










简介入侵研究所的异能者,引发超能力器官的争夺之战!复活苏醒的未知生物竟是翩翩少年?颓废保镖与实验体的禁忌之恋,又会有怎样的结局?谜团的真相一点点浮出水面…人类的真正灾难才刚刚开始! 《无妄之灾》倾力开坑!希望大家多多支持!每周二周六双更!欢迎月票打赏!作品粉丝QQ群 34588178 欢迎大家加入!每周不定期B站直播 房间号4739048 欢迎小伙伴来围观~






















内容简介:炎夏国超级兵王,龙榜第一强者,全球第一阔少……无数光环在身的王锐,和一个小家族的女孩签订了合同婚约。所有知道王锐身份的人,战战兢兢:“王少,您到底是要闹哪样,我们很害怕!”王锐竖起一根 手指:“嘘,低调一点,不要让我老婆发现了,我就是个普通人。”1w19433-28572 >>




内容简介:身扛超大刀,人称大刀王,她是山贼寨子里的大BOSS咱们老大要成亲,寨子里没有适龄男青年怎么办打劫!英俊潇洒,文武双全,他是只正义的公孔雀却被一个不男不女的强按了洞房,各种自救,其中寄希 望之一:他的马原来马儿也要谈恋爱,耽误了报信的时间,因它回家的路上,遇上了它的真爱,得知真相的他啐了一口,重色轻主,真是有马性没人性的家伙!本文有点欢脱无厘头,不喜勿拍!1w0-79648 >>


内容简介:  前世为人,今世为妖,奈何!  重生帝俊,我没有选择,但天若要亡我,那逆天又如何!  天道大势,巫妖衰而人兴,帝不服则以力抗天,天奈我何!  他日功成时,踩天以证无上大道,帝之威名亘 古不灭!(已有高订两万二,万均高品质小说)  ···································································································  凡尘众生:5369653101w0-610 >>


内容简介:张子伟:段坤我吃定了!耶稣也留不住他,我说的!钟为正:芥末,咖喱汁,辣椒酱,酱油,涂哪种?也让你说……王宝:十二点之后,这里我说的算!钟维正:OK!OK!宝哥发话,一定给你面子!告诉外 围的伙计再等十分钟!一点钟准时抓人!……简介无力,书名无能,只能努力丰富书的内容来取悦各位读者老爷!1w0-84427 >>


内容简介:一个充满着宅气的灵魂,一具充满暴力血液的躯体的结合。宅男准则:我的生活我做主,我觉得好才是真的好暴力男人:你可以不相信道理,但是我却会让你相信拳头各位书友要是觉得《大唐暴力宅男》还不错 的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61538 >>




内容简介:接档文《和偏执反派闪婚后我掉马了[穿书]》求预收顾衍看了本虐文,并且无比的嫌弃这本虐文的设定。文里的主角攻又渣又浪,除了家世好,一无是处。文里的主角受又弱又作,像一杯放多了糖的绿茶,齁 的他看完文连灌了自己五杯水。唯一让他喜欢的,只有文里那个清冷高傲的傅明朝,可惜因为命运过于悲惨,最后成了反派,还要了一个炮灰的命,那个炮灰…也叫顾衍。一场车祸,顾衍意外穿进这本虐文,接手了那个炮灰的人生。面对渣攻弱受的纠缠时,顾衍野的像朵带刺儿的蔷薇,一边勾着人绽放一边又将人扎个满手血。面对傅明朝时,顾衍又温柔的将人护在了自己的身后,解决了所有会导致傅明朝黑化的人。他不让傅明朝黑化,傅明朝以后就不会来要他的命了吧???傅明朝在那个像烂泥塘的家里挣扎了数十年,直到遇见顾衍时,他便像是常年生长在黑暗里的植物突然见了光,贪婪的吸取对方给予自己的温暖。直到高考结束,顾衍满脸纠结:我对你这么好,以后…别来搞我,行不?傅明朝:抱歉,这个不行。顾衍:???世间皆苦,你的偏爱是救赎。————————————————————预收《和偏执反派闪婚后我掉马了》文案:江言看了一本小说,小说里的反派萧越,幼时受尽苦难,长大后慢慢掌控了萧家,逐渐权势遮天成为商界大佬之时,却被男主算计惨死。江言沉默了一瞬:好心疼。操,拳头硬了一朝穿书,江言成了文里那个为了商业联姻而嫁进萧家,最后反水和男主联合设计萧越的恶毒男配。江言觉得这个剧情还可以抢救一下,小说的结局配不上萧越。京市的富贵圈都认为,萧越是迫于无奈才娶了江言,因为两人从未在外面成双露面过。江言也觉得如此,只等着熬过男主对萧越的算计后,就和萧越离婚。直到男主寻上门,一副理所因当的态度让他去偷萧家的印章时,江言看着男主唇角扯出一丝假笑:“这是第二次,你让我的拳头硬了。”解决完男主后,江言霸气的给萧越发了离婚请求,不料当晚他就被萧越抵在了墙角,对方声音低哑道“江言,把‘硬了’这两个字再念一遍。”江言:???—————————————上辈子的萧越在萧家受尽欺负,当他接管了萧闵的公司,将萧闵送进精神病院后,他遭人算计惨死。重活一世,在那间潮湿黑暗的地下室里,濒死之际,他听见一个沙哑的声音,像一束温暖的光,说心疼他。然后,那光说:“操,硬了。”重活一世,他势必要让那些算计过他的人付出应有的代价。他还想,抓住光。将那光,据为己有。————《穿成高危职业后我裂开了》伤怀沈承彦自诩看过剧本儿,在穿成书中弱不禁风,却教导出了主角和反派两位大佬的哑巴师尊后,兢兢业业带徒弟,认认真真走剧情,只是时常夹带私货——对主角小徒弟,沈承彦的态度是认真教导,护他成长,替他疗伤, >>


