






这不是一个漫画(不),这是一个“直播间”!当你认真看完前几话之后,就会忍不住每天来看这群男人在直播间搞事情哦~ 温馨提示:本作品有重要的男角色和重要的女角色,但没有男主也没有女主!(正色)














简介为了寻找多年不见的爸爸,小冈决定成为父亲一般优秀的猎人。为了达成心愿,他开始踏上崎旅程,接受重重测试。《幽游白书》作者最新力作。 众准备猎人进入第二次测试,郤遇上美食猎人美滋,并且他们以“烹饪”作为第二次测试的题目。可是由于美滋的求太高,以致连一个合格的人也没有……????? 小小冈等人与超长期因犯进行五局三胜制的决斗。正当两胜两负关键时刻,基路亚出战,敌方迎战的竟是肢解杀人狂












内容简介:我叫江离,穿越过来没见到金手指,自己辛辛苦苦修炼到大乘期,现在突然蹦出来个系统,说能帮助我逆袭,让我从小小的练气期逆袭成修真界第一人。系统大哥,你出来晚了,我,江离,当代人皇,九州共尊 ,已经是修真界第一人了。1w0-29660 >>


内容简介:上辈子她心盲眼瞎,错把仇人当恩人,最终不仅害死了那个深爱自己的男人与还未出世的孩子,还落得惨死下场。重活一次,顾西誓要手撕渣女,脚踹渣男,夺回属于自己的一切,再虐的他们生不如死!而自己 上辈子负了的那个男人,这辈子,她倾尽所有,也要回报!至于原来厌恶他小妻子为何变了成了这娇羞的模样,刑北岩表示不重要,在他心里,只有一个字,“宠!”1w0-4994 >>


内容简介:小兵,为您提供《快穿之肉文系统(h)》最新章节及全文在线免费阅读,快穿之肉文系统(h)更新及时欢迎光临本站阅读《快穿之肉文系统(h)》您也可以选择收藏《快穿之肉文系统(h)》1w0-3 037 >>






内容简介:关于霸天战皇:【2o14ampgt这是一个武者为尊的大世界!少年叶凌,出身低微,资质平平,却有着坚韧不拔的心态。一次变故,让叶凌融合了从天而降的神秘蓝光,从此成为绝世天才,在腥风血雨的 成长过程中,傲啸九天。各位书友要是觉得《霸天战皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71697 >>


内容简介:六年前,被父亲和堂姐陷害,顾惋惜怀上一个不明不白的孩子,还被迫和暗恋多年的陆行澜解除婚约,母亲也最终病死在医院。直到那时她才看清,原来所谓的父亲是豺狼,亲近的堂姐如蛇蝎。怀揣着复仇的执 念和一地伤心,她远赴异国。六年后,她携萌宝归来,誓要夺回属于自己的东西,豺狼环伺,她便打退豺狼;蛇蝎上门,她便斩杀蛇蝎。可唯有一人,她始终拿他没有办法。陆行澜本以为此生与他缘尽,可他偏偏却要再次来1w69472-69488 >>


内容简介:为什么别人穿越之后都是牛逼哄哄,不是天赋出众就是外挂一堆,偏偏萧白怜穿越了,却杯具的发现自己虽然是特殊体质,却是号称史上第一蛋疼犹如废柴一般的零魂体质?美女倒是不少,但是为什么都是自己 的召唤兽?零魂体质效果:不分实力和品级,下至战斗力只有5的渣,上至开天辟地神魔全部都能召唤成功!而且没有数量限制!PS:被零魂体质的召唤师召唤的任何生物,都会因为零魂体质影响,战斗力被严重缩水!萧白怜各位书友要是觉得《零魂师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97492 >>


内容简介:《狐妻美人》村里人都说王狸是狐狸精,我不信。直到某天晚上,我偶然遇到她洗澡,嗅到她身上有股狐膻味,突然她阿爸带着几个精壮大汉闯进王狸洗澡房村里人都说王狸是狐狸精,我不信。直到某天晚上, 我偶然遇到她洗澡,嗅到她身上有股狐膻味,突然她阿爸带着几个精壮大汉闯进王狸洗澡房1w0-72933 >>


内容简介:  一边是传说中玛丽苏的女主——机遇无敌;一边是现实里的果断型女主——气运冲天  夹在其中的穿越“炮灰女”连葭葭决定保持距离是基础,努力升级是必须,扮猪吃老虎是王道!  日更3K+,不 定期加更(╯3╰)  *****  新书:天师上位记  昭和元年,出得一十三位大天师的百年术士世族张家满门被灭;  昭和元年,集万千宠爱于一身的青阳县主杖毙了一位出身平凡的普通少女;  当死去的女孩再次睁眼,自此,天翻地覆!1w0-677 >>


内容简介:末日之吞噬万物是屠苍生写的科幻未来类小说十五年前,一场流星雨改变了整个世界。丧尸,在大地各处肆虐;人类,只能躲藏在夹缝中生存。十五年后,新建的南京城遭受最严酷的考验,四面楚歌的环境下, 最终成毁人亡。赵传,一个在末世挣扎了十五年的战士,同样死在了这一场人与丧尸之间的战斗中。不知为何,他醒了,熟悉的一切,熟悉的流星雨将在27分钟之后再次降临。这一次,他带着未来的记忆,将要如何去改变这个破碎的世界……更新时间,中午12:oo,下午18:3o每日两更1w0-68074 >>


