
































内容简介:现代天才慕容雪,医毒双绝。一朝穿越,活春宫就地上演。用完就甩,一剂药让渣男将军不举,成了假太监逃民间,阴谋阳谋齐下,带着毒药闯劫关!展医术,风华绝代美神医,亮瞎众人狗眼!神医马甲护身, 五年时间已过,不举将军上门就要把她抓回问罪!“不要抓我娘亲!”萌宝气鼓鼓的跳出来,叉腰大喊。将军看着缩小版的娃,脸绿了……慕容雪没脸见人1w68670-68697 >>


内容简介:【原名《重生后他鲨疯了》#戏精疯批美人受x也不太正常(bu)大佬攻一夜之间,所有人都被卷入了一场无限游戏,必须倾尽全力通关,否则就会被淘汰。上一世,江肆的室友把他关进女鬼所在的厕所;他 用命去爱护的父母与弟弟试图将他镇压在古井里;连他自以为一直爱着他的人也抢走了他的道具卡,将他推进了boss群里1w0-28631 >>


内容简介:1890年,玛利亚诞生在沙俄罗曼诺夫王朝,是为第三公主。1900年,这一年发生了八国联军。1904年,我年弱无力,试图学习鲁先生,开始写作。1905年,我认识了斯大林,参加了俄国工人大 革命,这一年日俄战争结束。1914年,…1w0-99019 >>




内容简介:周扬失恋了,可是随之获得系统让他精神一振。八千万亿消费额度?消费越多,返现越多?看见这个数字,周扬整个人都傻了。玛莎拉蒂?你这车我买了,正好缺个代步的。万一个包?你们店里就没点值钱的东 西吗,这也太便宜了。直播打赏八百万。拜托这才几个钱啊,求求你了,我就只是想花钱1w0-84362 >>


内容简介:  讲的是一个帅气的主角,从小就运气不好,倒霉就给钱?就连学校的女神偏偏认为他的倒霉很神秘,想深切了解他。而且还在同一屋檐下问他感动不?箫绪言流着眼泪说,哥是个矜持的人,当然敢动啦!钱 多得慌的他,已经不想努力了,只想享受人生,却没想到还有一个更大的惊喜等着他…神秘的首富令让他揭开了另一个世界!1w0-3215 >>


内容简介:慕瓷爱过一个人。后来,她如愿以偿成了他的女朋友。再后来,她被他下药送到沈如归身边,用来交换他的心尖宠。那晚,慕瓷差点死在沈如归床上,天际泛白,耳边隐约还能听到男人恶魔般的轻笑。“小可怜 ,又落我手里了呢。”1V1,暗恋梗,剧情为主肉为辅簡體版高H現代女性向1w5831-3115 >>


内容简介:age61intinput“请输入你重启人生后的年龄:”ifage6118:print(“重生元年。”)elifage6119:print(“家族分割。”)elifage6120:pr int(“请把尊严还给大学生。”)elifage6121:print(“耀眼的紫微星。”)elifage6122:print(“家国情怀。”)elifage6123:print(“大国崛起的时代。”)elifage6124:print(“我辈当自强。”)else:print(“奋斗,奋斗,奋斗。”PS:书友说我的简介不好,像是小白文。那就修改吧,这下应该不白了吧?各位书友要是觉得《大时代之巅》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w8741-25847 >>


内容简介:【每晚六点更新】本文文案:靖元帝自登基以来一直为国家大事殚精竭虑,对后宫一向淡淡。直至某日桃花飘零,鬼使神差般进了桃林,却见一绝色女子被困于树上,香腮珠泪,好不可怜。——与冷宫毗邻的绛 云阁住着一位纪才人,体弱多病,无宠无势,性格软弱,似乎生来就是被欺负的主,人人都可踩上一脚。眼见着纪才人将香消玉殒,消失在这繁杂的后宫中1w0-27671 >>


内容简介:重生于1978年的陈漫,面对年迈的奶奶,倍受打击的妈妈、青梅竹马、情窦初开的少年,一团乱麻般的家,心里的念头就是:好好生活、好好挣钱、好好学习,改变此生的命运! 陈家有我,何其荣幸! 重整门庭待后生!1w0-2969 >>


内容简介:《相父在上,朕错了》为作者墨墨Lin创作,作品相父在上,朕错了章章动人,79小说网为你第一时间提供墨墨Lin精心编写原创相父在上,朕错了及无弹窗相父在上,朕错了最新章节,相父在上,朕错 了全文免费阅读。1w0-27637 >>


