个为他痴为他狂为他哐哐撞大墙。还有各种小画本,内容简直不,堪,入,目!最可怕的是——那小画本里的离奇情节,好似还都一本本成真了。啊啊啊啊!要死!蓝神医像被烫了手般,一下将那书册扔出老远。下一瞬,房门被吱呀推开,那摊开画页上露着八块腹肌人鱼线的男人一下跟本尊对上了脸。气势逼人的英俊男人危险眯起眼。蓝央:“……”我现在说自己并没有一个人躲在屋里看跟你的小X本你会信吗?君亿X蓝央轻松狗血小甜文(大概),1v1,HE,双向暗恋预收文文案全息时代来临,靠玩家生物能支撑的“全民C位”游戏横空出世,H站游戏区主播大佬沈雍乐转战全息第一天,就被刷上了热门。那个日天日地的乐神居然如此颜值逆天沸而话题本人的沈雍乐,此时已然拿到了第一张副本人设卡——“人物:星盗MB俱乐部火辣翘臀小骚受故事线归属:忒修斯之船”乐乐:所以现在是要开始骚了吗?“咳咳,”沈雍乐捏着嗓子试了试,尽力矫揉造作,“客官,一发入魂来嘛?”弹幕没想到他竟如此不清纯又做作,瞬间疯狂,666几乎盖脸。就听身侧一道冷淡男低音:“好,多少钱包你一晚?”沈雍乐:“???”乐乐惊悚回头,镜头里随之出现一张冷峻非常的脸。万千“性感主播,在线翻船”的弹幕中飘过一句惊悚尖叫:“等等,我瞎了吗?这野男人他是不是长得有点太像我男神爵爷了?”“前面的你没看错!不是像,这就是上周刚摘了全球猎鹰单兵训练赛第一的莫觉少校啊!”“可爵爷他……不是直的吗?!卧槽,这是什么按头人设!!”当晚,沈·绝世美人·凶残大佬·雍乐,就被顶上了C位榜榜首。微博屿汜yusi1w0-71832 >>


内容简介:晚上9点12点左右更新!李小小继承了一家濒临破产的娱乐公司,还附带几名颜值逆天、身怀绝技的签约艺人。身为公司负责人,李小小因为公司太穷不得不为所有艺人身兼经纪人兼助理,还要陪着艺人一起 上综艺……就在李小小觉得全公司都不容易的时候,她惊愕的发现公司院子里随意生长的花草最便宜的也要几万一支!公司所有的摆设全是货真价实1w53451-69099 >>


内容简介:【每晚六点更新】本文文案:靖元帝自登基以来一直为国家大事殚精竭虑,对后宫一向淡淡。直至某日桃花飘零,鬼使神差般进了桃林,却见一绝色女子被困于树上,香腮珠泪,好不可怜。——与冷宫毗邻的绛 云阁住着一位纪才人,体弱多病,无宠无势,性格软弱,似乎生来就是被欺负的主,人人都可踩上一脚。眼见着纪才人将香消玉殒,消失在这繁杂的后宫中1w0-27671 >>




内容简介:若不是被继父卖了,夏竹也不会遇见白胤庭,一夜暴虐,一纸婚书,夏竹看着那张冷峻的面容,如恶魔般的靠近,不禁捂住胸口,又来!五年前,“这里所有的一切都是我的,包括你也是我的!”五年后“这里 所有的一切都是你的,包括我也是你的。”白胤庭随即拎起眨着一双水汪汪大眼睛的萌娃说“不过这个小东西绝对是我的!”1w0-74365 >>


内容简介:《被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书》为作者橙子蛋挞创作,作品被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供橙子蛋挞精心编写原创被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书及无弹窗被男主退婚后嫁给他叔 了穿书最新章节,被男主退婚后嫁给他叔了穿书全文免费阅读。1w8811-29694 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:洪荒:求求你,别自爆了】林辰穿越成洪荒第一只平头哥,从此不是在干架,就是在干架的路上。“打架不用告诉我人数与对手,只需要告诉我在哪。”平头哥的三项选择系统,让 林辰在凶悍的道路上,一去不回头。“平头白发银披风,洪荒大地我最凶。”“洪荒乱不乱,平头说了算。”“那家伙又来自爆了,快走。”平头出没的地方,永远少不了争斗。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢洪荒:求求你,别自爆了,别忘记分享给朋友作者:洪荒平头哥所写的《洪荒:求求你,别自爆了》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-73047 >>


内容简介:  一场卑鄙而残忍的阴谋,一个乒乓球的梦想继承,成长的脚步究竟会多么艰难,究竟会遇到多少危险?寄托这无限的期望,他究竟能否称霸球坛?1w0-3221



Tenshi Ga Futtekuru

The story revolves around Uyu Shunzi, an athletics girl whose always been cared for by the gentle Gunten and teased by her other classmate, Shuntsen Kougi. Kougi is a popular high jumper on their school and had always call Shunzi a monkey. Because of their constant bickering the two would always end up running laps as punishment. In their day to day lives, Shinzu had always thought she was a normal girl until a near fall on the school stairs caused her to find out a secret: She can fly.

