




















简介唐家三少小说《琴帝》的漫画版,带你进入一个更加绚丽多彩的魔法世界。 神音师。精神系魔法师的分支,是龙崎努斯大陆最高归也最鸡肋的职业,却因为一个叫夜竹音的少年,成为了不休的传说与传奇。他会从一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中的帝王,给这片大陆带来了天翻地覆的变革。 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?












内容简介:日万到完结要双开的《虫母他带崽跑了》下一本《凶残反派们都变幼崽了》《动物亡魂救赎指南》三岁的谢云绵,可爱乖巧,没人疼,独自一人生活。某天,一个创世神系统找到了他。于是,刚满三岁的谢云绵 ,成了一名刚长齐乳牙、身高95的小创世神陛下。他没认齐字,却很努力用拼音去阅读世界管理法,奶声奶气问系统请教,坐着宝宝椅治世,一心想要这些世界变好。系统:呜呜我雇佣童工(痛心疾首西幻世界。作1w0-95353 >>


内容简介:随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场笔趣阁,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场sodu,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场小说,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场顶点,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场钱柏 琴,精选来自————我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场时代奇缘随身空间种田文爽文刚采了十万年份天灵芝的太上老君指挥着炼药小童:“把这些千年灵药炼制而成的次品给我扔垃圾场去。”“本仙女才不会去种地呢。”九天玄女蹙着眉将上古谷神的传承随手一抛。玉简穿过了殿门,又经过了天河,碰到了电母……最后落在了仙界的垃圾场。打赌赢了火神的灶神兴冲冲的揣着天火闪进了宫殿,“终于可以把豆芽菜真火扔垃圾场去了。”下界钱柏琴掏着拖拉机车斗,心里想着这次会是什么宝贝呢?仙界第二天仙界垃圾管理员挠着脑袋:“垃圾怎么越来越少了?”小剧场:某天仙界垃圾管理员终于发现垃圾失窃了,这一消息瞬间传遍了仙界,而那个小偷是下界的一个凡人。“听说了吗,垃圾场被偷了,还是个凡人。”“仙界没人不知道了吧,那个凡人把垃圾当宝贝,真是太太太穷了,真可怜!”“看,她乐的跟个哮天犬啃到了肉骨头一样。”“她还找不到地方藏,居然放到了……”钱柏琴:我是人生赢家╯--╯╧╧11w0-110789 >>




内容简介:重要通知,为贯彻落实王国教育政策,本驱魔学院的教学计划有:一,废除战斗修女臃肿的长袍,改穿方便干活的超短裙。二,致力于新型网课驱魔教学。三,取消无用的课后作业,执着于最神秘的驱魔案件。 最后,争取早日找到神奇女巫,为伟大的驱魔事业做贡献!谨此。By爱你们的院长,乐文小说网全国十大最具魅力男士——林法因·沃伦。各位书友要是觉得《神奇女巫在哪里》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63602 >>


内容简介:《穿成反派boss之后TXT下载》简介:此时已经临近黄昏暮色渐垂(穿成反派boss之后)。在观星台之下的苍舒族人见上方并没有危险物品砸下来之后,便加快了速度,往观星台顶部赶来(穿成反派 boss之后)。苍舒云鸿皱眉看着离观星台越来越近的族人站了起来伸出一手按在那冰蓝色的水晶上。“再等半刻若还未回来我便要关闭这个裂缝(穿成反派boss之后)。”苍舒云鸿的手有些颤抖“如你们说的一般我们的目的绝对不能被发现。”连瑶抬眸,看了苍舒云鸿一眼,只说了一句道:“再等等(穿成反派boss之后)。”半刻时光过去,那苍舒族人已经接近了观星台顶部,并且快要看到上面的情况。天空的颜色已经由黄昏的暗橙色转为墨蓝色,几点星子悄悄露了面(穿成反派boss之后)。连瑶看到苍舒云鸿的手已经按在了那水晶上。她的速度极快,站起身来,将苍舒云鸿即将要按下去的手给按住了(穿成反派boss之后)。。1w35884-80718 >>


