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内容简介:《胖娘她只想混吃等死》大明星沈霜一觉醒来发现自己穿越到一个古代小山村,不仅仅身材肥胖,还是个被设计抱错被丢回村里去的农家女!她发现自己太难了,小哑巴弟弟,老实巴交懦弱属性的父母,强势的 奶奶,各种极品亲戚……成天鸡飞狗跳,幸好遇上一只通灵小狼能开开金手指,可是山脚下的大哑巴老盯着她是怎么回事?1w0-76230 >>


内容简介:作为《犯罪心理》的忠实粉丝,牧歌穿越到了一个奇特的美剧世界。故事从高中开始,请跟着牧歌感受一个不一样的美国。从标题就大概知道作者君想要讲述的是一个关于杀手和警察之间的故事。作者君第一次 写小说,手速有限,但是保证不TJ!!就算烂尾也一定将这个世界描写完整!!!准备融入的美剧:《犯罪心理》、《汉尼拔》、《美国恐怖故事》等等,适当的时候可能会加入《邪恶力量》本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《连环杀手在美国》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80767 >>


内容简介:【入V公告:本文将于11月28日入V,谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持。】顾晏寒有着严重的信息素失调,性格暴戾无法平息,顾家耗费了巨大的人力物力,只为给唯一的继承人找到信息素可 吻合对象想要成为天命之o的omega简直不要太多。苏余参加顾家宴会时,出于礼节也接受了顾家的检测,全城的o都要被测遍了,多他一个也不多。结果,他就是那个天命之O。听说患有信息素失调的alpha无法避免暴力倾向,而顾晏寒这种顶级alpha,侵略性和霸道是早已刻在基因里的。苏余感觉不太妙。果然,第二天顾家闻风而动,迫不及待前来联姻,生怕他跑了……1V1,HE,先婚后爱,豪门甜饼,日常流甜宠——预收文案《魔尊道侣绝不退婚》——夏子皎做了一个梦,梦见一个邪魔几乎屠戮了半个仙道,仙道浩劫,尸横遍野,魔界大行其道,仙府衰落,洪流之中,夏家也没落得一个好下场。醒来之后,夏子皎觉得那个大魔头名字怎么那么耳熟呢?好像在哪里听到过。———殷无妄夏子皎霎时睁大了双眼,他想起来了。这不就是家破人亡仙府被毁,老爹决定只要对方敢厚着脸皮拿着婚书上门就要把人打出去的那位吗?毕竟仙界十三仙府想当他道侣的已经排满了,这个小子算什么。拿着婚书上门的殷无妄剑眉星目冷煞,一双漆黑的眸子幽深看不见底:“你们真不退婚?”夏子皎:“我们堂堂仙府怎么能出尔反尔!”道侣绝不退婚!万人迷少主受X白切黑疯批大反派攻1V1,HE如果您喜欢和暴戾Alpha合约结婚后,别忘记分享给朋友作者:白鸟童子所写的《和暴戾Alpha合约结婚后》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-124709 >>


内容简介:安利一下自己的新文。【她给我的繁花似锦】。点击专栏就可以看到啦~以下是本文文案:排雷:任何战队和选手都没有原型,不希望大家去代入什么选手和战队,谢谢。我本身LOL打的也很菜所以有些比赛 环节写的哪里不好还请多多担待,如果可以还是希望在评论指正,谢谢以下是一个超不正经的文案:女主她在网游里被针对被三被渣男抛弃。她从神坛跌落成为全服公敌。回了自己最喜欢的联盟打匹配,结果发现…嗯?随随便便打个匹配排到的队友都是职业选手?什么?职业选手要拉她进战队打上单?啊?这个职业选手是她曾经在韩服solo过的?诶?职业选手还要帮她吊打渣男?等等……这个职业选手好像还是她曾经喜欢过的人?直到某天这位职业选手看到了她以前用过的ID:哦?你就是白粥意?女主:有话好好说!——————正经版文案:应如意在网游中被渣男推到风口浪尖上,担了个小三的名声不说,还从女神变成了全服公敌被diss到退游。原本以为会在渣男的影响下很久才能重新去拥抱别人,谁知道猝不及防的被拉进了另一个崭新的世界。她登上了自己曾经最向往的职业选手的舞台。她的艾瑞莉娅成为了英雄联盟世界中的传奇。她从利刃中走来,重新定义了上单这个位置。熙熙攘攘的小吃街,她许了她的队长一个冠军奖杯。她一路跌跌撞撞,走过无数的质疑与嘲讽还有不看好,最终站在了S9的领奖台上。面对着鲜花与掌声,迎着那场金色的雨,应如意目光温柔的回过头看向她一生的温柔。“是苏以白。在我狼狈的时候递过来一把伞。在我的世界里黯淡无光的时候,推开了那扇紧闭的窗,让我的世界里,从此有了光。”男主版文案:是她在他打职业最迷茫的时候重新定义了他的世界。也是她在两年后一手艾瑞莉娅惊艳了他的世界。后来,他们在金色的雨中牵手,耳畔是震耳欲聋的欢呼,身侧是朝夕相处的队友。这是他的奖杯与他的女孩。他此生所有的热爱与赤忱。亦是他的光。——————我:别人写电竞文,一般写下路辅助cp,还有中野联动,上野,上中。我写一个上单和下路cp?隔着整个召唤师峡谷谈啥恋爱?我朋友:为你我用了半年的积蓄,走过整个召唤师峡谷来看你,感人至深。好,我果然不是什么正经写手。1w0-66150 >>