内容简介:三年前盛惜嫁给了A市第一首富陆劭峥。她努力当好温顺本份的妻子,换来的却是不屑一顾。盛惜幡然醒悟,搞男人不如搞事业。很快陆首富就收到了一份离婚协议书。离婚前,在陆劭峥眼里,盛惜温柔漂亮听 话,但却老实木讷毫无情趣可言。而离婚后——公司旗下的直播平台,甜美豪放的某一姐人气火爆。娱乐圈出了个当红女王,身边围绕着各种俊男鲜肉大献殷勤。后来,某俱乐部里陆总又偶遇浪的没边,笑的不要太开心的女人。女人感叹:“果然还是年轻男人好啊,看看这腹肌,马甲,人鱼线。”“……”陆总一张俊脸都气歪了。去他妈的老实乖顺,这位前妻路子野的很!一点也不老实!当死对头也拿着大钻戒,笑的一脸风骚:“嫁给我,气死你前夫。”陆首富:“???”一个个都觊觎他老婆,当他是死的?!1w0-107327 >>


In the modern age, there remain many martial art clans from long ago, all of which are vying for power. Amidst a fight, the son of a security man meets a mysterious girl who kisses him out of the blue...

After War Gundam X Re:master Edition

Fifteen years ago, those living in Outer Space went to war with people still on Earth. During the battles of the 7th Space War, it was found that certain human beings had mysterious arcane abilities, powers of the mind to control and forsee. These gifted people were called Newtypes. They were valuable to both sides of the war; the Earth Federation designed the Flash System which allowed a Newtype pilot to control a horde of unmanned MS, called Bit-Mobile Suits.This was an effective weapon, but sacrificed the lives of many Newtypes.Space fought back for principal, believing the effect of living in Space heightened every human ability and eventually created the prized power of a Newtype, who was not something to use as a tool for war. But in the end, mankind was its own downfall. During the final battle, the Space Revolution Army (SRA) crashed numerous colonies into the planet Earth, with a devastating effect.Millions died as a result of the colony drop. Those that were fortunate enough to find refuge in a Shelter were both blessed and cursed; they wouldn't see the sun again for four years. The rest that made it through had to endure and suffer with living on a ruined planet, plagued by an endless winter and an ever-changing, chaotic atmosphere. With that, the war had ended. For now. But everyone who continued to live on was possessed by that tragic war, and the word 'Newtype'...The year is After War 0015, and life on Earth is finally on its way to creating a more perfect world, except for the ruthless mercenaries who use mobile suits to make a living raiding; called Vultures, some of these people are merely chasing money, while others are running from the past. Enter 15 year old Garrod Ran, an orphan of the war. He is a lively and friendly boy who is trying to survive in the wake of the war, living off his daring-do's and knowledge of MS. Because of this, Garrod is hired to rescue a kidnapped girl from a Vulture ship, called the Freeden, and its stoic captain, Jamil Neate.But Garrod soon finds out that this job is entirely not what it seems; that the girl, Tiffa Adill, is actually a powerful Newtype, able to dream the future. And when Tiffa shows Garrod the Gundam X, Garrod can do nothing but bear witness to the suddenly changing times. He may learn that people's true intentions run far deeper, and that the Vultures and Captain Jamil Neate are their only hope for surviving the coming age, and the birth of the New Earth Federation.Must mankind repeat the tragic mistake of the past? (From MyAnimeList)

Silver Bullet Exorcist

In a chaotic Joseon dynasty with vampires, ghosts, and shamans, Park Moon-soo, who calls himself a dark-speaker, destroys a corrupted official. In order to subdue the dark master Park Moon-soo, who is trying to revive the vampire king, the court dispatches Anson, a military officer who has just passed the exam, to find Hong Kil-dong, an outlaw who is good at swordsmanship and martial arts and dispatches him to Taebaek Mountain.

Wake Me Up

Cute oneshot about a little boy who decides to wake up his older friend who lies in bed with a flu, and discovers that their bodies aren't the same. (not shota)

The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer

The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer summary: The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Kimota Anthology

The Kimota Anthology summary: The Kimota Anthology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Kimota Anthology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life of Lord Byron

Life of Lord Byron summary: Life of Lord Byron summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life of Lord Byron. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Myles Away From Dublin

Myles Away From Dublin summary: Myles Away From Dublin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Myles Away From Dublin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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