






















类别系统 豪快


简介交流群号:554215640(已满)、169528947 悠闲快乐的旅行,忽然发生了离奇的死亡事件,返程的船久久未到,岛上的阴霾渐渐散开。遮掩生命光芒的是欲望还是魔 鬼,打破人性束缚的是绝望还是阴谋?太平洋上的孤岛,逐渐逼近的抉择。










内容简介:  你感觉自己力量不足,力量+1,你修炼了金钟罩,武功等级+1,你捡到了一本道经,悟性+1,你的对手力大无穷,金钟罩大圆满,你将金钟罩,铁布衫,十三横练全部+1,练成了金刚不坏神功,对 手刀砍不动,崩溃欲绝。……已有一本两百万字完本老书《极道飞升》,人品保证,放心阅读!!书友群:181938106VIP群:768064901,弟子以上粉丝值可进。1w0-241 >>


内容简介:她是国公府嫡女,前世被渣男贱女迫害,家破人亡,落得尸骨无存重生后的她步步为营,誓要拳打渣男,脚踩贱女。医术救人,毒术杀人,医毒双修闪瞎众人双眼。洞房花烛夜,宁烨桁将一脸心虚的裴亦姝抵在 墙角,“下毒谋害亲夫,谁给你的胆子!?”她笑脸吟吟拿出一瓶解药来,浅笑道:“解药在此,夫君若还站的起来便来拿!”【美貌天才神医x腹黑反派王世子】【重生打脸爽文】1w0-69145 >>


内容简介:简介:《我本想离婚后称霸娱乐圈ABO》是由网络作家是春风呀倾情打造的一部豪门耽美小说,双男主是秦子衿孟阙。讲述的是秦子衿从未想过,维持一段没有感情的婚姻会这么绝望,两年来,无论他做什么 ,看到的都是孟阙厌恶的眼神,如今疼爱自己的父亲去世了,他突然清醒了过来,提出了离婚,可谁想那个男人居然不同意1w0-126520 >>


内容简介:祁道源做梦都没有想到,有一天居然会穿越到自己已经太监了很久的小说世界,还要肩负起拯救世界的重任!九州天道亲自为他开外挂,天赋、机缘、宝物、功法送不停,且看他这个名义上的“创世神”,如何 一步步填上之前在书里挖下的坑,实现完美结局!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《天道为我开外挂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77340 >>


内容简介:賀部光修作为异能业务科最喜欢摸鱼的社畜,这辈子最大的梦想就是只需要处理一些不需要动脑的小文件。直到他看到了弹幕。拿到了最喜欢的不用动脑子也不用动手的调查任务,賀部光修美滋滋。调查荒霸吐 那不就是中原各位书友要是觉得《被弹幕剧透之后不能摸鱼了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-102895 >>


内容简介:混沌初开,天地本没有正邪之分万物为求永生之道,皆因善恶而动心起念,道不同不相为谋,渐渐形成了正道与魔道两大势力,至此光明与黑暗对立。本书讲述了一位天生经脉不全,没有丹田的废物少年,再一 次意外中偶或奇遇获得天地初开始便与天地共存的混元之心语混元定天鼎,以定天神鼎为丹田混元之心为心重续经脉,一步一步走上巅峰的传奇故事。面对爱恨情仇该如何抉择,天地秩序又该如何铺陈。且看少年楚枫如何如何走出一条不同的逆天各位书友要是觉得《混元帝尊传》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71814 >>


内容简介:职业玩家重回十年之前。穿越到公测之前的《大江湖》游戏中,成为了一个开测即被推的新手村BOSS!在这个多朝代融合的大武侠网游世界。有纯阳真仙吕洞宾破碎虚空,白日飞升;有武当祖师张三丰功参 造化,返璞归真;有真武宗师张梦白一朝得道天下惊!有葵花传人现世,神针夺命鬼见愁。有九天君幕后掌天下,天下第一奇男子方乾,南屏天子峰约战剑圣拓跋。有落雁峰七星战十恶。有六分半堂和金风细雨楼摩擦不断,诸葛神侯肩扛北宋只手挽天倾。乱世之下,顾雁枫不止要活下去。他还要活得精彩!(本书又名《终极BOSS养成计划》,《武侠世界求生指南》,《大江湖最强幕后黑手》,《从江湖喽啰到魔道巨擘》,《谢邀,人在江湖,已是天下第一》……)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从NPC到魔教教主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65480 >>


内容简介:穿越到了异界的郑鸣,随身戴着一副英雄牌,只要有足够的声望值,就可以召唤出这些英雄牌中的英雄:借助这些英雄的力量,你可以横刀立马,你可以飞檐走壁,你可以打出天外飞仙,同样也可以让你魔临天 地!当然,御剑九天上,斩魔天地间也不是梦想,就是化身太古金乌,焚天煮海,也不是没有可能……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《随身英雄杀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61817 >>


内容简介:关于裸色生香:【文案】【三日销魂】第一日宫人给我拿来本《裸色生香》,《裸色生香》是当代一位奇人所勾画,惟妙逼真,堪称闺房极品。70式X姿势,图文并茂。若说这画功真的是没说的,倒是旁边配 的文字小白了点,不能够深入表现出放浪形骸、淋漓酣畅等感受。第二日宫人便给我带来全套的玩乐工具,什么SM鞭子、蜡烛、润滑剂、销魂散等不在话下,到了晚上便当着我的面真人作战……那小受被施了销魂散,欲求不满般哀叫了一个晚上……我实在是憋屈的慌。到了第三日……大H经典完结文,《青妖》《殿前欢:绝色殿下来敲门》《夫君个个都是狼》《卿本风流》《裸色生香》定制书出售,感谢购买。【信息栏】参与网站活动,11月4日可免费看VIP!此文大删改,人称也换了。我见盗文网站将此文断断续续的贴出,贴出的内容真的是缺胳膊少腿、惨不忍睹啊亲们,此文只能买正版和定制,赶紧紧裤腰,买正版吧!定制印刷报名QQ:2496039388(晋江大H)1w0-67995 >>


