




简介因为善良之神与邪恶之神转世、更迭,神界内部矛盾逐渐升级,以毁灭之神为首的一众神祇向以海神、修罗神为首的另一众掌权神祇发起了战争。而就在这个时候,同时掌控海神、修罗神两大神诋之位的神界执法者唐三的妻子小舞却怀孕了。神界的危机由此升起,唐三预感,除了神界内部矛盾之外,还有巨大危机即将到来,这危机又是什么呢?神界传说,是拙作斗罗大陆II绝世唐门之后,一部承上启下的神界故事,在这里,大家会看到很多熟悉的身影。 同时,这一部神界传说,也将是未来斗罗大陆3的前传。












简介霸道逆天大魔王×呆萌逗比脑洞少女の宿命般的禁忌爱恋!穿越洪荒宇宙,交织前世今生!东西方玄幻魔法交融~突破异次元种族壁垒!魔王与少女の不可思议爱情冒险!华丽罗曼史为您呈现!每周三更新哦~~爱你们(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ~~




简介“求总裁放过!”—— 他怀中妖媚风情的酒吧歌手,就是那个暗恋他多年未果的眼镜男孩。本想不再相见,但第二天却偏偏成为了他的贴身助手!?受尽屈辱……双面娇男隐藏身份,是为躲避旧爱,还是另有隐情?


类别热血 玄幻 都市 其他 少男










内容简介:  作为天道的亲闺女,她开了一家神奇的店。  这家店可以跳跃空间和时间,穿越很多个世界。夜晚时分,龙凤琉璃灯会指引有缘人进入这家名为万物皆有的店,再收取代价满足有缘人的愿望。  前提, 只要你支付得起这个代价。  你,想要踏入这间店么?  任何愿望都可以实现哦,威震四方,俾睨天下,凌驾众生!  她的萌宠一龙一凤表示,我们真不是黑店,我们也不是来装逼的。我们只是来纠正偏离正轨的世界。  然而,无形装逼最为致命。  客人,需要带你装逼带你飞么?1w0-4355 >>




内容简介:瞎了一只眼的共工仰天哭笑:“什么证道天下?什么为圣洪荒?不过圣‘人’而已!!吾堂堂祖巫,誓不与尔等竖子共天地!!!”六圣沉默不语。不周山拦腰折断,妖族巫族皆欢呼:“为圣‘人’寿!”女娲 、元始、灵宝、接引、准提皆面含羞愤,唯道德光风霁月,平静如常。没有谁注意到,折断的不周山正要砸着的地方,一只蝎妖正欲哭无泪:“不要啊,我只是来打酱油的……亚美蝶……”1w0-86389 >>


内容简介:《权臣的艰辛路(科举)》同类型文《劝娘和离之后(科举)》已开文,文案戳专栏本文文案:原名:《寒门升官手札》史学研究生穿越古代,靠科举慢慢兴门楣,终成一代权臣的故事【科举美食】谢行俭胎穿 成林水村谢氏家族谢老二的次子。甫一出生,童生爷爷为了儿孙前程,竟然决定分家。他老爹不是长子,分到的家产少的可怜。若要平步青云好前程,带领家人飞奔小康,唯有科举。童生!秀才!举人!进士!——他都要考新帝登基开恩科,1w0-25918 >>


内容简介:(一甜到底,无虐无毒,后宫日常,放心阅读!)我,苏雨哲,明显是男孩子,他们为什么都叫我苏家大小姐?比校花妹妹更漂亮也真是够了。我的两个妹妹一见面就吵架怎么办?还有那些女孩子,我可是个猛 男,别拿着你的女装过来啊!体育万能,学习顶尖,全方位天才1w0-82380 >>


内容简介:陈浩重生,回到1993年。这一年,他十八岁,即将参加高考。一场灾难也将降临在他和父母身上。在这个遍地黄金的年代,他何去何从?各位书友要是觉得巅峰的神最新小说作品《回到1993,财源滚滚 来》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-104933 >>




内容简介:出门见火伴,火伴皆惊惶。同行十二年,不知木兰变态狂。从二十八岁女法医穿成卸甲归田后的花木兰,贺穆兰表示压力很大。和故事里的结局完全不同,没有鲜花和掌声。这个卸甲归田,年已三十的花木兰, 已经是乡野传闻中的一个怪物。她是鲜卑和汉人混血,身材高挑,样貌并不美,她杀过人,握过刀,气质冷冽,力大无比,又有和男人们同吃同睡十二年的名声,早已做好孤独终生的准备。拒绝柔然使者和亲请求的一句“我癸水从未来过”,更成了她身为女人败笔的原罪。被乡人坑的一脸血的贺穆兰,坚决表示:若是能再来一次,她一定隐瞒身份,接受官职,升职加薪,登上人生巅峰。反正不受这洋罪!穆兰:唧唧……唧唧……唧唧……(断了!)众人:……先谢过兰陵孙氏的给力封面。本文在存稿中,入放心跳坑。分享书籍《木兰无长兄》作者:祈祷君1w0-4960 >>