内容简介:C大的人都知道,法语系韩江高冷话少脾气臭,铁石心肠不近女色,系里被他拒绝过的女生能凑两桌麻将。直到有一天,一群哥们亲眼看见他揪着一小姑娘衣服上的飘带不让走,懒散又无赖地问:“下次什么时 候来?”温颜六岁那年就被送到韩家寄养,没过多久,漂亮可人的小温颜就成了胡同里哥哥们的团宠,只有隔壁房间的韩江,整天对她板着一张臭脸。十六岁那年,温颜被邻居家的大哥哥表白,韩江在一旁冷笑:“挺好一个人,年纪轻轻就瞎了。”后来。温颜十八岁生日,韩江在楼下等了她一整晚,等到别的男人送她回家。彻底爆炸。他抓着她衣领把人狠狠怼在墙上,毫不犹豫亲下去。盖了章,韩江心满意足看着一脸懵逼的小姑娘,“怎么,很意外?”“……”您说呢,几分钟前,我还以为您要扑过来揍我。等你长大,真的好难。1w0-4024 >>


内容简介:《九武至尊》打破自身枷锁,冲出天地烘炉,突破生死桎梏,不断磨练自我,超越一切彼端,成就无上神道!与天地同生,与日月同灭!看修罗门传人的少年,以怎样的经历,成为武修无上至尊!1w0-75 717 >>


内容简介:土豪系统、红包系统、科技系统、装逼系统、运气系统、直播系统、穿越系统···主神系统。他强任他强,老子系统回收商!QQ群号:512432703,有兴趣交流的书友可以加群聊天。1w0-73 049 >>


内容简介:【欺师灭祖天打雷劈魔君徒弟攻×干啥啥不行逮鸟摸鱼第一名少年掌门受】万蓬乡掌门江一在年轻时干多了诸如恃狠行凶、恃俏拐卖的缺德勾当,苍天有眼,拐了大半辈子人口他终于拐到了一个比他还黑心的。 江九琊×江一师徒年下【万万PS:每天10:00以前更,节假日加更,请安心入坑,绝不太监,欢迎评论和投喂鸭。】【先定一个小目标!从日3本书关键词:游戏情缘年下强强仙侠修真《这个掌门我不当了》小说推荐:醉卧红尘梦未醒之载酒行、精灵史前一万年、星际之亡灵帝国、僵尸世界:神级选择、快穿:她养的黑化大佬是神明、温木成林、职场小白升职记、权势熏天不及粗茶淡饭、至尊强婿、神捕高进、刺青、霸爱(GL)、钧天图、三界狂徒、尸妻难缠、重生九零小美好、穿越诸天之无上天庭、网游三国之证道、大秦:朕的长子是祖龙、奉纸橙婚,幸孕生猛妻、编辑总是在撩我gl、嫁进来的妻主、开局从大唐开始、破案就变强、材料帝国:开局罐头换飞机、Moba:刷到满级就上场、重生之古代科举宠妻路、公子天下、美女总裁的超级兵王、仙武,开局获得神象镇狱劲1w0-74589 >>

