












类别恋爱 穿越 古风 少女 其他




















内容简介:身扛超大刀,人称大刀王,她是山贼寨子里的大BOSS咱们老大要成亲,寨子里没有适龄男青年怎么办打劫!英俊潇洒,文武双全,他是只正义的公孔雀却被一个不男不女的强按了洞房,各种自救,其中寄希 望之一:他的马原来马儿也要谈恋爱,耽误了报信的时间,因它回家的路上,遇上了它的真爱,得知真相的他啐了一口,重色轻主,真是有马性没人性的家伙!本文有点欢脱无厘头,不喜勿拍!1w0-79648 >>


内容简介:(冷艳矜贵女帝X偏执病娇反派)“大佬佬,咱任务目标绑错了!”系统欲哭无泪。时潋看着把自己抵在墙角,风华矜美的病娇大反派:“那不如,将错就错。”帝国女王时潋为重生复仇,绑定了快穿系统。原 以为只要拳打绿茶白莲,脚踹渣男海王,将虐渣进行到底。只是一不小心错绑了任务目标后,她被病娇大反派给缠上。斯文败类顶流目光痴迷:潋潋,隐婚吗?官宣的那种。妖冶风华王爷将她圈入怀中:王妃,抱抱病娇白切黑弟弟摸着冰冷的银质手环,笑得纯良无害:姐姐,不要离开我矜贵霸烈总裁、仙风道骨师尊,偏执成瘾电竞之王一个比一个黏糊。时潋:???就没一个正常的?【高甜狗粮强强联手苏爽宠】【另有数百万完结文,坑品保证,放心入坑】1w0-83429 >>


内容简介:《娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我》简介主角:洛尘杨蜜儿简介:顶级女神大明星杨蜜儿终于跟自己的窝囊废丈夫离婚了。本想着自己的闺蜜会为她庆祝,结果却发现事情变了样!曾经的女神闺蜜们,纷纷对前 夫洛尘情有独钟;当杨蜜儿傻眼,发现自己前夫竟然是一个影帝!超级大导演!顶级电视台制作人!超级歌神!世界首富的时候。“老公,我错了,现在复合还来得及吗?”藏书阁提供娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我最新章节,娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我全文免费阅读,娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我无弹窗广告清爽在线阅读体验!1w0-96064 >>


内容简介:凤凰涅槃,浴火重生,想她二十一世纪医毒世家的传人,竟成了大越皇商云府传闻中的废柴大小姐。烟花柳巷,毁她名声,未婚夫君出轨、退婚,不洁女子传遍整个大越皇商,继母为权,卖她入坑。“谁敢动手 ,我乃战神宸王的女人。”她神色凛冽的拿出令牌,推门而入的男人,吓的众人怛然失色。“本王的女人?”“王爷,小女子掐指一算,你,命中缺我。”1w59689-80300 >>


内容简介:穿书后我成了作精女主无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《穿书后我成了作精女主》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的其他类型小说,小兵免费提供穿书后我成了作精女主最新清爽干净的文字章节 在线阅读。1w0-28441 >>


内容简介:    在夏族的安阳行省,有一个很小很不起眼的领地,叫——雪鹰领!  故事,就从这里开始!  **  继《莽荒纪》《吞噬星空》《九鼎记》《盘龙》《星辰变》《寸芒》《星峰传说》后,番茄的 第八本小说!  1w0-410 >>




内容简介:曾经的华夏兵王,为寻找杀害挚爱的真正凶手,回归都市,开始了一段精彩绝伦的征程。保护美女总裁,滨海女王为其倾心……各色美女缠绕,陈不凡表示很无奈。他一路前行,无所畏惧,势要走出一段不凡之 路!各位书友要是觉得《不凡兵王陈不凡林雪瑶》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96139 >>


内容简介:青年考古专家穿越到异世界,拿起铁铲挖魂骨。百年、千年、万年、十万年!啊我这该死的魂骨无处安放。某一天少年挥舞着铁铲,少女轻拈着白花。两人笑得很开心,一点都不像初见的模样。本书又名:《斗 罗之伏笔,全都是伏笔》《斗罗之大结局竟是俄罗斯套娃》剧情向小说非系统、非升级流本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我在斗罗挖魂骨》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83455 >>


