



简介我是英国天鹅湖的一只黑天鹅。 和别的天鹅不同,我是最后一只能幻化成人形的天鹅。 一次我从湖里探出头,一枚戒指丢到我面前。为了这枚戒指,我碰上了一个人妖!等我搞清楚人妖的真实身份后还拜他为师,又莫名其妙地成了第一百任女友!








类别恋爱 霸总 少女 豪门




类别热血 玄幻 都市 其他 少男










简介礼貌系的弱气少年在异世界转生了,变成了吸血鬼的美少女。 剑和魔法都也有的异世界,带着多到溢出来的外挂能力转生了的主角所追求的 东西。那就是—三餐附带午睡和点心养我的生活吧!






内容简介:C大的人都知道,法语系韩江高冷话少脾气臭,铁石心肠不近女色,系里被他拒绝过的女生能凑两桌麻将。直到有一天,一群哥们亲眼看见他揪着一小姑娘衣服上的飘带不让走,懒散又无赖地问:“下次什么时 候来?”温颜六岁那年就被送到韩家寄养,没过多久,漂亮可人的小温颜就成了胡同里哥哥们的团宠,只有隔壁房间的韩江,整天对她板着一张臭脸。十六岁那年,温颜被邻居家的大哥哥表白,韩江在一旁冷笑:“挺好一个人,年纪轻轻就瞎了。”后来。温颜十八岁生日,韩江在楼下等了她一整晚,等到别的男人送她回家。彻底爆炸。他抓着她衣领把人狠狠怼在墙上,毫不犹豫亲下去。盖了章,韩江心满意足看着一脸懵逼的小姑娘,“怎么,很意外?”“……”您说呢,几分钟前,我还以为您要扑过来揍我。等你长大,真的好难。1w0-4024 >>


内容简介:  自由穿行在现实世界和玄幻世界之间,安静的做一个两界搬运工。  PS:新书《南山隐》求支持!!1w0-386


内容简介:她是南离国月家嫡女,被亲妹陷害失贞后毁容夺子!当23世纪的玄门门主穿越而来,自此有怨报怨,有仇报仇!她身怀至宝,契约灵兽,活死人,肉白骨,一手精湛的医术艳绝天下。斗渣男,杀恶女,带着儿 砸活得肆意妄为。直到某一天,突然蹦出一个带娃的妖孽男人。他抵着她在在角落:“女人,你敢偷走本尊一个儿子!”她怒斥:“谁偷谁的?先弄清楚!”他邪肆一笑:“无妨,再生一个,一笔勾销。”1w88387-88403 >>


内容简介:  穿入书中修仙世界,成为未出场便领了饭盒的路人。 知道书中故事走向,以及重要人物的命运与机缘,自己的未来却全是未知。 幸得上古传承,修出属于自己的洞天福地,玩转修仙大陆,踏上成仙之路 。1w0-3263 >>


内容简介:景如星替姐出嫁,嫁给传言中又老又丑的残废三爷,然而私下里的三爷不仅年轻英俊身强体壮,而且有着不为人知的神秘背景,一再颠覆她的认知。初相识,三爷冷酷无情,“守好你的本分,服从我的命令,如 果你敢对我有非分之想,别怪我不客气!”恋爱时,三爷霸道,“乖乖做我的女人,除了我,不许看任何男人,想都别想!”求婚时,三爷腹黑,“洁白的婚纱,手捧着鲜花……这是哪首歌来着?”“咱们结婚吧!”“好。”“……”1w0-28238 >>


内容简介:天!作为一个吃货,这里竟然只有营养液,麻辣小龙虾呢?牛排呢?火锅呢?嗯,没有肉,至少来个酸辣土豆丝吧!好吧,都没有,那么只能靠平安自己了,我要自给自足。于是业余厨师平安小姐发挥了百分之 一万的专业精神开苍井湿苍白贫血最新鼎力大作,年度必看言情小说。1w0-25438 >>


内容简介:二十一世纪的陈江离穿越回民国时期,面对历史浩浩荡荡的潮流。他只想在文豪的道路上放飞自己……从此文坛多了个文妖,鲁训:“陈江离之文学,痛斥了五千年来之民族劣根性!”梁起超:“陈江离最早让 外国人知道中国,一部《大国崛起》成为世界名著。”徐志魔:“诗歌界已经很久没有出过像陈先生一般的人了!”……陈江离:“其实我也就是有个系统罢了,仅此而已……”1w0-28854 >>




