






















简介一位极其普通的腐女早已女朱叶在卖同人志时, 一位极其普通的腐男子桐生和人前来购买 他们的身份其实是同一所高中的老师与学生——!?










内容简介:李路是都市后宫流的男主角,随着一路的打脸反派、征服佳人,他的金钱和权力越来越大,拥有的后宫也越来越多,真可谓风流潇洒、羡煞旁人。然后,李路变成了李露,她发现她的后宫也性转了,那些绝代佳 人、倾城美人都成了男人!更不幸的是,随着李露和他们的接触越来越多,曾经的后宫和反派也似乎在逐渐恢复记忆。而他们有些人视她为生命,能为了她去死;有些人杀意满满,恨不得亲手弄死她;还有些人,前世是情敌,今生是舔狗。总之,真是一场纷乱纠结的戏剧,叫人不知如何是好。注:1男主们身心处,无白月1w0-120434 >>


内容简介:反派大佬的渣前妻穿书全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),已开新文【病弱偏执狂的痴宠穿书】求收围脖:万万梅子酸简宁突然穿进了一本言情狗血小说,此文反派是个奇葩1w20274-6242 5 >>


内容简介:重生到1983年,年近八岁的张扬,得到了一个神级天才系统。八岁,会6个国家的语言。计算速度比计算机还要快上十倍。无论多长的文章,过目不忘。神童就此诞生了。而,这仅仅还是开始。国家,因为 有了张扬这个小神童,走向了重工崛起之路。1w0-49185 >>

快穿 绿茶生存大法

内容简介:斯文败类疯批攻38毒舌沙雕貌美受1v1双洁主受强强沙雕甜宠文江免为续命,与系统绑定穿越各个世界做任务,任务内容是努力降低黑莲花大佬的黑化值,然而,好不容易感化好大佬,但凡他想逃离,大佬 们就会发疯。世界一:病娇总裁将他圈在怀里,轻咬着他耳垂呢喃道:“总有刁民惦记我的宝贝,我把那个影帝杀了助助兴如何?”江免:“可以,但让我来。”总裁:“?”世界二:偏执校草将他锁住,阴郁道:“我说过,再跑就将你腿打断。”江免:“不如将我手也一起打断了吧,这样我就不用自己吃饭了,还有人喂,针不戳。”校草:“……”世界三:病弱世子自知活不久,将他困在榻上柔声道:“我怕我死后你会跟别人跑了,不如与我同死,如何?”江免径直将一杯毒酒喝下,然后亮出崭新的大刀,“废话真多,毒酒没了,有刀,你自己动手还是我帮你?”世子:“……”本文又名【我媳妇总是在沙雕的路上越跑越偏】、【论108种不重样的沙雕死法】、【每天都在浪断腰边缘反复横跳】……1w12277-60894 >>


内容简介:星辰冲窍,月华养魂,阳火淬身,熔炼银河血,身成不灭恒星体!少年顾辰身怀天辰万象诀,在这天才如雨,强者如云的世界,以手中三十三重天秘术,登临绝巅!任你神道无双,武道绝顶,不敌我的霸道!1 w843-28004 >>


内容简介:上辈子黎舟为财而死,意外重生回到了1995年。那是一个充满商机和欲望的年代,他站在重新选择人生的岔路口,回档重来,这次他想尝试不同的人生。活在当下,顺水行舟。黎家有两位少爷,大少爷虽是 领养的但理智冷1w0-67395 >>


内容简介:订阅率达到要求,仍出现无法购买或防盗章的情况,请在a个人中心清除缓存试试哦。本文只在晋江文学网发表,请各位大可爱们,给小的一点点鼓励哦您每次在正版前的订阅以及留言都是对作者的肯定感谢有 你1w0-111529 >>




内容简介:女人被男人甩了,不是要一哭二闹三上吊吗?她照办就是!她哭,哭他小三流了产;她闹,闹得他公司大破产;她上吊,吊着他小叔脖子睡大觉!一场顶级订婚宴上,惊艳绝色的她身穿婚纱,手执酒杯,千娇百 媚招待宾客。“婶婶,恭喜。”一个对她迷恋已久的男人走过来。“前夫,同喜。”与他碰杯,轻勾唇角,似笑非笑。前夫?她是前妻?男人表情仿佛被天雷劈过,不可能,他前妻长得歪瓜裂枣,前平后板,怎么能和眼前绝代佳人相提并论划等号。女人越贴越近,神情举止好像情人般亲昵,但出口的话语却寒冷如冰,“忘了告诉前夫你,我是国内著名高级化妆师,曾经的歪瓜裂枣,前平后板只是我的作品。”“不,不可能!”男人大惊失色。“宝贝,累了吗?”神秘至尊男人,也就是今天的新郎温文尔雅走过来,宠溺拥她入怀。“小叔,小叔,她是我前妻。”遮掩眸中的痛苦,但身体止不住颤抖,是愤怒,也是后悔不跌。“同名同姓而已,别胡思乱想。”闻言,新郎笑了,这一笑男色惑人,魅力不可抵挡。哐当一声,男人手中的酒杯掉在地上,如同他此刻的心,四分五裂。1w0-25493 >>


