














简介某日,被女神露娜,拜托运营异世界迷宫的鸟野和也。不情愿的做了迷宫运营者的和也,首先去锻炼哥布林和史莱姆。 2日后,剑士和魔术师,原本是王女,如今是奴隶等人组成的队伍,潜入迷宫。和也和哥布林们一同迎击! 但……建造露天澡堂、教育精灵少女们之类,迷宫主人今天也大忙!


茶龙社漫画 ,公主公主直到永远的作者作品 因为各种原因后续还会继续弧 总之还是可爱的小故事 可爱的女孩子们之间的那种
















内容简介:周森,顶流男团偶像,归国后被黑料风暴笼罩。但他只想成为一个演员,重新追梦,只不过现实总是喜欢开玩笑。周森:“咱们商量个事。”粉丝:“啥事?”周森:“我不想当偶像了。”粉丝:“?”周森: “我的意思是,我想当个影帝。”粉丝:“?我们只管票房。”颁奖现场:“恭喜周森获得最受欢迎男演员奖和最佳导演奖!”,所以最佳男演员呢?我的影帝呢?1w0-60025 >>


内容简介:‘小剧场:凉夏气闷地瞧向一边的男人,鄙夷地问:“我到底哪得罪你了,你这么对付一个女同学还是不是男人了?”顾晟睿倾身上前,将凉夏压至身下,红唇凑近她的脸颊,坏笑着说:“我怎么就不是男人了 呢?我不但是,我还是个优秀的能干的男人,你不信?要不要试试?”“啊!!!”凉夏慌乱地尖叫出声,紧闭起双眼伸手推开顾晟睿,顾晟睿倒也不挣扎,任凭她的小手按压在自己的胸膛上:“你给我起来,立刻,马上。”顾晟睿索性坐直了身体,坏笑着道:“好,那你在上面。”凉夏想去死一死,她玩不过顾晟睿,因为这个男人不要脸!1w0-60623 >>


内容简介:  新书《我徒弟真的都是废物啊》已发布,内投穿越到二战末尾时期的火影世界,却被逼无奈成为二尾的人柱力?!舍人摩挲着小腹上的封印,浮想联翩,舌根处传来阴冷的触感... 舌祸根绝之印?! 我在...雷之国还是火之国? 刚穿越就要接受地狱模式的考验?! “二尾,你说,大漂亮和小傲娇,这两个名字哪个好听?” “二尾,今天来给你讲一个大象与小白猫的故事...” ........ ........ 简介疲软无力,槿木习以为常! 已有完本370万字小说,拥有日万、月40万字能力,更新值得信赖! 书友群:1078231973,欢迎进群唠嗑!1w0-4360 >>


内容简介:简介:本书又名:英格兰金融业的最后希望——欧洲贵族的最后排面——啊美利坚梦最佳代言人——雨果·霍尔的传奇人生。我更喜欢人们称呼我:好莱坞绅士或者华尔街大善人——霍尔。90年代财富自由的 英伦贵族日常,顺便参与见证一些写进金融历史中的大事件。华尔街、东京、首尔……金融风暴始终追随着霍尔的脚步。展开作者:我居然是凡人所写的《英伦1987》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-32569 >>


内容简介:商王朝帝辛七年君臣正在商议多久前去祭祀上古正神女娲大神一声古怪的问答音响彻了朝歌封神请回答!“问题一:是谁在女娲宝殿提诗:凤鸾宝帐景非常,尽是泥金巧样妆;曲曲远山飞翠色,翩翩舞袖映霞裳 ;梨花带雨挣妖艳,芍药笼烟骋眉妆;但得妖娆能举动,取回长乐侍君王。回答失败者……问题2:是谁活生生打死了东海龙王三太子?李靖笑道,吾儿皆拜名山道1w0-27313 >>




内容简介:【提示:有的小伙伴表示看不懂这本书的年代,单独看吃穿用等等就代入成民国风格,但不是民国背景。】【背景简述:这是一个作者私设的世界观,承接上一本书《神来过人间》,是那本一千多年以后的故事 ,这个世界是作者心中的理想国世界,写的比较细,政治经济文化等等都跟现在我们认识到的世界不一样,却又有相似处。既然是自己创造了一个完整的世界,作者就想延续这个世界观,用故事将它填充得更完整,希望未来能坚持写得更1w0-92067 >>


内容简介:新书《超级保镖》已正式上传,开始连载,请不要被书名的语法迷惑,这是一个鬼修刺客在修仙界的故事。鬼,奔跑在夜色中,无影无形。刺客,眼神似鹰,刀影掠过,生机灭绝。你没有任何防备的时候,鲜血 已经从喉头喷射而出。我是鬼,但我要主宰这个宇宙!大家不要忘了手上每天的推荐票和期待票各位书友要是觉得《你身后有鬼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95038 >>


内容简介:她坠楼了,然后穿书重生了……她是炮灰的未婚妻,本人也是个炮灰……炮灰叠加的功力太强,秦昳最大的愿望就是淌出新路,戏份坚持到happyending只是未婚夫,我不想再和你捆绑炮灰cp,离 我远点可以吗?1w0-108454 >>


内容简介:欧文只是一位边陲小镇的小领主。直到来自异世界的科技大亨找上他,这一切都变了。接触先进思想,让他意识到封建的贵族体制阻碍了社会发展。获得未来科技,他尝试与魔法结合起来发展本地化的高科技。 贵族将其视为眼中钉,令他不得不发展军事工业来对付骑士和魔法师。“本来只想好好种田发展领地的,可他们偏要找麻烦,没办法,只好把他们的领地都收了。”欧文无奈地说。PS:本书又名《这个小领主抱上科技大亨的大腿》、《魔法1w0-27877 >>


