




一卷画册,穿越妖异世界。天下将倾,妖魔鬼怪出生啖人而食。故持三尺剑,斩妖媚邪! 只是……这些妖怪好像跟我想的有些不太一样!这也太可爱了吧!






























内容简介:武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞、李 纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与1w382-30442 >>


内容简介:  来到案件频发的东京都米花町,随便走几步都能遇上杀人案。化身黑暗的光,刺破层层迷雾。只要我够科学,柯学家们就追不上我。“我有一个青梅竹马。”“她叫宫野志保。”榊诚如是说。裙号:826 7=287511w0-3513 >>


内容简介:  他是大陆上第四个双生武魂拥有者,也是大师的得意弟子,亦是史莱克天团最不可或缺的重要之人。穿越斗罗大陆,本想平淡过完此生的秦威,却意外觉醒强大武魂。(本书单女主,女主后期出现。)ps 1:此书前期走主角团,后期单独一些。ps2:本书拜大师,没有任何的金手指,不贱、不烂尾。1w0-2585 >>


内容简介:【预收文:权臣心尖宠的娇养手册,还请大家多多支持鸭快来康康叭】——————娇软黑莲女主x深情偏执男主上一世柳寄玉识人不清,最后落得个惨死的下场。重回十三岁,柳寄玉含笑将害过自己的人,玩 弄于掌股之上。可她转身却扑入了那人的怀中,撒着娇说手疼。梅疏玉觉得很奇怪,那个对自己颐指气使的小姑娘,竟是眼巴巴的拉着自己的袖子撒娇。他从小看惯了黑暗腌臜的事,满心也充斥着黑暗。但是在他的心尖上,稳稳当当的坐着一个干干净净的柳寄玉。她是他触摸不到的光。当他拼尽全力想要抓住她的时候她却朝他甜甜一笑,说道:“我抓到你啦!”——————————————————“你你你莫要气了好不好?我给你赔罪就是了。”面前的少女出落得亭亭玉立,湿漉漉的杏眼望着他,眼下是一颗显眼殷红的小痣。少年喉结动了动,拢在袖中的手紧了紧,状似平静的看着她:“如何赔罪?”少女白嫩的一张小脸皱成一团,透着淡淡的红晕,结结巴巴开口:“我把我把我赔给你好不好”话落,少年顿时眸色一深,清冷的薄唇就覆了上去。“我等这一日,许久了。”1w0-107868 >>


内容简介:苏冥穿到一本百合小说里,成为工具人女配,专门给女主和女二制造狗血误会,最后结局是出车祸惨死!作为穿书者,苏冥当然要逆书改命!她原以为只要抱紧女主大腿,就能走上人生巅峰,甚至和女主拥有甜 甜的恋爱。谁曾想她的官配竟然是女主妈妈?苏冥:喵喵喵???女主妈妈顾盏辞又御又飒,控制欲超强,是个冰山总裁。女主一心逃离她的魔掌,苏冥却甘心被她束缚,臣服在她身下,当然这是后话。苏冥:总结一下,就是我抱女主大腿失败后,和女主她妈妈he了。顾盏辞:为什么偏偏选择我?苏冥:大概是因为你大腿比女主粗?顾盏辞:……女主:……女主非亲生cp:不正经x正经,年龄差11,1V1【预收文《一觉醒来对象变成老阿姨》文案:林沐一觉醒来,不是2002,而是2020。刚刚还和她闹分手的哭包女朋友,已经变成了高冷老阿姨……林沐拉着阮秋池的手:“我们不分手好不好?”阮秋池看着消失已久、却突然出现的爱人,想着两人现在的年龄差,眼眶通红,语气冰冷地回绝道:“我现在已经是阿姨了,不适合你!”林沐愣住:“阿姨正好,反正我也不想奋斗了。”阮秋池:“……”目前年龄差16,老阿姨非贬义死不要脸温柔攻x傲娇高冷(哭包)受ps其实是互攻】1w0-28875 >>




内容简介:所有人都知道李颜爱贺南风,爱得不顾一切,飞蛾扑火,可是她的爱一直都没有回馈,她也会累。八年的时间,她放低姿态,甚至不要自尊的在他身边,只想让他看她一眼,得到的却从来都只是他的忽视。终于 李颜决定离开,可知道她要走的贺南风却慌了神……1w63800-83159 >>




内容简介:  我叫李自在。我是一个刚刚从异世界归来的仙帝。我目前正被军队包围着。他们以为我是外星人想要抓捕我。我该怎么办。在线等!挺急的!(注:前期刚写,作者不懂事,有个毒点,请见谅。请勿带入其 他小说仙帝,请勿用正常仙帝/兵王/战神归来的歪嘴套路打开本书。)1w0-3224 >>