内容简介:失踪的人为何在外省逍遥自在?真正的失踪者又是何人?富家公子为何选择闹市隐居?妙龄少女又为何行为诡异?死不瞑目者的眼眸下,到底有多少话要讲?深知真相的知情者,又为何哑口无言?刑侦队长的儿 子接过父亲衣钵,扒掉上市集团老板伪善的外衣,披露敛财者吃人的本质,拨开迷雾重重下掩盖的真相,还世间海阔天空!1w0-89583 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我和冰山总裁老婆》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【热门新书、免费阅读】他,没有人知道他来自哪里,但见过他的人,都奉他为战场最恐怖的‘修罗’。而在江湖上都称呼他‘九爷’当失忆王者归来 ,遇到了冰山总裁,他们之间会发生怎样的家庭冲突呢?1w0-103976 >>

重生 攻略丞相亲父

内容简介:穿越成刁蛮任性,胸无点墨的商贾第一苏家大小姐,翡翠宴上整治绿茶和渣男,更是霸气的退了婚约,人人对她都弃之敝履,只有他会出面对她说一句公道之言,因此一见倾心,别人说她不配高攀,可她却偏偏 反着来,她与世家大族的小姐不同,各种偶遇各种牵线搭桥,她样样用尽,只为与他多相处,能博得他的青睐,破除迷案,共解灾情,一次次的生死相1w0-76765 >>

Boku To Kanojo No Game Sensou

Kishimine Kengo, a boy who moved into a high school that was an all-girls school until several years ago. In spite of the so-called harem environment where he was surrounded only by girls, he wasn't good at socialising and his sole hobby was immersing himself in reading. He lived a quiet life. But, he decided to participate in club activities that he hadn't done until now, and so his high school life changed into something stormy and full of drama. He joined the one where he played modern games – in short, the game club. Kishimine was supported by the beautiful student council head and a perverted teacher, and he displayed unexpected talent. Now the curtain has been raised on the exciting gaming life of an ordinary boy.

Overbearing Tyrant

In the year 202X, the Otherworlders invaded Earth. The otherworlders have more sophisticated technology and hunted down humans with combat robots and viral weapons, and the remaining humans battled on for 10 years just to survive. The main character, Park Sung Hyun', was the leader of the troops in Incheon, Bupyeong. Prior to the invasion of the Otherworlders, he used to be a part-timer at a convenience store like an ordinary person, but he became a strong warrior in the process of losing his family and battling to avenge them. In the midst of the attack against the Otherworlders' headquarters, Park Hyun Sung got trapped in a warp portal with the leader. When he woke up, he found himself in a fantasy world that reminded him of the medieval times in Europe, and his soul was trapped inside a weak blonde 15-year-old pretty boy's body. Hyun Sung was surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings and his weak body and found out that he is occupying the body of Ian Albarren, and that his father is the lord of a land who owes a large debt to the great lord and faces a difficult time ruling over his land. Park Hyun Sung, who had been fighting against combat robots and viral weaponry from the Otherworlders who had advanced scientific technology, decides to get used to this fantasy world to fight against monsters with armor and swords.

Saikyou No H

From Wataame Shoujo: A collection of 6 stories about love relationships. 1st story: Emi has her first time with her boyfriend. She had heard that the first time would hurt, but she had no idea how much it hurt! After they first time she became afraid and began avoiding her boyfriend at all costs. But she still loves him. Will her love be able to conquer the pain of sex?

Shinshi Doumei Cross

In return for a business loan of 50 million yen, the prestigious Kamiya family gave their daughter Haine away to the Otomiya family. Haine, now an Otomiya, is appointed to the student council of the exclusive Imperial Academy, a private school for the aristocracy. Even though Haine is of proper lineage to be on the council, she finds herself struggling to find her place among the many secrets of its elite members, especially those of the president who holds her heart--Shizumasa Tōgū, aka 'the Emperor.' Haine has been in love with Shizumasa Togu from the day she read the picture book he wrote as a child! She enrolls the Imperial Academy to be close to him and is accepted as a member of the student council! But with that dark secrets start to reveal them selves! Why does 'The Emperor' act differently? Is Haine really in love with Shizumasa? Why did her father sell her and why doesn't her mother write to her anymore? Find out in The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (Shinshi Doumei Cross), where the real drama begins and everything is possible!

Essays on Scandinavian Literature

Essays on Scandinavian Literature summary: Essays on Scandinavian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays on Scandinavian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Boy Life

Boy Life summary: Boy Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boy Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth summary: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Journey to the Centre of the Earth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Religious Sentiment

The Religious Sentiment summary: The Religious Sentiment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Religious Sentiment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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