






简介“求总裁放过!”—— 他怀中妖媚风情的酒吧歌手,就是那个暗恋他多年未果的眼镜男孩。本想不再相见,但第二天却偏偏成为了他的贴身助手!?受尽屈辱……双面娇男隐藏身份,是为躲避旧爱,还是另有隐情?

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内容简介:《我和王语嫣的荒岛生涯》为作者雾满长江创作,作品我和王语嫣的荒岛生涯章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供雾满长江精心编写原创我和王语嫣的荒岛生涯及无弹窗我和王语嫣的荒岛生涯全文免费阅读、TX T下载。简介关于我和王语嫣的荒岛生涯:当别人还是泡班花、校花各种花的时候,我已经开始和武侠世界里的绝代女侠开始了荒岛求生之旅。王语嫣,木婉清,小龙女……一个个绝色天骄出现在我身边,为我开启了一段史无前例的辉煌人生。这是最真实也是最梦幻的荒岛生涯。1w0-93794 >>


内容简介:小行星碰撞!天道智脑带着《神话》临地球世界,西游、封神、大宋、大唐、秦时诸多位面汇聚。从此,天地大乱!神话玩家成了世界的主旋律!叶青是重生者,有着二十年后世记忆的他,先是抢占前世看别人 演练一遍就可推演完美的圣级功法《易经》,后又趁着孙悟空大闹天空之际,推演如来得到《心经》《楞严经》,得无上神通。百万玩家?一剑百里,《碾压神话世界》小说推荐:三国神话世界、王者荣耀之千年大唐、打篮球太厉害了怎么办、什么叫游走型中单啊、三国游戏之回归、我投篮实在太准了、网游之武知我道、梦幻世界杯、欢迎回档世界游戏、网游之轮射苍穹、从神豪或欧皇开始游戏、网游之末日降临、全职高手番外之巅峰荣耀、英雄联盟之逆天王者、我快亏成麻瓜了、我的空岛世界、凶兽前锋、神级英雄、峡谷正能量、网游三国之小领主1w0-30125 >>


内容简介:南浔遇到了一只碉堡神兽,可带她穿梭各个世界,她帮助神兽收集功德值,功成之后便可回到过去改变身死异处的结局。可是现在,她悔啊,悔得肠子都青了。尼玛那功德值是得从黑化值100恶念值100的 反派大boss身上获得啊,她只是想净化那些邪恶boss的心灵,卧槽她真不想要他们爱上她啊啊啊!变态1他吃人!变态2他是只恶鬼!变态3……当南浔知道他们都是一个人之后,她双眼一翻,直接躺地上装死。邪魅狂狷酷霸拽的boss大人邪邪一笑:“宝贝儿,你不是要净化我的心灵吗?快来吧~”南浔:“自作孽不可活,我好想死啊怎么办?”1w0-3997 >>


内容简介:【日更晚十点】【原文名穿成渣A后我的O怀孕了】梁适穿进了一本百合ABO文中。原文中,原身是个又蠢又毒的炮灰渣A,在女主许清竹家族企业面临破产之际,她用尽手段把人娶到手,婚后她强行标记不 成,愤怒之下毁掉了许清竹的腺体,最后造成了女主身体的终生残缺。自那之后,许清竹迅速和她离婚,艰难支撑着家族企业,最终凤凰涅槃而生。而原身这个炮灰却被爆出她并非梁氏的Alpha大小姐,真正的梁氏继承人其各位书友要是觉得《春夜温柔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w89008-95748 >>




内容简介:高中时期,洛欢暗恋的那个少年,眉眼精致漂亮,性格孤僻冷淡,少有朋友,身上的校服总是一尘不染,洗得发白,清瘦的身上总带着大大小小的伤口。偏偏成绩却优秀的要命,是整个德川高中最特殊的存在。 没人知道他总是被打的半死,也没人知道,漆黑肮脏的小巷里,洛欢在每个晚上轻轻为他轻抚伤口。轻柔的呼吸拂过他身上的每一寸肌肤。某天,少年再也忍不住,捏着她的下巴,厉声警告她离他远点。那时的少女被按在墙上,眼睫轻眨,嘴角带着殷红的血迹,仰着脸冲他笑了笑,一双清澈水灵的眼眸却带着天然的无畏:“我不。”洛欢看着他冰山般的眉眼慢慢融化。可高二结束的那个夏天,他却毫无预兆地消失了。洛欢把所有的心动与歇斯底里都埋葬在了那个夏天。后来的洛欢,成为整个江北大学舞蹈系里最耀眼的小女神,在国际舞台上大放光彩,却因为单身至今被舍友们戏称为“小尼姑”。大三那年临近期末,院系联谊,不知情的副校长热情互相介绍:“这是A大医学系的江知寒,天联集团的大公子,你们互相认识一下。”短暂怔愣过后,洛欢落落大方地伸手,漂亮的眼底平静再无波澜:“你好。”江知寒却红了眼。当天晚上,洛欢就被喝得醉醺醺的少年堵在长廊。少年撇开一众人,眼底猩红,偏还动作小心翼翼地将她拥进怀里,声音微哑:“欢欢,不记得我了吗?”——*甜软小仙女x阴郁冷淡浑身是刺的少年*治愈小暖文*高中到大学再到成人1w0-4593 >>