内容简介:老夫掐指一算,差不多也该有人来救我了!迟颜坐在山洞中女妖的掐着独特的指法同时念叨着。没办法,他刚离开安全区域就被那只女妖看上并且给抓起来了,虽然对方长得还不赖,但他又岂是那种只看外表皮 囊的肤浅之人!“无耻女妖,快将我家少主还回来1w0-80828 >>



Renai Tsuu

When stoic Mizusawa, a janitor, saves businessman Aoki from falling down some stairs, he gets a friend for life! Aoki is always tracking him down at lunch time just so they can eat together. But Mizusawa isn't sure how he feels about Aoki... This is a series of six. The order is: 1. Hada na Ue no Renai Jijou 2. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni (same characters & issue but different plot) 3. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni-Hada no Ue ni Furu Hana* 4. Renai Tsuu 5. Renaitsuu-Akka-* 6. Pillow Talk + Holiday* (*) indicate djs. 4 and 5 are spin-offs featuring Aoki and are contain events from Zaiaku from Aoki's perspective. 6 features both couples.

Punishment For Brave Hero-9004 Corps Prison Record

The world entrusted the most evil yet powerful “Criminals” as hero. This is a story about struggling against despair. Hero’s Punishment is the most serious punishment. People who are punished are criminals that commit a grave sin, they will atone for that sin as a hero. The punishment is to fight the Demon Lord’s army that was caused by the Demon Lord’s phenomenon at the front most line. Even if the monsters killed these heroes, they will be revived and must figt again. A berserker that has been fighting for hundreds of year, the world’s most despicable villain, a political scammer, a self-procalimed terrorist, an assassin with zero success rate, as such. Everyone has a failed characteristic and formed the punished hero corps. As their leader, I’m Silo Forberts a former Holy Knight commander that was sentenced with Hero’s Punishment because of my sin, “Killing a Goddess” . In the midst of battle, her existence that was supposed to be hidden, “The Sword Goddess” Teoritta and I met. “Please lend me your strength, we will use it to defeat the Demon Lord” “That’s the spirit! Once we’re victorious, please pat my head!” This is a story about the two who formed a contract and their fleeting yet fierce heroic tale.

Bakumatsu Renka Karyuu Kenshiden

Bakumatsu Renka Karyuu Kenshiden takes place in the first year of Tokugawa when the Shogunate and the emperor's supporters fight for supremacy. Shizuki Rin is a girl growing up in a Dojo who lost her memory of the past. Secretly the dojo deals with information. Including the violent Shinsengumi, some bishies and children who aim to get stronger.

Tale Of Fairy Ice Trail - Koori No Kiseki

A spin-off manga concerning Gray.

Stories of Africa

Stories of Africa summary: Stories of Africa summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stories of Africa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre summary: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre was first serialized by Jin Yong in newspapers from 6 July 1961 to 2 September 1963.
The book is the third of the Condor Trilogy. The story has undergone two revisions. The second edition was released in 1979 and and the third edition was published in 2005.
Set in the late Yuan dynasty, the story revolves around a pair of priceless and extremely powerful weapons, the Heaven Reliant Sword (倚天劍) and Dragon Slaying Saber (屠龍刀), which are coveted by many martial artists in the jianghu. Either or both of them are thought to allow their wielder to rule the wulin (martial artists’ community), according to a widely circulated mantra which goes, “Honoured by the wulin, the precious Saber slays the Dragon. It commands the world. Who dares to disobey? If the Heaven Reliant does not appear, who can challenge it?” (武林至尊,寶刀屠龍,號令天下,莫敢不從!倚天不出,誰與爭鋒?). The origins of this mantra are not known at the beginning of the story.
The protagonist, Zhang Wuji, is of mixed heritage: His father, Zhang Cuishan, is an apprentice of Zhang Sanfeng, the highly revered leader of the Wudang Sect; his mother, Yin Susu, is the daughter of Yin Tianzheng, the chief of the “unorthodox” Heavenly Eagle Cult. He spent his childhood on a reclusive northern island, where he was born, with only his parents and his G.o.dfather, Xie Xun, to keep him company. When he is about 10 years old, he returns to the Chinese mainland with his parents. They soon find themselves the target of several martial artists, who try to force them to reveal the whereabouts of Xie Xun and the Dragon Slaying Saber. His parents refuse and commit suicide. At the same time, Zhang Wuji is wounded by the Xuanming Elders, but he survives after seeking medical treatment from Hu Qingniu, an eccentric physician.

98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive

98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive summary: 98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin summary: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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