






类别恋爱 穿越 古风

















BLOOD 吸血伯爵








内容简介:穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥笔趣阁,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥sodu,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥小说,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥顶点,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥原叶原,【每天1800更新,预收《退出男团后 我爆红了》都耽甜文,求收藏吖!】楚时穿进一本书里,成了里面万人迷被拐卖的双胞胎哥哥。原主被吃尽苦头回到富贵家,从一开始谨小慎微变得羡慕嫉妒万人迷受,处处跟他作对,最终成了早死的炮灰。深知剧情大神尿性的楚时决定讨好万人迷主角弟弟。于是——给弟弟当助理,帮弟弟上课,为弟弟当替身,成了感天动地的好哥哥。不久后,他发现情况有点不对——万人迷缠着他叫哥哥,极度兄控:哥哥是我的,你们休想跟我抢!冷酷真霸总:你是我的!我不许,我不准,不可以!腹黑老师:宝贝,免费单独辅导,喜欢吗?清冷禁欲顶流:你是我唯一的知己,我不能没有你!楚家父母:崽崽受苦了,我们要补偿崽崽!等等,他只不过是为了改变弟弟黑化的结局,怎么让自己成了万人迷了?阅读指南:1、真·霸总攻vs心机受2、本文1v1,不买股3、本文日常流小甜饼,剧情、感情一点点铺展开,比较慢热。4、不喜欢的别勉强自己,好文很多,也别指导写作,谢谢。预收分割线下一本:《退出男团后我爆红了》文案:叶星洲被男团成员孤立,跟经纪公司解约,本来就靠着直播打赏艰难度日的叶星洲更穷了,搬出宿舍后只能跟人合租。合租对象又高又帅,人好心善话不多最重要的是还很节俭,抠搜的叶星洲觉得自己赚大了。地摊货买一送一,一人一件,完美!自助餐合影留念,一人免单,完全可以!叶星洲还发现,自从合租后他就转运了,电视综艺都给他发邀请。顾淮京对自家公司艺人叶星洲一见倾心,然而一时不查发现竟然被踢出公司,不得已只能先把人守在身边。伪装成合租对象的顾总藏起心思小心靠近,暗暗使力,偷摸给资源。为了讨好心上人,顾总背后出钱出力,人前迎合抠搜的心上人——衣服全部剪标!名贵礼物一概是抽奖送的!智能家电都是公司福利!叶星洲:你们公司福利真好!顾淮京:还、还好!全靠我花钱霸总攻vs美颜盛世抠搜受推文时间基友的文:沙雕都耽《顾少是怎么变渣的?》作者:朝天懒一句话简介:妳是我的歲月静好agt我的已完结文《和nc抢装备》无限流《穿成白月光的替身》穿书agta求个作收呀!11w0-82483 >>


内容简介:秦珂意外穿越到了一个世界。这个世界妖邪复苏。一年后却意外发现这个世界居然还有一个熟悉的人,九叔。为了在如此世界生存下去,秦珂毫不犹豫拜九叔为师。激活末代天师系统。从此这个世界多了一个除 魔卫道的天师……1w0-61776 >>




内容简介:老公是出了名的废物,可某一月黑风高的夜晚,小绵羊老公突然崛起……六年后,她带着宝宝重回豪门,指着全家福上的年轻婆婆说,“宝宝,你看清楚了,她就是欺负你妈咪我的恶婆婆!”指着站在丈夫身边 的柔弱小三,“这是当年跟你妈咪我抢老公的女人!”宝宝狠点头,一拍胸脯,“妈咪的仇,交给宝宝了!”各位书友要是觉得《极品宝宝无敌妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80839 >>


内容简介:从小跟随张道子在乡野长大的余长生,凭借一本《黄庭经》驱鬼捉妖,修炼自己的驭龙之术。然而与富家千金的姻缘让他步入都市,明白了什么叫作人心叵测与都市繁华。风水定财、占卜命相,阴阳回返、五方 驱鬼,且看麻衣诡相如何搅动风云……1w17100-26336 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《偷脸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读一天,有个陌生人加我qq,说我女朋友是男人,我骂他傻X。结果我女朋友死了,死的时候真的成了个男人。因为她的头被割了,缝在了一具男尸的脖子上……刑 侦、悬疑、恐怖、无神论我的新浪微博:topnav1wvr6本人qq26582718861w0-27446 >>


内容简介:《极品神医闯都市》是桑心精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新极品神医闯都市最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的极品神医闯都市评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持极品神医闯都市 读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《极品神医闯都市》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76214 >>


内容简介:秦洛昇穿越了,穿越到一个虚拟技术极度发达的平行世界。 进入《命运维度》,意外觉醒SSS超神天赋,获得升华之力和魅力值MAX。 当别人还在为爆出一件黄金装备而沾沾自喜时,他已经满身神装。 当别人还在小心翼翼的揣测NPC性格和喜好时,他已经和众多NPC推心置腹,各种隐藏任务,特殊职业,无敌技能,逆天装备,不要钱的给他送。 1w0-3360 >>