内容简介:曾经相依为命的师姐,成为了高高在上的女帝陛下。“师弟,你不要反抗了,快和我成婚吧。”“不,我绝不吃软饭,我要靠自己双手奋斗。”“好,这是五百万两,等你赔完了,就和我成婚。”……获得云计 算系统,万物皆可运算。树上那个鸟窝里,好像有一枚火凤蛋。这片寸草不生的荒地下,其实有一个灵石矿。街角那个要饭的乞丐,日后会成为超级大佬。现在赶紧去认识他,请他吃饭,给他介绍女朋友。……“启禀陛下,他已经离开三年了。”“怎么,他知道错了嘛。”“不,他已经将敌国收购了,正准备收购我们国家”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《创业失败就要和女帝结婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67714 >>


内容简介:小兵,为您提供《快穿之肉文系统(h)》最新章节及全文在线免费阅读,快穿之肉文系统(h)更新及时欢迎光临本站阅读《快穿之肉文系统(h)》您也可以选择收藏《快穿之肉文系统(h)》1w0-3 037 >>


内容简介:洪武六年,大明百废待兴,朱元璋促生产,杀贪官,保民生,励精图治!也在这一年,一位现代人士朱朗魂穿到了这个大风大浪的变革时代。“太子殿下臣要参奏朱朗秽乱东宫!”朱标微微一愣,随后想了想道 :“朱朗还是个孩子,那不是秽乱,只是不小心而已,我已经将宫女赐给朱朗了!”“皇后娘娘臣要参奏朱朗奢靡成风,骄奢淫逸!”马皇后一个皱眉:“朗儿为国为民,十分辛苦,仅仅小吃小喝,你们居然上纲上线,简直岂有此理!”“陛下臣要参奏朱朗有造反之心!”朱元璋露出了古怪的神色:“真的,这个混小子还有这个胆色?不错,不错,那个混小子军队够不够?咱给他补个一万人?”我叫朱朗,现代穿越过来的,嘿嘿,我的奶奶是皇1w0-76414 >>


From The Pink Panzer: Partners was first written 15 years ago, although it has been re-printed several times since then. It's a ground-breaking classic, in the sense that it's the very first manga to realistically depict the gay S&M scene. Set in New York in the late 1980s, Partners follows the lives of six close friends who also happen to be leathermen. The manga depicts their relationships -- both sexual and emotional -- with unabashed honesty. While the story practically explodes off the page with a continuous, unremitting and glorious parade of smut, it isn't 'meaningless sex' -- these are committed couples in full-time relationships, where pleasure and pain are natural expressions of affection for one another. (You guessed it; that's where the manga's name comes from. They're 'partners.') The six friends that star in this manga are split up into three pairs. The main pair consists of Marlon and Doug, around whose relationship the manga revolves. Marlon, a high-flying executive, plays sub and devoted masochist to the beautifully dominant Doug. Doug is, interestingly enough, a janitor at the very company Marlon directs; during the average workday, they barely even make eye-contact. The contrast between their private and public lives is as stark as it is lovely. The other couples also feature in major roles, and what we end up with is an intimate and moving glimpse at an otherwise unconventional lifestyle. Be warned -- these aren't willowy bishounen clasping each other in slender arms! These are very real, very authentic male bodies bending and contorting in well-established ways. If beefy shoulders and leather chaps don't do it for you, you might be in for a bit of a shock!

Fire Fire Fire

Jiga Kirishima lives in a time where the only sky the people know is the color gray and most of the world is wasteland and ruins, with a few people in power depriving resources from the disorganized weak and poor majority. With his father's sword, Jiga makes friends and enemies and goes on adventures while searching for others who share his bloodline. Jiga's sword happens to be made of a rare material which a powerful organization known as Lost Eagle Nest claims to want in order to rebuild the world, but is that what they really want it for? They'll stop at nothing to take it from him, and Jiga and his friends now have a price on their heads. Fire Fire Fire is a lighthearted throwback to the classic shounen series of the '80s and '90s.

