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内容简介:她带着前世的记忆投生在这个以修炼灵力为尊的世界,发现她比前世还不如,缺钱、缺势、缺本事……哎!唯一不缺的就是不屈不挠的精神。看着只剩一年时间的母亲,她叹了口气,在这个世界上不能修炼灵力 ,跟弱鸡一样的她该如何挽救母亲的命?她就不信了,前世天才的她会在这个危险和机遇并存的世界窝囊一辈子!不会,学!没钱,赚!学炼药、修灵力,带着她的奇葩灵宠,为了救母亲,寻父亲的1w0-28734 >>


内容简介:隔壁,快穿恶毒女配成为万人迷后,已双开,感兴趣的宝宝可以进专栏查看娇娇是深渊意志的宠儿,每到一个新世界,男主男配都会对她一见钟情偏执成狂。世界一我是通房上位虐文女主你是追妻火葬场娇软通 房1w0-79612 >>


内容简介:  少年坐椅,面朝大海。  持一缕灵气,遥指这个波澜壮阔的世界。  哪里不对点哪里。  ……  有人曾一刀成绝响,斩巨龙,沐龙血。  有人曾喜欢请喝鸡汤,后院豢养九只凤凰。  有人曾枯 坐山巅,口若悬河,一气压得百万军。  有人曾落笔搬山移岳,绘一副锦绣画卷,可困仙神。  而那年,春暖花开。  他们不过是平凡无奇的杀猪匠,臭书生,养鸡人,穷画师。  这是一个将低武大陆改造成超玄幻大世界的故事。  PS:已有600万字完本万订《异世界的美食家》,300万字精品《造梦天师》,可入坑~1w0-203 >>






内容简介:业绩垫底的寻光被调动到了生存组,说好的只要活下去就行,忽然变成了生存之极限挑战。寻光:系统,我会给你争气的!系统:已下线,有事请留言。寻光:系统,又双叒叕有人喜欢我!系统:谁来让她遭受 一下社会的毒打。这是一个空气中弥漫着爱情酸臭味的故事。1w0-109083 >>


内容简介:苏连西以为,这辈子,她要做一个无情无义之人,却没有想过,会遇见了这个男人。“为什么一开始就认定了我?”“因为你从小就缠着我,说要做我的老婆。”他带着她,虐尽了所有的渣男渣女,惩罚了所有 伤害过她的人。就在她以为,人生最幸福的那一刻,把她推入了地狱。“司炎城,这个世界上,我以为最爱我的人是你,没有想过,伤我最深的人,也是你”——如若爱情可以重来,我宁愿,从来没有见过你。1w0-71498 >>


内容简介:简介:萧令月,北秦国又蠢又坏的萧家大小姐,痴恋翊王,设计逼他娶她为妃,却在大婚花轿中惨死,血染长街!再睁眼,现代医毒世家传人穿越而来。人人辱她、欺她、讥讽她,连夫君都要把她活活掐死!很 好,她这辈子还没受过这种委屈,索性顶着污名,扑倒战神夫君,扔下一纸休书跑路。北秦国万人敬仰、战无不胜的翊王爷满身怒火:“来人,掘地三尺也要给我抓住她!”五年后,她摇身一变,披着马甲重回京城,正准备有仇报仇,有怨报怨。谁知转头就落到了前夫手里。隔天,王府就传来消息,翊王爷抱着枕头站在卧室门外哄王妃:“乖,让本王进去睡吧。”“找你的侧妃去!”翊王勃然色变,“什么侧妃?除了王妃之外,本王不近女色!”1w115643-126536 >>


内容简介:穿越前,苏年是医院的拼命三娘,外科一把手;穿越后,她变成戚卿苒,是人人唾弃的花痴病秧子。本只想好好养好这具破身体,谁知莫名发现自带金手指,脑子里有一部医书宝典。看她如何从被人唾骂的花痴 女变为权倾天下的医妃。挣钱,撩汉一样不落。”王爷,让臣妾看看您的腿。”“王妃,你说的是哪一只?”“三只一起看。”“王妃,你可是在撩我?”“胡说,分明是你居心不轨勾引我。”“……”1w5519-27432 >>


内容简介:【全网爆款】【戏精本精+医毒双绝+男强女强+打脸+霸宠】前世最牛的解毒师一朝穿越成了弃妃,没事,她除了医术,催眠术,演技好之外,她还可以抱她家王爷的大腿。小妾欺负,不怕,我抱大腿太妃霸 凌,无畏,我抱大腿皇帝用强,王爷,臣妾好怕怕啊,快来救救你的亲亲小王妃!某王爷瞄了眼挂在自己废腿上的戏精:“喂,戏过了啊!”一个花家弃子,一个废物战神,看起来是废物配废物,实则却是强强联合。看逗逼戏精和毒舌王爷,如何牵手从人生低谷,走向世界巅峰!1w0-3962 >>


内容简介:21世纪的经济系大学毕业生姜小白重生在了1979年,亲眼见证了那个时代的到来。锐不可当,万物肆意生长,尘埃与曙光升腾,江河汇聚成川,无名山丘崛起为峰,天地一时,无比开阔……1w1414 -26384 >>

Heaven (Tengoku)

wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Those seven deadly sins are the sins that the lord have to erase them. Ayumi, Sai, Natsu, the three close friends go to the same school. Ayumi Utadaki famous for her devil voice, while Sai Nadeshiko famous for the devil eyes, the eyes could read through a person soul, last but not least Natsu Nadeshiko famous for her devil ear, she could hear any scary sound that normal human can't hear. The different is that this school is not normal, this school is a haunted school, almost all the student there are sinner, what kind of sin? 7 deadly sins. those students in this school suspect those 3 new students, so they do no matter what to kill them because if they dont kill this 3 student Lucifer will kill them and burn them in hell.They do this for they own existent, among those 3 who is the real Lucifer, who contain all 4 devils traits, devil voice, ear, eyes, and heart?

My Beloved Ninita

My Beloved Ninita manhua, , This story takes place in the Alstrauss Empire, where humans and demons are sworn enemies, ever at war with each other. The protagonist, Ninita, is the daughter of the land's ruler, Lord Hunt. An innocent girl with outstanding magical talents, the people hope she will become the Saint Priestess, a powerful human guardian the likes of which haven't been seen for a millennium. However, she ended up falling in love with Jeff, a wolf demon, and next in line to become king of his people.

Binzume No Jigoku

Binzume no Jigoku summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Binzume no Jigoku. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ultra Red

How strong are you? In this manga, the hero is an idiotic little boy who has a frightening style of fighting. But he isn't the only fighting monster. Sumeragi Sen will discover people that are stronger than him, and maybe even the limits of his strength.

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary: Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.

Their Silver Wedding Journey

Their Silver Wedding Journey summary: Their Silver Wedding Journey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Their Silver Wedding Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Split. summary: Split. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Split.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman

Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman summary: Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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