内容简介:近日,LC公司宣布将推出新女团。程惜缘如愿被选中,然而……她看着队友们头上闪亮的【贵族校园文女主】、【女尊国皇帝】、【拥有系统的童星】、【快穿高端玩家】,再抬头看看自己头上白得快要透明 的【路人甲】,心里只有“”黑粉们纷纷嘲笑:“就这样的路人甲能入团?真皇啊!”粉丝们却发现,这样的一个人在团里居然是团霸!在艾辛沫的眼中,在自己预测股票走势百发百中,正害怕引起别人怀疑时,程惜缘在旁边面不改色地抱着手机默默跟投:“今年的股票走势真好呀!”。在薄欢的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己无意间说出“在我们女尊国”和画出不属于这个世界的千里江山图时默默鼓掌道:“哦,你好厉害啊!”在杜秋禾的眼中,程惜缘会在自己在综艺节目里进行大学高数三重积分心算等非常人之举时,掏出手机搜答案,然后一脸钦佩地说“真的诶,你算的好快啊!”在尹蔚的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己看武侠剧本时说漏嘴自己曾经一下飞上三层楼,正惊慌不已找借口时,神色如常地练着舞道:“哦?那你以后舞台可以设计一下。”队友们抱作一团:她到底是什么人?好可怕!程惜缘:今天收入到账了呢!大家以后要继续加油赚钱啊!某人(痴汉脸):老婆真可爱!1w0-81078 >>


内容简介:李昊携显圣系统穿越新世界,每周获得一位仙神的力量,并被要求在人前显露神迹。从此,平凡的世界彻底走偏。化身河伯疏散洪水,引得世界争相报道!化身天神降临凡尘,引得教廷为之疯狂!化身龙王现身 四海,点化万千水族成灵!化身域外神魔,铸造星空之路,开辟诸天!面对永无止境的装逼之路,李昊陷入了深深的苦恼。哎,装逼的日子啥时候是个头,全宇宙都是我的传说了好不好!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-69041 >>




内容简介:《医行天下》是曾经的蚂蚁精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新医行天下最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的医行天下评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持医行天下读者的观点。各位书 友要是觉得《医行天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w10101-25750 >>

Meisou Kuiki

As a child, Amasawa Rei had attended Shirohato Park Institution. After her parents were killed in a car accident, she lived at the institution and befriended a boy. She doesn't remember anything from the time she spent at the institution, not names, not faces, nothing, only that she and the boy shared a secret--a secret much darker than she thinks it is. Now, as a new student at Shirohato Academy with her old classmates from the Park, she is assailed by fragmented memories of the past. What was the secret? Why does she feel driven to find that nameless boy? And most importantly, why doesn't Rei remember anything from her past?

Because You Are...

A....love story? just kidding

What's A Villainess Supposed To Do Again?

Kardinal, a researcher who loves light novels, had been reincarnated as the villainous daughter of an otome game. Her banishment flag is raised, but oblivious to the game's storyline, she doesn't know how to overcome or avoid it. She makes the critical decision to live on her own and become a villainess until the very end! She'll rise up in this unknown world embracing her new role.


From Winter Translations: This is a story about a pair of twins who're, undeniably very different from one another. Big brother Shuuya and little brother Yuuta are basically light and shadow...

The Blue Lights

The Blue Lights summary: The Blue Lights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blue Lights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Save The Cat

Save The Cat summary: Save The Cat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Save The Cat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

First Footsteps in East Africa

First Footsteps in East Africa summary: First Footsteps in East Africa summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of First Footsteps in East Africa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Jewel Change

Heavenly Jewel Change summary: Heavenly Jewel Change is a compelling and attractive story written by Tang Jia San Shao. It is a mixture of several interesting genres such as Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Romance. There is something nice for different tastes within the words of this novel, so that should be a good motivation for many to check out this book. It is published in an online version, and you can find it on NovelOnlineFull. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is not overly long considering other books from this website. They can have several thousands of chapters and even more in some cases, while this novel currently has below 300 different chapters. It is maybe still no ideal for short story readers, however, you can simply handle it if you prefer long stories.
Many of the novels published on the website are really good, and this one belongs to the same category as well. It is very well-rated and the popularity is growing too. So the content is definitely good. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is a story of magic and power in a quite cruel world where all fight to gain more personal benefits. The skills can help them to reach their goals faster and without big problems. The magic, of course, plays an important role in such a world, however, the main character is a boy who needs to survive and develop in such an ugly word. He was born in a small village, but many expect his success in the recent future. 
However, things are not so easy at all, and the boy is forced to struggle in different ways. He is young and not yet skilled as older magicians, 
so he often ends up at the life's bottom. However, destiny will change for him when G.o.ds notice his efforts. They will pull him up again by giving him different powers. The boy becomes much stronger after G.o.d's intervention, and it opens new opportunities for him. 
Still, it is necessary to understand the danger did not disappear yet and the boy has to be cautious in order to avoid various traps and trick created by his enemies. 
One of those rivals is going to be extremely dangerous to the boy, so the battle is going to be unpredictable as well. The group is, however much stronger than an individual, and the boy will have a chance to join the army and fight together with other warriors. That can open various possibilities for him, and the boy can have a much better chance if they have companions next to his side. The readers, on the other hand, have an opportunity to follow the development of this exciting story by reading the content. It has a lot to offer, so you should not miss such an excellent chance, especially if you are a fan of online stories like this one. Heavenly Jewel Change is waiting for you, and only free time is necessary for a convenient reading experience. Everything else is less important when it comes to such an excellent action.
Read Heavenly Jewel Change light novel here

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