内容简介:大婚之日,本以为终成正果,却不曾想,她的夫君屠杀她满门。一朝惨死,再次睁眼,这一世,她必定会手刃仇人,护家人平安!嫡女重生,锋芒毕露,且看她活死人,肉白骨,步步为营,艳绝天下!结果没想 到,不小心占了某人的便宜,从此被他一缠,就是一辈子。喂,说好的手段残忍、心思深沉呢?某人勾唇,倾身而上:“月儿想要本王如何残忍,如何深沉?将你囚于心上一辈子,宠你无期,可行?”1w18174-77770 >>




内容简介:  电影发布会。  记者A:王导,听说你有帮派背景,请问有这回事吗?  王敌:对不起,我们这是部仙侠剧,不是黑帮电影。  记者B:但纵观你的崛起之路,公司领导突然重病,盗版犯莫名发疯, 数百黑粉半夜惨叫,枪版网站屡遭黑手,某知名艺人夜夜噩梦……这一切的背后,究竟是……  王敌:停停!这里是电影发布会,请问一些和电影有关的话题。  记者C:哇!好阔怕!额要回家!额还不想死啊!  ………………  记者D:您这次的女主又选了个公认没演技的花瓶,请问您还能像以前一样,把她也调教好吗?  记者E:有影迷去到您的拍摄基地,发现一条寸宽、千米长、深不见底、如刀削般的裂缝,请问是怎么办到的?  记者F:你这部电影号称是有史以来特效最好的仙侠电影,光特效费就花了一亿,但据我所知,你这部电影的后期只花了一个月,那么请问,你是否是在吃回扣、拍烂片?  唰唰唰!  众人惊恐目光一下都集中在了她那张冷若冰霜的俏脸上。  王敌却一脸温柔:我会用电影质量说话!1w0-3434 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《宅男传奇》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读一个名叫消失网的网站,一个被名为需要消失的人的游戏,只要被指名,便会就此消失。冷云,虽是网络游戏中的枪神王者,却是现实世界中一无是处的宅男, 他被母亲指名,被游戏公司绑架到地狱岛。80名选手,真人版的枪神生死战,胜者才可逃离地狱,享受荣誉。战恶霸,斗罪犯,冷云逃出生天,但一切只是开始,追杀1w0-98698 >>




内容简介:太古时代,有擎天巨灵,身如星辰,翱翔宙宇。有身怀异血的各族大尊,破灭虚空,再造天地,有古炼气士,远渡星河,教化众生。不知因何原因,一个时代悄然终结,万域隔绝,太古巨擎一一销声匿迹。时隔 多年,少年聂天,通过一滴鲜血,重回太古。微信公众号:作者逆苍天。(主角:聂天裴琦琦董丽)。1w0-994 >>


内容简介:古代刀客养家日常古穿今简介:阮卿捡到一个古代男人。男人说:“我从业多年,赚得黄金万两,珠宝成箱。”阮卿问:“在哪呢?“男人:“……古代。”“那就成了。”阮卿把拖把塞给他,甜甜地说,“把 地拖干净,盘子和碗洗了,衣服记得从洗衣机里拿出来晾。洗衣机就是那个方形会转的东西。然后,乖乖等我回家。”甩门走人。男人仰天长叹:还是得赚钱养家才能有地位。后来,一个飞檐走壁的男人爆红网络,成了神秘的网红。阮卿皱眉:”你换了新车古代刀客养家日常古穿今帮小说作者袖侧推广本书复制本书链接推荐给好友1w0-104752 >>

Oh, Chunja Chunja! High School Bullying

From Fateful Encounters: Oh Chun Ja, a timid girl, has just transferred to a new school and started her new life. Nevertheless, the first day didn't come easily as she thought. Not only did she go to school late, but she was also bullied again. To make it worse, she had to sit next to the Devil King Lee Seo Lu. And now he even offered to help her by teaching her how not to get bullied. Thank goodness that the young and handsome gym teacher is there to make Chunja's life a little bit brighter.

Ryuujin Numa

From Dan of Population GO: 'An endearing story of a boy who, while visiting his relatives in a rural village, visits a mysterious pond where the local dragon deity supposedly dwells and uncovers a conspiracy that uses the god's name in greed.'