内容简介:云初身为仙界的公主,无奈生来便是极煞的命格,天煞孤星。清珏仙君命格极盛,是唯一无惧云初命格之人。司命说两人天作之合。但是,清珏仙君一心只想光复他父亲战神的荣耀。无论云初怎么努力,清珏仙 君好像总是看不到她。br终于,云初心灰意冷,去修那无情道,断情绝爱。等再次归来时,当初那个自卑懦弱的云初早已不见,清珏仙君的目光却再也移不开。可惜,云初的心中却没了清珏……【展开】【收起】1w0-61441 >>


内容简介:医圣后人张凡,因一纸婚约来到江南,然后他傻眼了……“明明是双胞胎,为什么小姨子身材火辣,我老婆却长的像个初中生?”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市至尊医圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ 群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71396 >>


内容简介:(正文180万字,已完结)新书《嫡女策:至尊毒后》求支持!“本王给你的,你只需接受。安分守己,本王不会亏待你。别自作聪明兴风作浪,小心尸骨无存!”他星眸冷湛,嗓音凉薄。“是,王爷!”她 眉目低垂,温顺恭谦。她所求,本就是一世安稳、与世无争,还多了一座大大的靠山庇护,简直就是运气好到爆,为毛要起别的心思?他们的嫁与娶,与情爱无关,各取所需罢了!只是后来,这个强势、骄傲、冷峻而又霸道的男人缠着她1w0-65468 >>


内容简介:林彦穿越斗罗世界,开局获得签到打卡系统。恭喜您第一次来到斗罗世界,签到成功!获得“至尊骨·上苍劫光”一块!林彦原本以为这是他崛起的开始,没想到竟被人当做天生魂骨挖走!先天根基受损,资质 下降,七岁才武魂觉醒,想要拜师大师被拒,被唐三看不起!没关系!我有签到打卡系统!三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!扣扣群:3024106831w0-127223 >>


内容简介:未来长生不死公司的掌门人,飞机失事穿越到秦末的魏国,成了乡中一土鳖。不管是在乡里,巧做豆腐,还是社宰分祭肉,就连追女孩,讨媳妇,都不惜弄几辆豪车,在家门口压出几道车辙印;智斗恶霸石家, 面对捣乱、诬告、纵火、奸细,层层设套,步步用计,最后通过乞丐寄书,使石家灰飞烟灭。看似生活日常,却处处暗藏机关,不经意间,彰显人生智慧。出山后,扶助奄奄一息的魏王,守大梁,杀得秦军尸横遍野,搞游击,截断秦军运输线;历经战阵,血雨腥风,安然自若;这些还都是小菜,重头戏在之后,看他如何辅助刘邦,屡出奇计,灭项羽,解白登,全樊哙,诛灭诸吕,保大汉四百年江山1w0-26688 >>


内容简介:   迷雾笼罩地球,行星生物于深处涌现。  孱弱的地球文明终于暴露于亿万种族目光之下。  未来一百年,原本是一部血与火的人类抗争史……  然而故事线却随着那个男人回到原点的一刻,彻 底改变。  ……  “物竞天择,适者生存,你们来到这里没错。”  “但是,我作为地球人类的一员,作为这颗星球的执火者,我同样有权拒绝。”  “所以,今日我杀你,无关对错。仅仅是你运气不好。”  ……  “不可能、不可能!你究竟是谁!”  “我?”  “陆泽。”  “此间神灵。”  =====  qq群:789425516  vip群:663062689(要求全订截图)1w0-823 >>

Osuteki Darling

Serika is your typical high school girl. She loves reading books, likes romance, and has the ability to knock a guy flat out with her fist. She imagines herself as one of those heroines she reads in books, a shining maiden waiting for her prince. But what happens to her dream when the prince she has been waiting for is not only younger than her, but also smaller? Will the princess accept the chibi prince?