内容简介:穿越到斗罗世界,开局成了圣魂村一个小屁孩,奈何没有系统,知道剧情的叶峰本想抱天命之子唐三的大腿,结果没有想到被惨遭唐三唾弃、鄙视!后又想拜大师为师,一句“你不配我玉小刚教导,滚!”直接 将叶峰轰出了阁楼。…1w54799-107478 >>


内容简介:  上一秒在和小姐姐压马路,下一秒澪却穿越到了海贼王世界,带着一个能抽取基因、录取基因、融合基因且培养生物的系统,开始了在海贼王世界里的惬意小日子。没事儿的时候抢一抢献给天龙人的天上金 ,或是抓几只小猫咪小兔子养成。感到无聊了,就在新世界各大强者地盘走一圈,逛一逛。生活如此美好,何必动手动脚呢~【新书:从火影开始交易诸天】【讨论群:978153722】1w0-3716 >>


内容简介:浩漭天地,界陆三分。妖魔横行的寂灭大陆,药神宗天才宗主,毕生无法修行,于大限将至之际,寻转世再生之路。然,生死海深,轮回路险,因果纠缠,厄难降临。……三百年后。凡人聚涌的乾玄大陆,一座 边陲小城,风雨飘摇的虞家,有一天魂、地魂遗失的浑噩少年,一夜觉醒。就此,风云突变,天地翻覆,传说和神话再续。新生少年,地魂凝炼阴神,天魂进阶阳神,人魂蜕变元神。终,三魂盖世!……1w972-99302 >>

Anemone (Tateha)

When flower falls in love....

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends want to eventually become more powerful; and transfer pupil Miu Furinji, he follows her a dojo home, to Ryozanpaku several masters of martial arts that are varied, directed by her grandpa Hayato Furinji. After learning principles from Miu, Kenichi beats a high ranking member of the karate club of the school, and becomes a goal for the delinquents in the institution. Kenichi becomes enamored of Miu, and finally becomes a complete disciple of Ryozanpaku while initially training to guard himself. Later, the day-to-day routine of Kenichi is broken up between training below his battles against the members, and the six masters of Ryozanpaku of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. Miu and Kenichi are targeted by Yomi after Ragnarok is disbanded, several disciples personally trained by means of a master of an organization matching Ryozanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryozanpaku and their allies follow the principle of constantly sparing their adversaries' lives (Katsujinken), the members of Yami consider that any means of defeating an adversary is valid, including homicide (Satsujin ken). While his masters face the members of Yami in the battle between both factions, Kenichi, Miu, as well as their allies fight the members of Yomi. The conflict between both factions culminate with all the ultimate battle to prevent Yami's major goal, which will be to usher a fresh age of turmoil and war on earth, also called 'The Eternal Sunset'. Their principal leader is conquered and after the Eternal Sunset is prevented, Yomi and Yami are disbanded too. Kenichi subsequently continues to train at Ryozanpaku, and years after he becomes a renowned novelist, but it is also suggested that he also becomes a martial arts master as well as Miu's husband at the same time. Main characters in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga Kenichi Shirahama is primary Protagonist and the name character of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He could be the Disciple of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, examining martial arts from them to not only get more powerful, but to finally develop bravery and the strength needed to defend the individuals and values which are most imporant to him. He's additionally a member as well as the honorary 'co founder' of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the creator Haruo Niijima (the after of which he's not completely happy about) and is now another year pupil at Koryo High School in course 2-E. In the final outcome of the show, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Furinji, however he eventually becomes a Master himself. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi AMW Miu Furinji is the principal female protagonist of the show. She was previously in The School of Shouchiku Gakuen before transferred to Koryo High School in course 1-E where she and he met a shared love interest and Kenichi started. She's the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, A Disciple and member of The Ryozanpaku, as well as the sole daughter of Shizuha Furinji and Saiga Furinji. She's also a decendent of both the Kuremisago Clan as well as the Furinji Clan, which are both regarded as being ill-famed tribes of martial artists who have been known for his or her physical superiority. In the final outcome of the show, Miu became the wife of Kenichi Shirahama. Other manga: + Death Note Manga + Terra Formars Manga

Vampire Crisis

From Midnight Scans: 'For my love, the price to pay is your blood.' In order to punish her loathsome ex-boyfriend, Hisoka attempts to use black magic on him. However, she makes a mistake in casting a spell, and accidentally calls a vampire named Rein instead!! He said that he will grant one wish for Hisoka but in return she must present him with her blood. At first, Hisoka is afraid but even though Rein is a vampire, he slowly changes into a gentle person, and because of that, her attraction towards him grows?! Includes: Vampire Crisis Vampire Emotion 100 no Inori to 1 no Onegai Kimi Janakya Dame Nan Desu!! 10nen Goshi no Angel

Neo Girl

From Forbidden Garden: LeeSoonHwi, a very athletic girl with extra ordinary acrobatic skills, lives with her older brother who is a teenage genius. Her brother is already an instructor at a university, he tends to get annoyed by his younger sister's laziness and mischievous acts. A new neighbor moves in. He is a popular, self-centered, upperclassmen pretty boy. He seems to have taken interest in her due to her unique athletic features, which changes her normal lifestyle. How will SoonHwi's new surroundings progress to?

Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef

Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef summary: Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki summary: The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville

Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary: Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Flying Boat

The Flying Boat summary: The Flying Boat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Flying Boat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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