Ano Kado Wo Magatta Tokoro

Yuuya, a high school student, unexpectedly bumps into Kiriya-san while walking down the street and ends up saving the older man's life. The two are neither 'friends nor lovers,' but form a companionship in order to listen to each other's troubles. Will this friendship turn into love? (from Kawaisa) Yuuya, a high school student, unexpectedly bumps into Kiriya-san while walking down the street and ends up saving Kiriya's life. The two are neither “friends nor lovers,” but since then, they have formed a companionship in order to listen to each other’s troubles. So whenever one of them is sad, the other one will be there to give comfort. At first they were just bonded over their unhappiness but before they knew it they'd developed a physical relationship. But Kiriya-san thought Yuuya is a college student, 19 years old. And so, when he coincidentally had a part-time job as being the substitute teacher in Yuuya’s class… both of them created a distance with each other. This made Yuuya understand his real feelings for Kiriya. Will this friendship turn into love?

Honenuki Ni Saretai

1-3)Salaryman Hoshina has been sharing an apartment and bed with model Atsushi. Atsushi cooks, cleans, and remembers every anniversary, but Hoshina can't figure out why they are in this 'type' of relationship. When Hoshina's younger brother moves in for a while, and the boys must endure until he's gone, will Hoshina even care? Will this time of separation be the turning point in their relationship? And which boy will be the one screaming, 'Once is not enough'? Note: chapter 2 was first released as a oneshot. 4)Try to Say You Love Me- Student Hasegawa has recently started noticing how cute his friend Hashimoto is, especially around homeroom sensei Sawa. Can Hasegawa cheer Hashimoto on, or will he take his adorable classmate for himself... 5)Infection of Feeling- Medical intern Ishiguro has been sleeping with his attending Sensei Sakuma for the past year. Their intensely physical relationship is all Ishiguro ever considered, but Sakuma thinks feelings should be involved as well. 6-7)Refrain Smile, Sweet Words in the Middle of the Night- Aizawa can't seem to stop watching artist Shima, that he always sees sketching in the subway station. Shima's gentle smile he gives, even to strangers captivates Aizawa, so he finds himself standing up for the boy in an argument.

Gakuen Police

Ever since Sasami was a little girl she's admired those who defend justice. She loved watching shows about Magical Girls and Sentai Rangers, but the shows she loved watching the most were police dramas. Years have passed and Sasami has become a police officer herself. Her first assignment is to go undercover and act as a student at Hanagaki All-Girls High School to make sure there are no corrupt teachers or students there. One night, while helping out the photgraphy club, they enter the supposedly empty library to find someone there. After trying to run away, one of the club members concludes that she's trying to steel expensive books that should be locked away but are missing. Sasami chases after and catches her, telling her she's with the police. The girl turns out to be her classmate, Sakuraba. After finding out it was a misunderstanding, she goes to apologize and ask that she keep it a secret that she's with the police. Sakuraba then reveals that she is the police officer in charge of Hanagaki All-Girls High School, and that Sasami must have been assigned there by mistake. Why was Sasami assigned there and what will happen between her and Sakuraba?

Space Ship Ee

'I am inside a spaceship...outside is deep space. The name of my spaceship-- Spaceship EE.'It is 2038 CE. Noshi Hyoda is a 23-year-old office worker facing existential despair. Will she escape her world of apathetic oppression? Where can she go? What shall she do? Perhaps the answers lie in the stars beyond...perhaps not...

Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki

Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki summary: Ayase Jirou, is someone who makes a living by net auctioning things he purchased from people who don’t need them anymore, in other words, a Picker. One day he found a large antique mirror from an old bag’s cellar which was given to him for free. That mirror is actually a portal to another world, allowing him to go back and forth between worlds, much like Kakedashi Programmer. In no time he found an exploit that by selling things from modern world to the other world and vice versa he could get filthy rich in no time at all!

The Buggiest System

The Buggiest System summary: After a realization of his irrelevance, Zhou Lei gets a life-changing system that enables him to redeem himself - in the most attention-catching way possible!'System, I said to upgrade my intelligence.''Are you sure you want to upgrade: Appearance?''I already said no!''Upgrade processing...'-----On good weeks, a chapter a dayOn normal weeks, a chapter every two or three daysOn...

In This Life, I Will Be The Lord

In This Life, I Will Be The Lord summary: Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire.
She had thought that everything would go well in the future.
But her father had pa.s.sed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honorable family she was so proud of was completely ruined….
But is this real?
She drank a little (a lot) and was. .h.i.t by a carriage,
When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old?
Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog!
“Tia, you’re prettier than me.”
“….Are you kidding me right now?”
“No. I mean it.”
Alright, both the Second Prince and the family are mine!
In this life, I’ll have to become the Overlord.

The World Of Deities

The World Of Deities summary: The World Of Deities summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World Of Deities. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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