Double Baby

From Chibi Manga: One day, Mei saw a little boy calling the coolest guy of her class, Ogihara, 'to-chan'. Does he have already a son?! Plus that boy became attached to Mei, so Ogihara had to ask her to do baby-sitting with him after school! Then, Mei discover that baby-sitting is funnier than she thought. But...what is that strange feeling?!

Otokonoko Wa Hachimitsu

From Eclipse Scans: Minoko accidentally witnessed the secret of her junior, Akane, whom she has been hitting it off with. This Akane is much different from usual, and Minoko involuntarily...?! Compilation of short stories: • Honey Prince 'Heavy summer rain. People's secrets often get exposed during this kind of weather.' When Minoko finds her junior, Akane, alone in a classroom she discovers his secret. But is it he who is doing the forbidden, or her? • Magic Red Thread 'Those who vow their love beneath the Sweet Olive Tree will be forever bound by The Red Thread.' Hikari has always been taken care of by her childhood friend, Tamaki. But what happens when Tamaki starts acting strange? And why is her body acting strange too?! • If I Disappear 'I'm always standing beside the window, watching your every move. Although I'm leaving so soon, please escort me for a while' Sakura-sensei has always loved her student, Kaede who often visits her infirmary. One day, she confesses to him, and they begin their forbidden relationship. But Sakura wonders if his feelings for her will stay, even after she disappears.... • Trembling Honey Taste 'I'll spend the rest of my life alone, and if I meet unpleasant people... I'll beat them to a pulp.' Teruyama Shikao has always been picked on for his name, never experiencing friendship or love. But what happens when a girl named Asakura Shizuka shows up and says his name is cute?! • My Honey Sweetheart **Honey Prince extra: 'I want to hear, I want to hear.... I want to hear you say it.' Even though they're going out, Akane still hasn't told Minako 'I LOVE YOU'. Feeling insecure, Minako tries everything to force it out of him (including tickling and.... S&M?!), but without success. When another boy confesses to Minako, will she give up on Akane?

Shadowless Night

Shadowless Night manhwa, When you enter the deep forest, you will be devoured by the shadow. The shadow in the forest moves when no one is looking. In the deep forest, there is a shadow that mimics humans. The shadow speaks.Rosalin of the White Night Chivalric Order went missing after suffering from an unexpected enemy attack during a hunting competition. They were able to find her unconscious and heavily wounded under a cliff, but when she woke up a few days later, she was rendered incapable of even simple speech due to acute amensia.She roamed around the house, barefoot in her pyjamas, and spoke without honorifics. She would even eat food off the floor!She's bizarre, no matter how you look at it. Is this truly Rosalin?

Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures

Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures summary: Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wandless - A Harry Potter Fanfic

Wandless - A Harry Potter Fanfic summary: Vincent Wong was a boy with no home. He wandered the streets of London hoping to find a place to belong. One day he 's accidentally taken to a new world. One where magical creatures, flying cars and magic are just common day things. Follow Vincent as he searches for a place to belong.'...''...''WHY THE b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l IS THIS CAR FLYING?!'

Within The Soul: Supremacy

Within The Soul: Supremacy summary: After a series of unexpected and traumatic events, Matthew, a physicist from futuristic earth, found himself transmigrated into a new world. In this world, humans practice cultivation in order to gain power and survive against the beasts and demons that plague the lands. Now in the body of a youngster, Matthew uses his inquisitive mind to reconcile with this new reality soon discovering the potential...

Kenkoku no Jungfrau

Kenkoku no Jungfrau summary: It was the times of antiquity. Many kings, many countries, and many Faiths were mixed together, and then they conflicted; an age where nothing was controlled. And finally, an existence know as a Demon revealed itself to this world.
Then the many kings went to battle. Even possessing any kind of sword, or casting any kind of magic, or using any kind of knowledge, could not harm the body of the demon. It was at that time of chaos, a single sage appeared and said this, “There exists a sword that can kill the demon. I want a person who has excellent techniques. Isn’t there anyone who would come with me?”
There were 12 people. The 12 kings sent one of the most excellent knights from each of their kingdoms.
The 12 knight and the single Sage confronted the demon, and then splendidly defeated it. After that, making the sage their king, the 12 kingdoms became one. The 12 knights were referred as The Knights of the Round Table and became the model of all knights. And so, time has reached the present.

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