内容简介:  2006年的二月是不平凡的二月。  被主教练提前宣布下赛季弃用的斯坦福学生李真天降奇遇。  “所有酗酒、作风不检点、行为恶劣的篮球运动员们,你们的噩梦来了,你们躺在天赋上坐享其成的 好日子一去不复返了,我将攫取你们的天赋支援李真。”  “那我是什么?”  “是篮球之神啊!”1w0-200 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原神:蒙德的未来骑士】我叫苏米洛是蒙德的未来骑士,现在正在为十个木桩而烦恼,请问有那位大佬可以为在下演示,如何毁坏十个木桩?只要木装备同时摧毁,苏米洛就可以获 得那位大佬相对应元素战技和元素力。“坚冰断绝深仇!”“听凭风引!”“大扫除!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-99522 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:武侠:我出关就是陆地神仙】叶然穿越综武世界,成为张三丰师兄,随后觉醒修仙系统,却只得到一本修仙功法,还被坑爹的要求闭关百年,突破金丹境。六十年后,就在叶然突破金丹 前夕,无数武林门派居然逼上武当,要求武当弟子张翠山说出金毛狮王谢逊下落。灭绝姑:“张翠山,你若不说出谢魔头下落,今日别想善了。”少林空闻:“张施主,我等只是要一个除魔消息而已,莫要执着。”玄冥二老:“张翠山你若不说,你儿无忌的姓名便保不住了。”武当派,愤怒异常,张三丰想要出手,却被少林四位先天高手牵制。就在这时,天空祥云无数,龙凤起舞。叶然出关了!一出关便是陆地神仙,老妖怪境,吊打无数高手。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80400 >>


内容简介:  偶获自动修炼系统,当条咸鱼躺尸就能自动变强。每签到一个女神,还增加100%的修炼速度,于是乎,叶晨走上了一条诸天签到的不归路。世界:斗罗(完)-斗破(完)-狐妖小红娘(ing)群号 :992927834!1w0-2001 >>

Never Complex

We met at an orphanage and grew up together. Hiro has always been following my footsteps – going to the same school, the same company, the same overseas team... He’s really like a loyal dog, always following my pace, listening and obeying everything I say or do, and helping me solve some issues. Actually, he's gifted, smart, and even more capable than me. Feeling inferior, I harshly told him, “Don’t follow me around anymore!”… The exclusive love and dedication between the Loyal Dog and the Science Student begins!

Hoshii No Wa, Anata Dake

Sui is an actress who has just debuted, but she only took on roles as either vengeful spirits or evil supporting lead. Although her goal is to be the top actress in the industry, Sui has a fatal weakness --- that is her fear of men (androphobia)!! Sui was offered a chance as a leading role in a new romance drama. It's a great chance for Sui but it's fully loaded with lovey-dovey scenes. All the touching, kissing, bed scenes were driving Sui crazy! In order to succeed, Rihito (Sui's new manager) spent 3 days 3 nights to research on treatment of androphobia. Sui, touched by Rihito's perserverance, determined to work hard for his sake. However, would she be able to interact with men naturally?? And her feelings for Rihito... Included side stories: 保健室のヒミツ (保健室的秘密), 恋なんかじゃない!? (这不是恋爱吧!?) (by ice_blossom)

Boku No Shiru Anata No Hanashi

1-3) Your Story I Have Known High-school student Matsumoto Haato has fallen in love with his abusive mother's ex-boyfriend, yakuza Shibusawa, who was nice to him in the past. When he has nowhere left to go he turns to the gruff but kind older man. A three chapter love story that details the changing relationship between the two men over the years. 4) Sauté d'oignon When two people are together, the sweetness and the spiciness of love are the greatest flavors. High school student Negi and Tama have been together since elementary school, and now Negi is ready to move their relationship to a new level, but Tama's still unsure... 5) Koe ga Todoku no Nara (If the Voice Reaches) Shouta is constantly getting in fights, but despite that, he's a nice guy. One day, while saving someone from some bullies, a weirdo samurai guy shows up and tells him he's haunting him. Now Shouta must deal with this constant spiritual companion... and all the emotions that come with him! 6) Kami-sama no me wo nusunde Narasaki still vividly remembers the day in high school when his friend confessed to him, and his heartless response. Years later when he is confessed to by another guy, he's determined to give Wakatsuki the chance he didn't give his friend. But is he seeing the man in front of him, or just reliving the past?

Soreha Tabete Wa Ikemasen

Collection of stories 1-2) Kindly Dinner Table/You Can't Eat That Ordinary university student, Kou, is living with Naoyuki; a gentle and timid vampire. Frightened of his narrow coffin, the cowardly vampire doesn’t scare Kou, but can Kou resist becoming his “lunch?” 3) The Werewolf Afflicted on the Night of the Full Moon An extra specially drawn compilation about Naoyuki’s older brother, Yukito, and a werewolf called Seiichirou! 4) Friends Season High school students Kura and Kuri are best friends, but when Kuri confesses to his friend Kura, he's shot down pretty quickly, after all, Kura has a girlfriend. But now that he knows, Kura can't stop thinking about his friend in 'that way'. 5) Entangled, Untangled Student Yoshino enjoys teasing Miki-sensei, even making the teacher tie his tie every morning. But how serious is Yoshino, and though Miki-sensei doesn't treat him like the other students, does that really mean love... 6) The Truth is You're Kind Breaking up is hard to do for one young couple that can't seem to escape their memories of each other. 7) Beautiful Person An 8 page short about a mysophobic man and his lover. 8) Later, at the Dinner Table Kou and Naoyuki omake.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves summary: Autumn Leaves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Autumn Leaves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Brassbounder

The Brassbounder summary: The Brassbounder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brassbounder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last of the Plainsmen

The Last of the Plainsmen summary: The Last of the Plainsmen summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last of the Plainsmen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tale Of Rusty Wren

The Tale Of Rusty Wren summary: The Tale Of Rusty Wren summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tale Of Rusty Wren. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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