Maousama No Yuusha Toubatsuki

The Demon King rules over all demons, and using his immense power, put the human race through 1,000 years of oppression. Thus, the human's era has ended and the demon's era has begun. Lucifer has inherited the title of Demon King passed down from his father. However, rather than fight the humans, he much rather just get along with them. Not only that, he becomes sick at the sight of blood. Since all the humans knew where the Demon King's castle was, he was constantly trying to be killed by assassins. So he decided to leave the caste and live out in the wilderness where humans couldn't find him... or so he thought. Since every man with power has been defeated by him, the humans sent a girl to defeat him. How will Lucifer deal with this beauty sent to destroy him?

Mecha Mote Honey

Taken from Shoujo Manga Maniac: Whenever she sees a boy of her type, Ai gets excited and reckless. Because of this animal instinct, she hasn't had a boyfriend for fifteen years. However, Daiki, the most handsome student, wants to date her. She thinks that if she missed this chance, no one would be waiting for her any more. Is it her last chance!?

My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero's Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill

My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero's Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill 'Fixed Damage' And Became Invincible. Now, Let's Begin Some Revenge summary: Chrome was a magician in the hero’s party. He fought the Demon Lord’s army alongside people like Irina, the lover who vowed to marry him in the future, and the hero, Yuno, who was his close friend. They were all close companions. However, that was only in Chrome’s mind. His lover, Irina, became intimate with the hero, Yuno, and Chrome was sacrificed to make the hero stronger. Chrome’s magic powers were s.n.a.t.c.hed away and he was kicked out of the party. Demons surrounded him as he was on the verge of death and he was driven to a corner. At that moment, Chrome awakened to a “darkness” within himself. Amidst his despair, he acquired an unrivaled skill. Now with this skill, he could exact revenge.

Let's Be An Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons With A Skill Board~

Let's Be An Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons With A Skill Board~ summary: Karaboshi Haruki has no presence as far as can be recognized, and so he became an adventurer with only the desire to “stand out.” One day, a dungeon appeared under his home in Hokkaido. Coincidentally, he picked up a “Skill Board” with which he can spend skill points to increase his growth rate. Is it possible to become a popular person by obsessively diving into your home dungeon everyday?

Made Of Honor

Made Of Honor summary: Made Of Honor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Made Of Honor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Legend Of Chu Qiao: Division 11's Princess Agent

The Legend Of Chu Qiao: Division 11's Princess Agent summary: Chu Qiao was known as Agent 005 within the Secret Service’s 11th Division in her former life. She was locked up in the Secret Service’s prison as she was framed. After she successfully broke out from prison, she sacrificed her life bravely to preserve the Secret Service by defusing a bomb meant to wipe them out. After her demise, she was magically transported back in time to the Xia Dynasty to start a new life, where she a.s.sumed the ident.i.ty of an 8-year-old female servant. In order to help Yan Xun, the Prince of Yan Bei, escape, she lived in the imperial palace for eight years along with him. In the process, they helped each other to become stronger such that they could rebel against the Xia Empire and return to the territory of Yan Bei. The first half of the novel depicts vividly how the two characters go through thick and thin, hand in hand – Chu Qiao helping Yan Xun to achieve his dreams and Yan Xun’s love towards Chu Qiao. However, the two of them start to drift apart due to their conflicting personalities – Chu Qiao having a kind hearted nature and Yan Xun having the airs of a prince: arrogant and boisterous. Chu Qiao eventually leaves Yan Xun and ends up together with Zhuge Yue, who had always fancied her all along. The two of them eventually become recognised as the famous Queen of Beauty and the King of the Green Sea, establishing a prosperous, long-standing and stable dynasty. The old monarchy system was undoubtedly and easily sc.r.a.pped; the new Xia Empire, helmed by the two of them, rose from the verge of its downfall like a phoenix from the ashes!

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