Cleta summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cleta. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shina Dark

Welcome to the cursed island of Shina Dark. This island is called home by the dark lord Exoda C. Claw AKA Satan. He's as powerful a being as you could ever hope to meet. Feared and hated the world over for the infinite amount of atrocities he's committed. He's.....actually a really nice guy who just wants to chill out around the castle and relax... After a month long nap he awakens to find that the rest of the world has made up another ridiculous rumor and blown it way out of proportion and that has caused his little island to be crowded with a thousand beautiful princesses meant to be his mistresses/sacrifices. Worse yet is that since they have set foot on his island they are all believed to be cursed and are now shunned by their homelands. What’s a couch potato Satan to do with 1000 women who wont leave? Who can say? From Operation Boredom: During an eclipse, demon Lord Exoda. C. Crown was revived. He is supposed to bring chaos and destruction to the world. The world is panicking, and as a sacrifice to the demon lord, they decide to send 1,000 girls to the demonic island, Shina Dark. However, in Shina Dark, all the legends are lies. Exoda does not sleep with 10 girls a night, and keep the others prisoners. He does not lust for girls, he does not want to cause mass destruction - he simply wants to live in peace. So when 1,000 girls suddenly show up in his island and refuse to leave, what will happen to Exoda, who simply wants to be left alone? From Baka-Updates

Chokotto H Na Koimonogatari

Platonic relationships are becoming rare today. This is a collection of 'Flower Comics' love stories written by seven writers. 1) Secret Housemate (Naisho No Doukyonin) by SHIMAKI Ako Sweet short story of a middle school boy in love with a high school girl. She is meticulous about wanting to know everything about the person she is dating. Her emotion conflict when she meets this middle school boy, who challenges her way of thinking about relationship. The author diligently places the character in a muddled, flustered, and distraught air of insecure emotions. She feels baffled because she can't comprehend why she likes him, even though she knows nothing about him. (Also published in Iinazuke Ryokan) Full contents: RAIN DANCEの頃には by 北川みゆき (Kitagawa Miyuki), 美徳のよろめき by 刑部真芯 (Osakabe Mashin), その手で奪って by 中原みぎわ (Nakahara Migiwa), キュア by 吉永記子 (Yoshinaga Noriko), 好きばっかり by 渋谷うらら (Shibuya Urara), キャラメルキッス by 藤原よしこ (Fujiwara Yoshiko), ナイショの同居人 by 嶋木あこ (Shimaki Ako).

The Relief of Mafeking

The Relief of Mafeking summary: The Relief of Mafeking summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Relief of Mafeking. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Martial God Asura

Martial God Asura summary: Martial G.o.d Asura is an online novel published on Novel Online Full. The story is a mixture of ten different genres such as action, adventure, fantasy, romance, and martial arts among others. There are many interesting events in this book, and it can be suitable for readers of different tastes, thanks to this useful genre combination. Martial G.o.d Asura is a popular novel considering some counterparts. It has received thousands of mostly positive votes, comments, and reviews. That’s why the rating is also very high if not completely excellent. This story is suitable for readers who prefer long novels because it contains over 3400 chapters. That means you have a lot of content to read, and the new updates are about to come as well. So the readers have an opportunity to read this book in the long time frame.
Chu Feng is the main character in this story, and he belongs to the Chu Family. They are located in the Azure Province, which is a part of the Continent of Nine Provinces. Chu was, however, adopted as a little kid, and that’s why he was not really accepted as a full-fledged member of the family. This opens a s.p.a.ce for other family members to hara.s.s and a.s.sault him regularly. Only several members treat him decently, while others do not do that. He is, for example, kindly treated by his adoptive brother named Chu Guyu and his adoptive cousin Chu Yue.
Chu Feng started studying in the Azure Dragon School at age 10. And that’s the moment when many of his adventures begin. He starts to travel in different parts of the world, meet different cultures, and discover various secrets.
However, this path is not going to be easy for him. It just seems like a great opportunity at the start, however, many problems are about to arise so he will face different problems and dangers. Some of these might even lead to his own personal tragedy as well as to endless struggling and fighting.

On the other hand, Chu is a strong man, and that’s obvious from the start. You just have to look at him and his body figure explains everything. He is almost two meters tall and has a long black hair. He is often equipped with sword and other pieces of armor His enemies do not have an easy task when they try to compete against him, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy an exciting adventure while reading this Martial G.o.d Asura.
Also, Chu has an opportunity to advance in ranks during his traveling and fighting. He already achieved a serious success, so there is no reason to stop now. And this is an ongoing story with new updates ready to come soon.
The entire book should be available to members of The Light Novel, so you should go there if you want to read the story. Of course, you will need to access your account in order to get the content. If you do not have one, you can easily register on the website just by writing a a few basic personal details about yourself. The membership is free, and that’s a real opportunity for many people.

Merck's 1899 Manual

Merck's 1899 Manual summary: Merck's 1899 Manual summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Merck's 1899 Manual. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan summary: The Ku Klux Klan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Ku Klux Klan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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