
































内容简介:牧尘穿越洪荒,成为一道虚无缥缈的灵体。本是个战五渣,却意外觉醒星海垂钓选择系统。“恭喜宿主垂钓百年,获得诛仙四剑仿品!”“恭喜宿主垂钓千年,成为太乙玄仙!”“恭喜宿主垂钓万年,成就大罗 金仙!”鸿钧:1w13352-27914 >>


内容简介:本是混吃等死的富家子弟,却家族蒙难,父母失踪,落魄街头。同学欺辱,兄弟反叛,订好的婚约无故作废!一朝觉醒,奋勇向前,我虽良善,但绝不懦弱,我虽医者仁心,但绝不放狼归山!1w0-7476 1 >>


内容简介:无数个世界,有无数个自己,每个自己,或许都有独一无二的天赋。【危机感应】【敏锐直觉】【五识通达】61【预知未来】【灵元感知】【心如止水】【先天道体】61【言出法随】【阴阳通冥】【生死转 轮】61【寂灭轮回】古青淡定的说道:“我可以慢慢融合,直到……完美。”群:178475204各位书友要是觉得《我吞噬亿万个自己》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70371 >>


内容简介:沈卿卿爱霍霆萧十年,为他甘愿赴死,却不想新婚当天,他亲手将她送入监狱,毁了她,还害死了襁褓中的儿子……涅槃重生,她记得所有人,却唯独忘记了他,面对前夫的穷追不舍,她说,前夫,滚远点,想 追我?请排队!1w6024-30324 >>


内容简介:看文的小天使,要是喜欢这篇文求收藏刚刚修成正果的林馨和冷瑜还没享受恋爱蜜月期便再次深深陷入了层层罪案里,让她们绞尽脑汁、花尽一切心思卷入了与凶手的斗智斗勇里。凶手不等人,潜伏在身体里的 残暴因子和种种因素让他们一次又一次的对受害者进行杀戳,手段极尽残忍。林馨咬牙切齿:变态,太变态了!冷瑜皱眉:比起夜猫子一案凶手1w0-28015 >>




内容简介:父亲撑起一片天作文800字高二作文手,或完美,或残缺,或纤细灵巧,或粗壮有力而父亲的手能够传递真情,为你撑起一片天空,能够托举生命,给你生活的勇气和重生的力量。养猪是我家的主要经济收入 来源。而父亲是家里的支柱,任何大小事务都是他一手包办的。从一个狭窄简陋的养猪棚扩展到宽阔的养猪场,家里的收入也稳定下来1w0-70545 >>


内容简介:开文那年,江城一场灾难,那个从地狱里爬出来的少年,站在在阴暗的角落里,凝视世界。他残忍、乖戾,阴狠是黑夜里最危险的存在。时光倒流,在那个凶狠的少年还未酿成大错之前,一个女孩忽然出现在了 他的生命中。她说自己无家可归,想留在他身边。她很乖,笑起来也很甜。那天顾怀璧回家,看到飘在窗边的裤衩,阴沉着脸走进房间谁让你动老子东西,以为老子舍不得走你?边边正在写作业,用柔柔的嗓音说:哥,内裤换下来就要洗哦。从此以后,顾怀璧的生活从以前的抽烟喝酒打架,变成了送边边上学,抓耳挠腮给边边辅导功课以及藏好自己的内裤。后来,人们发现,江城那个凶悍的豪门恶少身边总是带着一个女孩,女孩牵着他的衣角,害怕地躲在他身后。怀哥,这谁啊。我他妈要是知道这谁,早把她送回去了。边边收拾行李离开大宅的那一天,顾怀璧冒雨赶回家,堵在门口,眸光阴冷说好陪老子一辈子,嗯,想跑?边边畏惧地说:我又不是你妹妹。顾怀璧将女孩按倒在墙边,捏着她的下颌,用力吻上去那就给老子当女人。脾气暴躁冷漠不良少年vs重生回来的治愈系小软妹男主浑身上下都很躁,会丧失人性变成怪物,只有女主能治愈都市童话,青梅竹马。1w15515-77694 >>


内容简介:  路一平是个上古修士,亲眼见证了诸神大战中,无数强大的神灵殒落的情景。自此之后,他便隐居远古之森,日夜修炼,发誓没有强大到对抗天地大劫的实力时,便不出来。一个时代又一个时代过去了。他 身边的一头小蛇,成为了龙族之祖。他收养过的一个小女孩,成了无敌女帝。他指点过的一个剑客,成了名响万古的剑神。他随意种下的一棵老树,成了史上最强神国的守护之神。沧海桑田,岁月变迁,一个又一个强者崛起,一代又一代强者老去和殒落。路一平一直在深山中修炼他的长生诀,偶尔,弹弹琴,练练画,练练剑法,翻看一下当年殒落的无数神灵留下的各种神技和大道感悟。终于,他将长生诀修炼到了最后一层,觉得自己实力可以对抗天地大劫了,这才走出远古之森。(本书不跪不舔,不种马不后宫,一路横推,绝对无敌!已完本《黄龙真人异界游》、《天尊重生》、《无敌天下》、《我是万古主宰》,其中三本万订,三本精品)1w0-1804 >>


