














类别都市 恋爱 生活
















子兮 (1v2, H)

内容简介:我喜欢她每一次触碰。——————————————————一心想要献身科学的女科学家x有权有钱地位高的深沉总裁x绝美矜持前男友的大明星(除了女科学家,总裁和巨星都不是只一单纯职业呢)三个 本来没有交点的人,纠缠上了,怎么才能找到那个彼此都能幸福的平衡点?————————————现代文肉随机掉落没有多么跌宕起伏的剧情,也没有多么狗血戏剧的人生。想告诉大家,平凡也好,高贵也罢,男女主角,一如你,一如我,都只是朝着自己的路径缓缓前行。文案废,大家看看高兴就好。希望最后是甜甜的。————————欢迎给我投珠珠或者是留言,你的小小举动就是我的动力!我会非常珍惜的。1w0-97513 >>






内容简介:【爽文,女主多马甲,男主超宠妻!】惨死后穿到玄幻大陆,百年后,又重生回到悲剧发生之前。上辈子,父亲抛妻弃女,母亲车祸而亡,男友和同父异母的姐姐搅在一起!她高考失利,一生受尽欺辱,最后在 渣男结婚当天车祸而亡。重生归来,她携空间、带异能,开启虐渣渣、撩美男的全新人生。这辈子,她是女学霸,高考满分考入清华;她是女神医,疑难杂症不在话下;她是新晋女神,粉丝千万,娱乐圈内呼风唤雨;更是身价百亿的女战神,所向披靡,战无不胜!而商界的神秘大佬,人人趋之若鹜的贵公子,为了她,进入娱乐圈,化身醋坛子……“吻戏?只能和我拍!”“谈情说爱?只能跟我谈!”各位书友要是觉得《重生后大佬她征服了全世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27994 >>


内容简介:水影月一觉醒来发现自己穿越到女尊世界,还没来得及摸清头绪,突然被一阵冰冷的机械声音打断。告知:获得夫君一号贺兰,好感度10水影月想,所以这是个恋爱系统?告知:获得夫君二号莫晗生,好感度 负10000水影月惊喜,好家伙,这还是个女尊世界?等等,为什么好感度是负?而且为什么夫君二号看起来要将她生吞活剥?告知:获得女皇继承权,存活概率。水影月崩溃:她不做女皇了可以吗,为什么所有人都要追杀她,她只是个手无缚鸡之力的弱女子啊!1w94582-97719 >>




内容简介:【女扮男装甜苏炸!】F班老大纪檬穿越了,还是落后的兽人远古时代?没关系,痞爷当道!撩人技术成魔,魅力无处可挡,丧(干)心(的)病(漂)狂(亮),白手起家,照样混的风起水涌!武动乾坤!当 兽人问起她是雌性还是雄性时,她向一旁红着脸害羞的小雌性抛了个媚眼,不假思索的道,当然是雄性!可当她雌性的身份被揭开时兽人们沸腾了,门槛踏破了,大佬们不淡定了,光果堵上门,嗓音压低,沉磁好听的要命,“小家伙,不准看这些杂碎一眼,我会全部处理的。”纪檬:“嘿嘿嘿要看也是看老婆大人老婆大人最美最可爱”ps:本文为宠,女主,纪檬,不透剧,谢绝任何形式转载改编,侵权必究!!支持正版,蟹蟹。O∩∩O1w0-96355 >>


内容简介:周溪和林笑成相恋两年,在新婚之夜却被他算计送到别人床上。旖旎过后,她带着愧疚回家,却撞见曾经的爱人和旁人缱绻,对她视如敝履口出恶言。她痛定思痛,决意与渣男恩断义绝,但是林笑成却对她百般 纠缠,不愿意放过她。正在她一筹莫展时,严景山强势出现,替她手撕绿茶白莲花,完爆贱人渣渣,数次解救她于危难。周溪:“为什么帮我?”严景山挑眉逼近,在她耳边轻声道:“当然是1w0-62604 >>


内容简介:《与起点文男主为敌快穿》为作者糖崽儿创作,作品与起点文男主为敌快穿章章动人,格格党小说网为你第一时间提供糖崽儿精心编写原创与起点文男主为敌快穿及无弹窗与起点文男主为敌快穿最新章节,与起 点文男主为敌快穿全文免费阅读1w0-111906 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综漫:我的身份有点多】穿越到综漫日常世界,水崎悠马觉醒了系统,可以不定期签到获得新身份。“叮!随机身份中,今日身份:英梨梨的作品指导,奖励:画技巅峰!”“叮! 身份随机中,今日身份:四宫辉夜的管家,奖励:礼仪精通!”“叮!身份随机中,今日身份:雪之下雪乃的朋友,奖励:顶级布偶猫一只,养育精通、动物亲和!”“叮!身份随机中,今日身份:中野五姐妹的家教,奖励:所有学科精通,智商50!”“叮!身份随机中,今日身份:平冢静相亲对象,奖励:抗打击能力MAX!”水崎悠马:哎,人生处处是烦恼啊!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-25736 >>