内容简介:花都猎美记无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《花都猎美记》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻小说,笔趣阁5200免费提供花都猎美记最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0-824 56 >>


内容简介:为什么别人穿越之后都是牛逼哄哄,不是天赋出众就是外挂一堆,偏偏萧白怜穿越了,却杯具的发现自己虽然是特殊体质,却是号称史上第一蛋疼犹如废柴一般的零魂体质?美女倒是不少,但是为什么都是自己 的召唤兽?零魂体质效果:不分实力和品级,下至战斗力只有5的渣,上至开天辟地神魔全部都能召唤成功!而且没有数量限制!PS:被零魂体质的召唤师召唤的任何生物,都会因为零魂体质影响,战斗力被严重缩水!萧白怜各位书友要是觉得《零魂师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97492 >>

Tales Of Destiny: Director's Cut

From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game 'Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut', which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...


'In a Fight, they say that the first one to bleed from his or her nose is the loser. Father, Mother and Brother...They're all LOSERS that bled from the nose facing that damn monster called WORLD! I'm not going to fall into that one. Even though I have to break my head, I'm not going to bow my head before anyone. I'm going to finish everyone! I'm going to throw everyone on the ground with the 'Ushi Mata'. Even though my opponent is...a GIRL' The Boy that doesn't bow his head to anyone... SUK DONGMIN

Fushigi Na Hito

1. Mysterious Person Ruka is a high-school girl who holds affections for her teacher, Tokio. But one day, a mysterious person shows up and claims that he has come from the past! Not to mention, he calls himself by the same name as her beloved teacher, Tokio. What’s more unbelievable is that both “Tokio” have the exact same scar engraved on their palm… 2. A Small Love Story Hashi is one of the two sole members of her school's literature club. The other one is the romance-novel-loving club president Madoka. By chance, he finds out that her deceased grandmother happens to be one of his favourite authors. When he asks her to provide him with some original material, it sparks a change in her disinterest in love stories and their relationship. 3. Cloe the Devil Chroe is a loner because she has a reputation of bad things happening around her, especially to people who piss her off. What her classmates don't know is that she's a demon who causes misfortune on whomever she beholds. One day, while being confronted by a group of girls, Kikuchi defends her, causing her to look at him in surprise, which in turn causes him bad luck. Chroe starts avoiding him, scared of accidentally causing him harm, but Kikuchi is relentless in his pursuit. Chroe finds herself being drawn to him, but how is a relationship possible when she can't even throw him a glance without something bad happening to him? 4. Alice in Wonderland Ruu's mother just committed suicide and everyone can't stop gossiping about it, except for her new boyfriend, Mitsu, who acts like everything is normal. With everything going on, Ruu wants to seek comfort from Mitsu, but since her mother's passing, he hasn't touched her. Does Mitsu want her to disappear, too? 5. Sugar-Coat Ako is a seventeen-year old who is in love with her cousin (who also happens to teach at her school), Shou. Shou is getting married in a month and Ako is acting out to get his attention, and to prove to herself, and to him, that he cares about her. Shou is getting increasingly worried by Ako's erratic behavior, which only started somewhat recently. Can Ako get over her feelings? Or will she lose herself in a path of self-destruction? 6. The Star and The Heart Mini and Mani are identical twins who are best friends, and do everything, and go everywhere together. To help people tell them apart, Mani wears star earrings and Mini wears heart earrings. Life is great, until Mini suddenly acts loopy and distracted. Mani discovers that Mini and Suga have fallen for each other, and Mani is jealous that despite being identical, someone likes Mini, and no one likes her. On another level, she also feels that Suga is taking her best friend away from her. To what lengths will she go to to keep her sister close?

Himawari Youchien Monogatari Aiko Desho!

Hanatori Suimei, a ronin, came to his aunt's house to study for the next university entrance exam. Turn out the place he will be living in is a kindergarden ran by his aunt. There, he meets Aiko, an 8 year-old girl, Haru, a teacher there, and many other children. How will his relationship with Aiko, with Haru turn out? *Includes a side story called Same Sight in volume 1.


Immortal summary: Mortal side:
Once I’ve become Immortal, then my attempt to conquer the world shall begin. I, Zhongshan, in order establish a supreme heavenly dynasty, must marshal all the luck that I can gather to cleanse my own karma. Then I will have the strength to fight heaven itself, create a new world, and live forever.
First: Fate. Second: Luck. Third: Feng Shui. Four: Cultivate Inner Virtue. Five: Fame!
To gain eternal life. To obtain fame, one must establish a heavenly dynasty and ama.s.s the luck of the world! To cultivate inner virtue, one must establish holy sites and acc.u.mulate an immeasurable amount of merit! To cultivate feng shui one must learn to communicate between yin and yang and control the powers of heaven and earth! To cultivate luck, …….! To cultivate fate, ……..!
Immortal side:
Ask the whole world, who can have eternal life~!

My Perverse Equivalent Exchange System In Doomsday

My Perverse Equivalent Exchange System In Doomsday summary: One cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be paid.The life saving system that Long Yu received supposedly follows this rule. Unfortunately, the price required some times can turn out to be somewhat strange. 'System, I want to exchange for something that can regrow an arm. 'Searching....Recommended option:...

Virtual Sword God!

Virtual Sword God! summary: Virtual Sword God! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Virtual Sword God!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Irons In The Fire

Irons In The Fire summary: Irons In The Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Irons In The Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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