内容简介:简介21990,身处九龙寨底层的乔莉以一吻的代价救下被烂仔追杀的落难公子邵逸斐。九龙寨相互依靠相互救赎的逃亡之路使两人互生情愫。浪荡不羁,桀骜不驯的公子从此情根深种,以身祭情,从此世间 再无矜骄的邵氏公子,只有底层痞气十足兴义安飞哥。而出生底层,擅长权衡利弊,理性自持的乔莉压抑情丝,抓住时机,借他上位,从此庇理罗多了名门淑女富家千金邵九莉。再见,他爱恨痴缠,她甘愿被俘,为他的复仇铺路1w0-80455 >>


内容简介:末世自爆后,夏海棠和林南峰夫妻两人一起穿越了。林南峰成了一个嫌弃媳妇生不出儿子,天天打媳妇打闺女,还游手好闲的混账丈夫。夏海棠成了那个天天被打,默默忍受,还一心只想生出儿子的懦弱媳妇。 他们不仅成了别人眼中的笑话,家里更是穷的家徒四壁,一点余粮没有,还欠着好多钱!两人一合计,没钱没粮不怕,名声不好更不怕,他们身怀异能又有空间,轻轻松松就能打个翻身仗。种田养娃,治病救人,带领全家全村一起发家致富,1w0-68204 >>

Rabu Kare - Gokujou Men Dokuhon!

From Evil Flowers: A compilation of 6 sweet stories about finding love and learning how to keep it. 1) Karada no Iinari by SAKOU Watari Uika Tonoda and Kuniyoshi Hazama are very experienced when it comes to sex….in theory at least. They know every theoretical term about sex, pheromones and all sorts of things related, yet either of them has never experienced it for itself. What will happen when these 2 will meet? Will they be able to leave the talk aside and finally take action? 2) Oni Kare by TSUKISHIMA Haru Wakaba Endou only wishes to finish her driving lessons soon so she can get a driver's license. Although she thought it will be easy at first, nothing is easy when the one who's teaching you is instructor Kenzaki. He complains about every small mistake that she does and won't give her any points in her lessons unless she does them perfect. Wakaba always complains about the fact that he's so strict, but at least he's good looking... 3) Himitsu no Kinchan! by IWASHITA Keiko What would you say if you knew that objects can fall in love? Kin-chan is the most popular mannequin in a clothing shop. Everyone wants to wear the clothes she's showing and even though she's just a plastic doll one day Haruto saved her from falling on the floor when she was pushed by the many enthusiastic customers. Even since then Kin-chan is not like the other mannequins because she has fallen in love with a human. What will she do when Moai-sama will grant her the power to be a human for 3 days? 4) Shuuren by MONOU Yuki Nishimura Inori (17 years old) has given up on being girly after enrolling into an all-girls school. Since they barely get to see any boys, she and her classmates are so to called 'boy hungry”. Yet still, they kinda gave up on the idea. They end up going to a very boring school trip to Nara and are pleased to discover that in the neighborhood inn, there is another class renting the place at the same time, from an all-boy school. So, this is it, the girls last chance to seek love before going back to school. 5) Rabu + Kuro Love&Clothes by TADA Manami Matsumi Katou is a normal 25 years old housewife. Lately her husband has stopped complimenting her and she's spending most of the time taking care of her child and never to take care of herself. When she hears that she'll need to go to a party together with her husband she realizes that she's got nothing more formal to wear. In her search for a piece of cloth that will fit her she ends up at Aoi's shop, a manager who puts the happiness of the client before the job to sell any cloth to anyone. Will Aoi manage to make Matsumi look beautiful for the party? 6) Himikoi ~ Time Limit by Robiko It's her last semester of high-school and Mako realizes she hasn't done anything memorable in all her time spent here. So she starts skipping classes together with Yoshi and ends up spying on other couples instead of leaving her own love story. But love comes in many forms and even tough Yoshi doesn't seem to take an interest in her she's still determined to have her high-school romance memories, even if that means forcing him to date her.

Boku To Majo No Jikan

It was supposed to be his most lucky day ever right? So how did he end up dying? And if he's dead why did he wake up in a lab with a strange girl who says she wants to examine him? Not only has his hair turned white and his eyes red, but he can't seem to be wounded by anything. So much for a lucky day huh?

Toukou Tochuu No Deaigashira No Guuzen Kiss Wa Ariuru? Jikken

Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru? Jikken summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru? Jikken. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Thunderbolt Boys: Excite

[Continuation of Denkou Sekka Boys] Kodaka Natsui, a naturally beautiful young boy, and a drop-dead gorgeous rich kid named Ritsu Yasaka both work as models. One day, their agency requires both boys to attend an overnight retreat. Kodaka decides he wants to become a man worthy of Ritsu, so he begins to undergo training under Ritsu's valet...in more salacious ways than one! When he finds out what's going on, Ritsu can no longer suppress his overwhelming desire. Also contains several oneshots in Volume 2: Waru Amai Mitsu Urimasu!

Spirit Animals: The Evertree

Spirit Animals: The Evertree summary: Spirit Animals: The Evertree summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spirit Animals: The Evertree. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Working Women of Japan

Working Women of Japan summary: Working Women of Japan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Working Women of Japan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ultimate: No Limits

Ultimate: No Limits summary: Ultimate: No Limits summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ultimate: No Limits. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion summary: My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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