内容简介:如果人生可以从头再来……该有多好!张兴明重生了,所有记忆的,遗憾的,痛恨的,爱慕的都将重新过来,这一世,他要改变一切。他急迫的挣钱发展,必须在外资涌进来之前完成壁垒,他满世界并购,必须 在外商反应过来之前完成布局,他对外铁血,对内温和,重活这一世,就是要为这个民族做些什么。第一卷是完全的回忆,散文体,直接看二卷不影响阅读。ps初期写了空间的设定,后面没用了,但前文没改只是没有提1w0-75613 >>




内容简介:无何有乡是Twentine创作的经典的小说作品无何有乡小兵提供无何有乡最新章节全文免费阅读,无何有乡下载,无何有乡全文字更新,无何有乡无弹窗!请关注无何有乡吧,本站最新最快更新无何有乡 的最新章节。1w0-75480 >>




内容简介:皇子(愤怒):“父皇,他们居然让我去挑大粪浇菜!”皇帝(冷笑):“你浇的菜地,是老子当年平整出来的。有意见吗?”郡主(气恼):“老爸,我被派去养猪了!”侯爷(担忧):“那就好好养!听话 ,别闹,小黑屋可不是人呆的地方!”青年(高兴):“爹,我当班长了!什么皇子、郡主都归我管,可牛了!”农夫(悲伤):“儿啊,珍惜机会!你说的那些人,他们的爹当年都是我的校友!可惜爹被淘汰了!”大国梦,始于小小军校。1w0-74426 >>





The Plain Girl Sitting Next To Me

The plain girl sitting next to me summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The plain girl sitting next to me. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Itazura - Ijiwaru Tenshi

[From ShoujoMagic]: Ijiwaru Tenshi Ayumi is a high school student. Her friend's brother, Shouma, is younger than her, but he looks handsome and older! Shouma asks Ayumi for her digits right off the bat, and he's smooth like a player--not really Ayumi's type. The more time she spends with him, though, the more she likes him. But is Shouma really sent from heaven... or is he just a tease?

Zenbu Shiritai

This is the debut FC book by Makita Nao. Contains 5 short stories. - I Want to Know Everything♥ I won’t act spoiled with my boyfriend, and I definitely won’t trouble him, either. I’m trying to act like a cool and mature ideal girlfriend, but the truth is, I’m a wholehearted and annoying girl! I can’t tell anyone that I’m stalking my beloved boyfriend!! - Upside Down Honey: Kameyama Chisato is a girl without boyfriend, because of her sadistic personality. While trying to fix it by practicing with a skeleton, a classmate sees her, Kurosawa Akihiro. What will happen to her secret?! And.. will Chisato ever find love?? - Fall, Fall, Rise Michiru is a girl with poor luck when it comes to love. She’s been dumped several times by her boyfriend’s for other girls. During her latest breakup, in her attempt to get over her love she makes as if to commit suicide, however a boy from her school stops her, claiming he’ll introduce her to the best guy on earth. Just who is the best guy on earth and where can be found? Or is he right in front of Michiru’s eyes? [from Starry Heaven] - Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above Tomoe has a dream: to go to the fireworks display during the summer together with the guy she likes. However, she hasn’t found that spark of love at all, at least, not until her childhood friend, Miki, moves back to her school and she meets Kagami through him! She makes the perfect plan to confess to him, but that doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, when Kagami confesses to her that he really likes Tomoe’s best friend, Rikka! Is the friendship ruined between these best friends now? And will Tomoe be able to fulfill her dream of watching the fireworks with someone she loves? [from Starry Heaven] - Super ☆Star There’s a certain group of guys in Kiyoko’s class that stands out, and to her Hoshino stands out the most! In fact, he looks like he’s sparkling. However, he isn’t exactly what he seems to be, when Kiyoko discovers his part time job working at his family’s convenience store! But even in his work clothes, Hoshino is still sparkling to her. But it’s not until Hoshino is confessed to by another girl that Kiyoko truly realizes that even if she’s different from Hoshino’s ideal girl, she still has a chance…but is it too late for her? [from Starry Heaven]


This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

The Unwanted Princess

The Unwanted Princess summary: There was a story of the tragic tale of the Lilith Kingdom, there are hundreds of princesses and princes. There is a ranking system that goes by magical prowess. The stronger your magic, the higher royalty you are. The lowest ranking are the princes and princesses that are born with no magical prowess, those born with no magic are cast aside as useless infants and forgotten in the Hollow castle, destined...

World of the Drone

World of the Drone summary: World of the Drone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of World of the Drone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

What Happened To Inger Johanne

What Happened To Inger Johanne summary: What Happened To Inger Johanne summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Happened To Inger Johanne. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Campaner Thal and Other Writings

The Campaner Thal and Other Writings summary: The Campaner Thal and Other Writings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Campaner Thal and Other Writings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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