内容简介:林凡激活签到系统,成为世界首富后,他急流勇退,娶了个校花隐居乡下,享受婚后平淡的甜蜜。结果老婆为了获得免费旅游的奖励,报名参加了《私房钱大挑战》节目。五大王牌搜查官,入室搜查私房钱。于 是……“找到一个私人酒窖,里面全是旷世佳酿!1907年白雪香槟“沉默之船”、1869年拉菲古堡、1945年罗曼尼·康帝、1947年白马酒庄……每瓶售价都超过200万!”“找到一书柜房产证!魔都汤臣一品、维多利亚别墅、埃里森庄园、摩纳哥空中别墅、费尔菲尔德日落之屋……你老公在全世界有1000处顶级房产!”“找到一抽屉传世名表!百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、保罗纽曼迪通拿、格拉芙……穷玩车,富玩表,这些表的总价值,都能干掉一省首富了!”“找到一箱捐赠证书!实锤了,你老公就是那个偷偷捐赠了八百座小学的慈善家!”“找到一箱股权证书!水果集团、企鹅集团、亿达地产……这些世界五百强企业,你老公都有股份!”“找到一盒子令牌!天神殿、龙王殿、冥王殿、昆仑殿、修罗殿……他们都听你老公号令!”……一时间,举世皆惊。老婆很委屈:“呜呜呜……”林凡:“别哭了老婆,私房钱全部上交!”老婆:“老公,人家配不上你……”各位书友要是觉得《老婆参加节目,我私房钱被曝光了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85625 >>

Shuko's Snack

Kenji Yashima has been receiving hand-made snacks from his neighbour, Shuko Kojima, who moved in when he was seven. Shuko was good at everything, and what he doesn't understand is why she would bother with a guy like him.

Soul (Kim Yong Seon)

{From Acacia15} Taepung is of a rather... prestigious family. But his father does not accept him, for no reason in particular. He is being beaten up by a gang when a ghost like girl comes and saves him.. And takes his most precious necklace. That girl is the 'fortune teller' girl, Kain. But she seems to be possessed..


A very short (poetic) oneshot about breaking free.

Fruits Basket

When high school pupil Tohru Honda's mom dies in an automobile crash on her way to perform in the parking-lot, she determines to live together with her grandpa. Restoration on unkind and un-supportive relatives and your house induce her to move from her grandpa's house briefly and, Tohru starts living in a tent and supporting herself because she's no where else to go. In other words, till she finds a house in the least likely of places, inhabited his cousin Shigure and by her well-liked classmate Yuki Sohma. The very first day Tohru goes into the Sohma residence, an orange-haired teen crashes throughout the roofing of her bedroom that is new and begins assaulting Yuki. This starter is Shigure's sharply mad cousin, Yuki and Kyo. He attempts to battle him again once Kyo loses rapidly to Yuki. When he is around to assault, Tohru attempts to prevent him, but slips on a clothes, making her fall onto the again of Kyo. At these times, something huge is discovered by Tohru about the Sohmas. The Sohmas reside using a hex. Twelve family members (excluding Kyo, who's the cat) are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac creature when they're poor, under pressure, obstructed, or when embraced by someone of the other gender. When Tohru finds the Sohmas' secret, is permitted to keep dwelling together and she promises to not tell. Even though the Sohmas' curse is darker and deeper than Tohru understood, her endorsement of them and her existence shortly becomes a big, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the hex and, on the way, meets and finds the Sohma spirits that are zodiac. Each has a style that is different, the same as the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, the lives of the Sohma family alters eternally.

The Biker Brothers And The Golden Baby

The Biker Brothers And The Golden Baby summary: The Biker Brothers And The Golden Baby summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Biker Brothers And The Golden Baby. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After)

Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) summary: Tang Xin Lian had never met a good man in her life. In order to stay away from rotten peach blossom flowers (bad relationships) and to take care of her son so that they’ll have a peaceful life, she indulged in the notion of employing a fake husband!
Even if she considered all men unreliable, the candidate she chose was gay, so it should’ve been safe right?
Little did she know – –
First of all, who said that a man who drank at a gay bar would have to like men?
Secondly, regarding her “new roommate” Zhong Zhen Dong’s outward appearance, which was cultured and refined, he was also modest and courteous. However in actuality, this man was without a doubt very cunning. If you easily believed him, you wouldn’t even know how you died one day!
The naïve, innocent, little white rabbit wasn’t aware of it. She was just happy the flies around her were finally driven away.
That was until the big wolf entered her inner chambers and proceeded to go to the next level. He tried to control her desire, her body, and her heart. Even her son who always stuck to her, traitorously shouted ‘father’ with genuine admiration.
She then realized Mr. Nice Guy actually originally harbored evil intentions towards her. It was simply a pig disguising itself to eat a tiger!
Being tied to this handsome man was definitely a calamity, not a blessing. Right now, it wasn’t considered too late. She could still escape without a trace with her son. She’d erase the past 100 days, and exchange it for a happy, stable life…

Kandace and the Beast

Kandace and the Beast summary: Kandace and the Beast summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kandace and the Beast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt

Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt summary: Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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