
































内容简介:现在站在你们面前的是:以一部五千万投资的《我不是药神》创造三十一亿票房神话!女明星们的梦中情人!黄博的好兄弟!主持人大赛神仙选手!跑男团的老大哥!花少团的玩梗王!真正的娱乐圈巨星!林言 !!!林言:其实,我是个演员!本书关键词:都市生活爽文穿越都市《娱乐:从药神开始的娱乐巨星》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、离婚后的我开始转运了、那个被我活埋的人、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、居山海、武侠:开局算计师娘、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、玄幻:我!天命大反派、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、明知故犯、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、这个明星很想退休、启蒙、醉里挑灯看你、大秦开局迎娶政姐姐、灰大叔与混血王子、肆意少年时1w0-77257 >>


内容简介:宁孤舟把剑架在棠妙心的脖子上:“你除了偷怀本王的崽,还有什么事瞒着本王?”她拿出一大堆令牌:“玄门、鬼医门、黑虎寨、听风楼……只有这些了!”话落,邻国玉玺从她身上掉了下来,他:“……” 她眼泪汪汪:“这些都是老东西们逼我继承的!”众大佬:“你再装!”1w18904-26095 >>


内容简介:全球大佬团宠后,小撩精野翻了【甜宠爽强】司家声名狼藉的女儿,从乡下回来了。众人闻之,纷纷唾弃!草包千金、粗野村姑、恶毒魔头……直到某天——名震中外的救世药主,是她。神秘莫测的金牌法医, 是她1w58395-82381 >>


内容简介:李果儿一觉醒来发现自己穿到了仙侠盛世。身负绝世体质的她为自己未来的仙生定了个基调:立志在这太平盛世做一个安静的生活技能玩家,没事种种菜,炼炼丹什么的就好,没事给战斗在一线的兄弟姐妹们提 供点物质支援就好!至于升级打怪刷副本?不存在的!人家还想仙福永享,寿与天齐呢!老天爷说送你两个字:呵呵!仙途常欢地址:1w0-77300 >>


内容简介:上辈子,楚梓言脑子进了水,错信渣男贱女,弄得家破人亡,还害死了那个爱她如命的男人。重活一世,她捡起美貌与智商,走上了虐渣渣和抱大腿的道路。身边的大佬们小心翼翼的护着她。商业精英大哥:钱 不够了跟哥说,整个公司都给你。人气偶像二哥:哥又为你出了一张专辑,表白世上最好的小妹。高冷校草三哥:我对女人没兴趣,除了我家小言。某位冰山霸总扯着自己的领带,冷冷道:我是来接我老婆的,大1w0-88470 >>


内容简介:这是一个穿越到艾泽拉斯世界的小青年,为了爱与正义(不要变成食尸鬼),不畏牺牲(可以跑尸体复活),为了寻觅失落的正义与人性(节操),不停掉节操捡回节操的故事。本人计有275万字《暗影神座 》、《深渊杀神》、《霸王之枪》、《飞云星志》等近十套完本作品,码字13年的老笔头,信心保证。1w0-82365 >>


内容简介:  出门一把刀,装备全靠爆!  网文写手白小文,被一颗神奇眼球带到了百年之后的灵能时代。  灵子渗透,变异兽肆虐,灵界怪物入侵,数据化的地球如同一个超大型游戏!  我来了,我看见,我征 服!  白小文睁开神眼吼出强者语,然而距离高考只有130天。  征服灵能时代,从成为高考状元开始。  ***  进化之眼全订群:603,765,346(进群请报起点昵称)  进化之眼普通群:165,675,218。  目前群刚创建,车位很多。欢迎兄弟们的加入!1w0-504 >>


内容简介:天下四分,南征北战,东浑西乱,袁朝皇帝野心勃勃,携夏王征战四方,掳掠百姓,终占的东江,因战事历久,各国无力征战,袁帝与其余三帝会面签订合约,不再混战,时过五年,休养生息,东江富足,袁帝 出尔反尔,出兵攻占南江,南江周朝破灭,周帝携子孙逃走奕河,不欲再复前仇,只求安稳一世,奈何袁帝夏王紧追不舍,周朝再灭,但无人发现,周朝逃走一子,在旧臣帮扶下偷建新朝,潜伏夏王府,此时袁帝夏王均已故去,两国子嗣间的战争暗自开始,周朝新主周染濯常驻夏王府,本意报复,可日久之后,却渐渐发现前事有差,仇人竟还另有其人!随着长时间与新夏王夏景笙及郡主夏景言相处,周染濯竟逐渐狠不下心,但天命难改,终究无福。【展开】【收起】1w0-108867 >>




内容简介:刘飞是北大的高材生,因为神秘的身世走上为官途,但宦海生涯,博大精深,危机四伏,始终以民为本的刘飞面对各路官场高手,谈笑风生,淡定自若,轻描淡写之间,各路腐败分子谈刘色变,实实在在的保证 了国家利益和老百姓的利益!1w4208-4677 >>