内容简介:“夏羽,我女儿真是瞎了眼,才会嫁给你这个废物!”岳母气愤道。“老公,你就一实习医生,不要再吹牛说自己是神医了!”妻子没好气道。“夏神医,您给予了我第二次生命,这栋别墅和上市公司百分之十 的股权,是我一点小小的心意,请您务必收下!”某顶级富豪感激零涕。“来自东方的夏神医,是王室最尊贵的客人!”某国王荣幸地说道。“前世,我没有实力守护心爱之人,今生,我必不负前尘不负卿!”——夏羽。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《华夏顶级医婿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w60847-81731 >>


内容简介:一连生了五个带把儿的老陈家终于有了个小姑娘。小姑娘踩着八零年的新年钟声而来,白胖胖的模样让一大家子人都看着欢喜,五个哥哥更是争着宠她。大哥:我要好好学习,以后做妹妹的榜样!二哥:我要认 真赚钱,以后妹妹的零食玩具我包了!三哥四哥:我要好好锻炼身体,以后谁欺负妹妹,我们就揍谁!五哥:努力地把自己的小饼干塞进妹妹的嘴里……睁眼就被团宠的1w0-26082 >>

Goshuushousama Ninomiya-Kun

Gosh?sh?-sama Ninomiya-kun's story revolves around Shungo Ninomiya, a male high school student trained in difficult hand-to-hand combat. He lives in a huge house with his older sister Ry?ko, who is almost always gone on some dangerous mercenary mission. One day, his sister sends Mayu and Mikihiro Tsukimura, two siblings, to live with him to help Mayu overcome her fear of men. Unfortunately this is accomplished by making Mayu and Shungo share the same room, bathe together and even sleep together in the same bed. Making things even worse, Reika H?j?, the student-council chair, is blackmailed into becoming their maid due to a video that Ryoko recorded, in which she tries to seduce Shungo. ~from Wikipedia From Baka-Updates: Shungo is a normal high school student living in a huge house. One day, his sister Ryoko sends Mayu and Mikihiro Tsukimura, two siblings, to live with him to help Mayu overcome her problem. Mayu's problem: androphobia (fear of men), and Ryoko wants Shungo to help her overcome it. How? By making Mayu and Shungo share the same room, bed, and even take baths together. To make things even worse, Reika Hojo, the student-council chair, somehow ends up becoming their maid.

Cyber Blue

We are in year 2035 on the Tinos planet, colonized 300 years before by some earthlings. With only half of Earth's oxygen concentration and with cold arctic conditions over most of Tinos, the human beings are forced to wear a life support apparatus that supplies the oxygen necessary for survival. The black market in such apparatuses is a flourishing business in the criminal world of Junk City. Blue, the protagonist, is in desperate need of a life suport system after being mugged, but an unscrupulous bunch of criminals cheat him of his money and leave him with an outdated model with an old AI. He is tricked by the head of the police, Weiser, into a committing murder, and is then killed himself. The AI, called Fatso, decides to save his life, and gives him a new artificial body filled with extraordinary strength and the cumulative knowledge of their combined three hundred and seventeen years. The resurrected Blue decides to get revenge and protect all those suffering under the tyranny of Weiser. From Baka-Updates: Tinos is the farthest colony planet from Earth. There lives a generation of people who have corrupted the dreams of the founders from 300 years ago. However, a new man will change it all...

From Yesterday

Collection of vignettes drawn over a period of several years, some of which belong together, some of which are oneshots: 1) ch1-3, 9 -- Say You Love Me- AKANE Ryuuichi loves professor HASUMI Akira's artwork, that's why he became his assistant. But he also love Professor Hasumi. 2) ch4 -- That's a Blue and Transparent Surprise (oneshot)- Hikari's body produces electricity, so he can't touch anything metal. His childhood friend, Ten, is always taking care of him. 3) ch5, 8 -- Welcome to the Clinic Room- Asashi Keiichi is a middle school doctor. Ichikawa Yuu is his cute and innocent student who has designs on his sensei. Chapter 8 takes place 10 years later when Ichikawa is all grown up. 4) ch6 -- Home (oneshot)- Touri's lover Seiji has been living with him for two years, but sometimes he just takes off for a month at a time. 5) ch7 -- Listen to the Sound of Rain (oneshot)- One rainy day, bookstore owner Yamamoto Fuku shares his umbrella with beautiful high school student Toya Kairi.

Kansokusha Tamami

From MangaHelpers: Few people are born to rule, while most others are born to be ruled. Kakoin Seichiro is from the latter group of people, yet he's able to attend Keiho College, a prestigious school where only the wealthy can attend and the students are those who will eventually run the country. Seichiro does this by putting up a façade that gives off the impression that he belongs in this circle and using his great intellect to manipulate people through the use of human psychology. He despises those around him for being born into a gifted situation unlike himself and will use anybody as a stepping stone to make his way up the social ladder. One day, Seichiro is introduced to Shinmei Tamami, a teenage girl from an incredibly wealthy and powerful family, through being her tutor and discovers that, somehow, she possesses the power to materialize objects. Realizing that this will be his ticket to his dream, he tries to understand and manipulate Tamami’s incredible power.

All Acts Of Pleasure

All Acts Of Pleasure summary: All Acts Of Pleasure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All Acts Of Pleasure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Mockingjay summary: Mockingjay summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mockingjay. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jo's Boys

Jo's Boys summary: Jo's Boys summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jo's Boys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of Ulysses the Wanderer

The Adventures of Ulysses the Wanderer summary: The Adventures of Ulysses the Wanderer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Ulysses the Wanderer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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