
































内容简介:关于女王的小鲜肉:文案一:网上说,女人三十如狼四十如虎,男人过了三十就走下坡路。所以女大男小,搭配正好。郭智,女,28岁,有车有房。,20岁,居无定所。么才能一辈子赖上郭智。文案二:郭 智:妈个鸡!相亲的全是奇葩!还不如回摄影棚看看小鲜肉的腹肌!?这大姐看我的眼神儿有点……馋?郭智:换经纪人,换项目,换摄影师!你的,全听你的!郭智:喂喂,今天已经太累了。躺平享受就行。严肃强势御姐雷本文熟女向,慎入。洁者请止步食用指南:1,我知道文案好烂,作为文案废,我已经尽力了。2,这是练笔的甜文,我试着使劲撒糖,别跟我说没有新意都是套路。我真不知道甜文怎么写。哭T排除糖里有屎的可能性。4,我在第三条已经说了糖里可能有屎。5,糖里为什么有屎?我也不知道。6,已经在上面为务必看清楚然后静静离开。世道艰难,大家不要互相伤害。公告:7月28日周四入V,入大家支持!(更新约在9到10点左右)作者专栏请戳→作者微博请戳→微博江袖侧)已完结姐妹篇《泥》:已完结科幻言情《邵棠的位面》爽文:女王的小鲜肉是原作者袖侧精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新女王的小鲜肉最新章节,书友所发表的女王的小鲜肉评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持女王的小鲜肉书友的观点。袖侧的其他作品:泥、邵棠的位面您要是觉得《女王的小鲜肉》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-27512 >>


内容简介:  《龙樱》、《海女》、《半泽直树》,不论是多么吸引人的影视剧,背后的故事都是由字组成的。当清水彻意识到这一点时,他还不知道以字为武器的自己,会在日渐倾颓的日本影视界掀起多大的风浪。日 娱相关,多涉及日本小说与影视剧。1w0-3437 >>


内容简介:《激情调教女仆培训学校》小说简介:激情调教女仆培训学校是原作者水蜜桃精心创作的大作,小兵同步更新激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节,书友所发表的激情调教女仆培训学校评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者 支持激情调教女仆培训学校书友的观点。水蜜桃的其他作品:上网玩了一骚货lt短篇gt高H!、【繁】上网玩了一骚货、【繁体版】我是学校最淫荡的系花!2(高H!)、容易犯骚lt高Hgt、水蜜桃(纯H短篇集)、短篇合集、我是学校最淫荡的系花!2高h、淫荡学园女仆培训学校繁体版、激情调教女仆培训学校(高h)、我是学校最淫荡的系花!(高H!)关键词:激情调教女仆培训学校最新章节、激情调教女仆培训学校无弹窗、激情调教女仆培训学校txt下载、摊牌了,这是皇帝聊天群您要是觉得《激情调教女仆培训学校》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持水蜜桃吧!1w0-107659 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生之导演人生】前世扑街写手重生97年,从横店剧组一个场务做起,一步步成长为导演,巨星,资本大鳄。拍电影,《夜店》,《人在囧途》,《李米的猜想》,《鲨滩》,《 源代码》,《恐怖游轮》,《画皮》,《龙蛇演义》等。收购奇点,投资京东,入主腾迅,创造曙光集团,开创微博,微信,视频网站,打造属于自己的影视城,购房产,买豪车,一掷千金买私人飞机。他要求不高,只想三十岁之前赚够一辈子花不完的钱,提前退休,享受人生。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80568 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:王者:欢迎来到对抗路】ampltpampgt林昊激活边路战神系统,获得神级手速,神级意识,神级游戏理解。ampltpampgt从此,林昊逐渐在王者圈之内,展露 头角,最终成为所有对抗路的梦魇。ampltpampgt夫赖:“这个林昊的就强的离谱,我的老夫子就够猛了吧?他竟然把我按在地上锤……”ampltpampgt澈澈:“林昊的李信跟吃了德芙一样,居然比我的还要丝滑!”ampltpampgt德华:“求求系统别让我排到林昊了,遇到他是真的废手机……”ampltpampgt赛季末最后一天,当北慕带着三个队友偷偷去抓林昊的达摩时。ampltpampgt一手一闪双控双大,直接让四人炸裂。ampltpampgt当北慕四人看着漆黑的屏幕,耳边似乎响起了那句熟悉的话:ampltpampgt“欢迎来到对抗路!”ampltpampgt……ampltpampgt飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。ampltpampgt1w0-27110 >>


内容简介:你是否曾经为了寻找一个女孩,踏遍世界的每一个角落?你用血和汗水浇灌心中那希望之花,无数次的失落又重燃希望,无数次的倒下又重新站起。当你衣衫褴褛满身荆棘,终于看到那个可爱的身影,当你们的 指尖碰触的一刹那,你立下的誓言,连神都会颤抖。1w0-2359 >>




内容简介:  她拥有世间罕见的RH万能血型,为了隐藏身份从出生就被送走,十年间遭受各种欺负和凌辱。他是患有心里疾病和狂躁症的怪物,却也是豪门总裁,为了得到她的血液,他将她锁在身边,却将她的继妹当 成小时候的女孩宠上天。“给我生个孩子,我就放你走!”于是她生下逆天三胞胎之后离开。七年后,她身患绝症想见孩子们最后一面。“嫁给我,做孩子名正言顺的妈咪,你可以陪着他们一辈子!”“可是我活不长了。”“没关系,只要你多活一天,就是我的傅夫人。”?多年后她依旧身体健康,这才知道,原来这一切都是他的阴谋……1w0-3454 >>