内容简介:  [半无敌,休闲文,日更万+]许笙一觉醒来,发现自己穿越到了斗罗大陆!本想平平淡淡过完一生的他,直到武魂觉醒时才意识到不对劲!  第一武魂:九心血棠!由九心海棠变异而成,以血为祭,以 魂润棠,彻底打破辅助系的神话!  第二武魂:冰蔷薇之剑!攻击力碾压昊天锤,成就大陆最强器武魂!  在素云涛震惊的目光下,许笙无奈的望着自己身上九个猩红的魂环,“那啥,其实我只是想平平淡淡过一生,不过你瞧我身上这九个红圈圈好看么?”1w0-1689 >>



Girls' Day Out Of The Living Dead

Girls' Day Out of the Living Dead summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Girls' Day Out of the Living Dead. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bokura Wa Itsumo

The series is composed of four heroine/hero. Nori: An energetic, upbeat girl who was heartbroken sometime ago due to her childhood friend. Now she is headed to meet Haruna, the lonely kid who she always played with back then but she was surprised to see he turned out to be a hunk. Kyou: The school's prince. From a distinguish family: he is handsome, smart, athletic and rich. He has never struggle for anything in his life, be it money or women. Haruna's sudden return throws him off momentum. Saeka: Nori, Kyou and her are childhood friends. She is mature, composed and understands the two quite well. Although beautiful she has never gone out with anyone due to being in love with her teacher from middle shool. Will her feeling be answered or will she find an unexpected love around the corner!? Haruna: The boy who comes back after leaving for many years. His reason for returning is unknown. The guy who’s clouded with mystery shows interest in Nori. Does he really like her or is there something else behind it... Summary: Nori Sakurada is told to pick up her child-hood friend Haruna at the train station. While there she sees a handsome unhappy guy who tries throwing his phone on the ground but Nori saves it...Suddenly she finds out that out is her crybaby child-hood friend Haruna. What will this lead to Also contains a side story called Himitsu no H-kun in vol.1: The well-known and popular Hakozaki-kun is the dream of every girl in Miwako’s school. However, he's hiding a secret! One day while walking down the street, Miwako notices him secretly taking photos of elementary schoolers!! Could it be that the famous Hakozaki-kun is actually… a… a pervert?!

Colorful Line

Shousuke always takes the role to comfort his best friend, Tomoki, who tends to fall in love and then gets dumped several times. One day, Shousuke was drinking with Tomoki and was listening to his whining as usual. Tomoki cracked some jokes and confessed to Shousuke telling him “I love you~” since Shousuke has always listened to him, but Shousuke let his true feelings out and asked Tomoki “Which one do you love more, me or your ex?” Tomoki answered he can’t choose and started crying. Shousuke got shaken up and kissed Tomoki without thinking…!? The day when an airhead, cry-baby man who easily falls in love, and a normal guy who has negative connotations about love became more than friends!

Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru

Collection of oneshot 1) Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru Takashi has been bullying Haruki since they were children. But he's an idiot, and Haruki always manipulates him. Will these two ever sort out their feelings for each other? 2) The Fox's Wedding The Fox's Wedding- Tohru has just quit his job, broken up with his fiancee and moved back home. And it's all because of his supervisor, Hanao! But Hanao is more than he appears to be... 3)Foreign Culture Communication A historical story! Commodore 'Just call me Darling,' is new to Japan and is given a young, beautiful and incredibly naive translator named Haneda Takayuki. Darling is smitten with his 'Honey', but will the culture differences be too much for them? 4)Little Lost Lamb Kamiya Inoru's parents run a Catholic church (?) and he helps out by listening to confessions. When classmate Shiba Youichi comes in and confesses that he's in love with his classmate, Kamiya, the priest substitute can't resist seeing how far Shiba will go for forgiveness... Warning: Dirty things happen in a church, and with religious objects. Also, the author doesn't know much about Catholicism. 5)Educational Affections

My Conquest of the World through Ice Magic

My Conquest of the World through Ice Magic summary: A [Crusade] in a world of swordsmanship and martial arts. A young man living in a remote village, Krell one day encounters a monster hidden within the depths of a cave and receives a strange book from it.
The moment he opens the book, Krell’s body is engulfed in a pale light. Suddenly, he is granted a new ability – the power of [Ice Magic]. Having obtained the legendary [Ice Magic], Krell embraces his ambitions. And thus begins the story of the youth with a unique, absolute power.

Pictures Every Child Should Know

Pictures Every Child Should Know summary: Pictures Every Child Should Know summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pictures Every Child Should Know. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Genius System Without Equal

The Genius System Without Equal summary: Xiao Luo and his girlfriend had been in love with each other for four years when she proposed a break up. Because of this, Xiao Luo sped his car in the night and ended up in a car accident. But it was a blessing in disguise as he unexpectedly fused with a high tech system that originated from a universe hundreds of billions of light years away. From this moment on, the entire world started to run amok...


Ideala summary: Ideala summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ideala. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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