Kimi Wa "suki" No Daimeishi

Contains 3 oneshots: 1) Kimi wa 'Suki' no Daimeishi From Midnight Scans: I didn't think you'd still remember me once you'd gained fame. When you're supposed to pick me up, you don't even think to come. That's why, when there's someone who even slightly resembles you... Ten years ago, you left me to become a kabuki actor. But I still remember the promise from that day... You have become famous and are called 'the most beautiful high school student in Japan'. I'm living in a different world from you. That's why you won't even think to meet me once again...? 2) Hetakuso Kata Omoi (Hopeless Unrequited Love) All Yuri wants to do is talk to her crush in her art club, Yano-kun, yet she's able to do anything but. Getting an idea, she asks Yano's best friend, Kimidzuka, for some tips on how to make her ideal for Yano. Though reluctant, Kimi-kun helps out... 3) Eien ni Nemure (Eternal Sleep) Jin's just a lowly pirate with an incredibly handsome face and loves playing with women, but this annoying female brat, who he was going to sell as a slave with the rest of them, somehow feels different from everyone else.

Boku No Shiru Anata No Hanashi

1-3) Your Story I Have Known High-school student Matsumoto Haato has fallen in love with his abusive mother's ex-boyfriend, yakuza Shibusawa, who was nice to him in the past. When he has nowhere left to go he turns to the gruff but kind older man. A three chapter love story that details the changing relationship between the two men over the years. 4) Sauté d'oignon When two people are together, the sweetness and the spiciness of love are the greatest flavors. High school student Negi and Tama have been together since elementary school, and now Negi is ready to move their relationship to a new level, but Tama's still unsure... 5) Koe ga Todoku no Nara (If the Voice Reaches) Shouta is constantly getting in fights, but despite that, he's a nice guy. One day, while saving someone from some bullies, a weirdo samurai guy shows up and tells him he's haunting him. Now Shouta must deal with this constant spiritual companion... and all the emotions that come with him! 6) Kami-sama no me wo nusunde Narasaki still vividly remembers the day in high school when his friend confessed to him, and his heartless response. Years later when he is confessed to by another guy, he's determined to give Wakatsuki the chance he didn't give his friend. But is he seeing the man in front of him, or just reliving the past?

Monster Devourer: System

Monster Devourer: System summary: a barrier that separates the mana to the Earth was broken. giving birth to beings that can 't be explained by modern Science. Dungeon are materializing , it causes people to risk there lives to eradicate its core before it 's to late. Ecosystem was change, animal that once walk the earth was almost extinct. while the new kinds of creatures took there place. in this dangerous world, a teen named...

My Secretary is a Little Sweet

My Secretary is a Little Sweet summary: Although born in a wealthy, powerful family, Shangguan Ning is motherless and loveless. Throughout her growing years, people use her for their own interests.
Surrounded by people who are a part of her world—her indifferent, ambitious father who uses her in a way no different from a bargaining chip; her vicious stepmother and self-centered stepsister who hate her, bully her, hurt her, not once but all the time; her fiancé, whom she pulls back from the jaws of death, dumps her the minute he recovers.
Is she destined to stay unhappy always?
Enter Jing Yichen, the heir of the most powerful and influential family in the entire city. Blessed with mesmerizing, charming looks, he is as cold and lethal as an iceberg.
Love doesn’t feature anywhere in his dictionary until he meets Shangguan Ning. There are no sparks or love at first sight, but a slow hot flame starts burning, eventually turning into a roaring fire. Before they know it, they get married. This is a tale of heartbreaks, deception, revenge, and finally finding the one true love!!!

The Clockmaker

The Clockmaker summary: The Clockmaker summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Clockmaker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavy Sweetness Ash-Like Frost

Heavy Sweetness Ash-Like Frost summary: In the prehistoric times, the 200,000 year of Tian Yuan, the flower deity Zi Fen dies after giving birth to a daughter. Before she pa.s.sed, she fed her daughter the Unfeeling Pill, ordered her subordinates to keep the girl’s birth story a secret and to imprison her within Shui Jing for ten thousand years. The girl’s name is Jin Mi.
Four thousand years later, the Heavenly Emperor’s second son, the Phoenix Fire Deity was entrapped by someone and mistakenly entered Shui Jing. He was saved by the ignorant Jin Mi. After living together for a hundred years, the Fire Deity gradually developed feelings for Jin Mi. Who would have thought that he would be attracted to Jin Mi?
In between the Heavenly World and the Devil World, there is an immeasurably deep River of Forgetfulness, where the war between the Fire Deity and Night Deity finally erupts.

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