内容简介:沈曼江峰的书名是什么?由网络作家多饼子为大家带来的《我的性感岳母》又名《我的年轻岳母》、《当初那么爱》,此书的主角是沈曼和江峰,小说讲述的是沈曼是一个非常年轻的母亲,即使现在已经三十六 七但是看起来只有二十五六岁,江峰是她的女婿,在一次出差归来之后,江峰将浴室里的沈曼误认为成他的妻子1w0-29825 >>


内容简介:她是前朝的遗腹公主。她的父皇昏庸无道,强抢已为人妇的生母入宫。不想前朝覆灭,皇族男性全部处死。生母趁乱逃出皇宫后,发现身怀有孕,产下稚子,抛弃深山。本该命绝深山,不想偶遇生产母狼,母狼 母性大发,带回洞中。朝摇仙山,远近闻名,朝摇大师兄清尘途径此地,听闻传闻,心下好奇,自身闯入深山寻找‘怪物’,不想传闻中的怪物是个弃婴,清尘心生怜悯,带回怪物回到朝摇悉心教养。天意弄人,朝夕相处,暗生情愫。岂料仙1w0-45743 >>





Love Plus

This was released during Comiket 78. And apparently, there were artbooks released too for the main characters.

Karakuri Odette

From Serenus Dreamers: Odette is an android designed by Dr. Yoshizawa. Wanting to find the ultimate difference between humans and her, Odette decides to persuade Dr. Yoshizawa to enroll her in a local high school. Follow Odette's adventures, as she ventures through high school, in search of the true meaning of being a human!

Yare Yare Kyonko

Gender Bender retelling of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.

Morning Kiss

Morning Kiss Summary Correction by Backlash67: Morning Kiss (Ch 1): The Tachibana family, are a family of brothers that run a newspaper agency. Yasutaka is the oldest brother who’s about pleasure first and business second. With the parents not around anymore, the oldest bother Yasutaka is in charge of running the agency. Kei who is one of the younger brothers is the responsible one. He often runs into his rival from another newspaper agency, Taira. Despite them being rivals, Taira seems to have a deeper interest in Kei than meets the eye and it seems that Kei feels the same too. Can these two get pass their rivalry and start a loving relationship? Together in the Morning (Ch 2): The oldest son, Yasutaka is invited into the home of a young master, Tooru after he saves Tooru for a second time. Tooru’s feelings for Yasutaka starts to bloosom; however, Yasutaka doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in Tooru at all. After a third rescue, Yasutaka decides that leaving Tooru alone isn’t a good idea. But with Tooru’s growing desire for Yasutaka becoming obvious will Yasutaka still be able to remain indifferent? (Takes place years before ch 1). Ch 3: This chapter focuses on the middle brother, Yukihiro and his internal conflict with his emotions in accepting the fact that both his older and younger brother are gay. While he wrestles with his feelings he meets and becomes an art model for Yomo-sensei. Are the feelings Yukihiro are struggling with only because of his denial to accept his brothers’ gay relationships or are they something more personal? Ch 4: Taichi Kusonoha is a student whose mom is away on a long business-trip leaving him and his dad alone. Taichi’s uncle, Kyouya Ooike, comes over very weekend to be the “housekeeper” for Taichi and his dad. Despite the obvious blood bonds, Taichi and Kyouya became lovers. Throw into the mix, Tachi’s dad, Shougo who used to have a sexual relationship with Kyouya and is still vying for Kyouya’s affections against Taichi and you have one dysfunctional family! [Side Story] Ch 5: Atsumu and Kayama Kazuha are friends and both students preparing to go to university. Kayama tutors Atsumu while also constantly flirting and trying to woo Atsumu. Atsumu always brushes off Kayama advances and tries to deny his desire to also be with Kayama. Will Kayama continue to pursue the defiant Atsumu or give up on him? Or will Atsumu finally cast aside his worries and finally submit to Kayama? [Side Story]

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away summary: Pet shop owner Tang Wan was accidentally reborn into an interstellar world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself automatically married to a vegetable via the StarNetwork. A social status worth ten billion yuan; but with an unconscious husband, he was unable to withdraw any money. Tang Wan held the empty position of the First Gentleman, but was, in fact, a poor man.
In order to secure his future livelihood, Tang Wan was bound to the “Earth Pet System” and returned to his old business, with the goal of saving money, getting a divorce, and looking for a second spring!
After thousands of years of evolution, Earth’s energy depletion had long been abandoned to the distant corners of the Milky Way. All of the animals in the galaxy had evolved tremendously, and little furry cute ones only lived in textbooks. When Tang Wan and his cute little ones appeared, they became the treasures of the whole universe! The pet shop soon became famous in the interstellar world, and the whole universe lined up to be cat s*aves~
Finally surviving past the compulsory marriage period, Tang Wan happily took off the diamond ring worth billions: he can finally sell it for money!
However, Tang Wan could never have imagined that when he sat down at the dining table on a blind date with some fresh meat, the vegetative partner that he had come to an agreement with would suddenly open his eyes.
Gong: I heard you sold your wedding ring for one billion yuan?
Tang Wan reached out and pushed him down on the bed: Open what eyes, quickly close them.

The Diary of an Ennuyee

The Diary of an Ennuyee summary: The Diary of an Ennuyee summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diary of an Ennuyee. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Start-Up

The Start-Up summary: The Start-Up summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Start-Up. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Crock of Gold

The Crock of Gold summary: The Crock of Gold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Crock of Gold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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