内容简介:  在武者举手可裂山川,甩腿可断长河的玄幻世界中,存在着这样一家小餐馆。  小餐馆不大,但却是无数顶尖强者趋之若鹜之地。  在那儿你可以品尝到用凤凰蛋和龙血米炒成的蛋炒饭。  在那儿你 可以喝到生命之泉配朱果酿制的烈酒。  在那儿你可以吃到九阶至尊兽肉配上黑胡椒的烤肉。  什么你想把厨师掳回家?不可能,因为餐馆门口趴着一只看门的十阶神兽,地狱犬。  哦,那个厨师还有一个可以单手捏死九品至尊的铁疙瘩助手和一群被征服了胃的疯狂女人。  本书讨论群一群:550248234(已满)  欢迎大家加入二群:2082067331w0-394 >>




内容简介:【系统女帝单女苟】萧凡,地球普通人穿越到潜龙大陆,觉醒天机神算系统。系统可算尽古今!为人算命主角可获得积分。积分可以兑换各种各样的能力。可以抵挡各种各样的攻击。……主角无法修练,平常就 只是普通人,但消耗积分可以让主角短时间内拥有无敌实力。女帝绝美,实力强横。以为主角手无缚鸡之力1w0-127947 >>

Otogibanashi No Fude

[From Aerandria Scans] Otogibanashi no Fude: At a far away village, there’s a sacred tree where the Water God dwells. It’s Sasara Yuukei’s task to trace the fading letters of the contract between the Water God and the people of the village. One day, while carrying out his task, he suddenly met the Water God herself! And gradually, he found out that what he’s been doing every day is actually… Vahlia no Hanamuko: Vahlia is betrothed to Jiru, the eldest son of the Calsed, but he's been missing for 5 years. It was then decided that a month before her supposed wedding with Jiru that she would marry the second son Lucel instead because Jiru did not return. Lucel and Vahlia have been friends all their lives, so when Vahlia decides to track Jiru down, Lucel won't let her go by herself. Ryuu no Moriuta: Kita is the Dragon Child, a boy born to protect the country by becoming a Heavenly Dragon. Shuen is the priestess who is to perform the rite once he reaches maturity. They cannot be together, a dragon and a human, but if Shuen calls, will Kita answer? Ginsekai no Shoumei: Alza finds a young woman unconscious in the snow near his residence and reluctantly takes her in, saving her life. Rhea is one of the 'magical kin', able to do anything with magic, but Alza hates magic! Why does he hate magic, and what will happen when Rhea finally returns to the City of Light?

Toscana No Yuuutsu

She's really a mouse...but he thinks she's a tiger! Cesare Saracino is bent on revenge! He doesn't realize that the woman he forces back to Italy is not the thief, but her identical twin, Milly Lee. With Cesare watching her every move, the usually mousy Milly struggles to masquerade as her sexy twin. And when desire unexpectedly flares between them, Milly is powerless to refuse Cesare's advances. Will the truth come out in the heat of passion?

Soukai No Eve

It was supposed to be just a regular daily bus drive to their high school for Watanabe Sheena and her friend Yuki, but when the bus enters a thick fog, the unexpected happens and the bus gets transported to another world that seems prehistoric. With the bus driver gone, the only other passengers on the bus in this mysterious world are all high school girls: Izumi, Ayu, Kyoka, Anna and Jessica. With no cell phone or internet signal, they are completely cutoff from their world. To make things worse, they see hundreds of glowing eyes of predators at night waiting for the girls to make a mistake. How will seven high school girls survive in this treacherous place and get back safely to the real world.

Exoskull Rei

At the end of the 21st century, humans have made great advancements in technology and were able to create a giant energy source to power that technology. However, this new source of energy overloaded and turned into a more devastating force than nuclear weapons. The catastrophe wiped out the majority of human civilization and those who survived lived in terror of the anarchy that took over. Hagakure Kakugo comes from a secret family that has protected people for generations from powerful organizations and evil from taking over. They are only awoken in time of need and it has been decades since Kakugo was conscious. His body had been heavily modified by fusing it with metals to enhance both his offense and defense. He uses an armor called the Exoskull that attaches to him to greatly boost his already superhuman power. Thus begins a story about a young man and his armor’s journey through hell.

Conservation Reader

Conservation Reader summary: Conservation Reader summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conservation Reader. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Incompetent Brother and Sister in the Special Ability Academy Seem to Have no Motivation

The Incompetent Brother and Sister in the Special Ability Academy Seem to Have no Motivation summary: The debut of the unmotivated brother and sister who get stronger the more intimate they are! Year 2050, relying on advanced technology special abilities have now become a reality, but people that can obtain them are only the very few “geniuses”.
A certain month in the year 2073, the no ability brother and sister that can share a percentage of memories, spirit along with intelligence based on the degree of intimacy, to win the “Hundred Night Festival” compet.i.tion attended by those with special abilities…
(PS : The day when shiro and sora are pervert idiot)

The Mountain Divide

The Mountain Divide summary: The Mountain Divide summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mountain Divide. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Governors

The Governors summary: The Governors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Governors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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