










简介【本作品每周五更新】 “我要诅咒你,从今以后在男人眼里是丑八怪!” 来天朝留学的血族美少女祈小晴因遭人嫉妒,而被设下诅咒,还被传送到了血族的世界。 “为什么这里的美男子都躲着我?” “因为你长得太辣眼睛了!” 欧洲血族与天朝血族的巅峰对决!看血族少女为了破除诅咒,如何在天朝血族世界撩汉与被撩!




类别玄幻 恋爱






简介这个勇者自称“老子明明很强”,却谨慎过头漫画 ,超慎重的勇者&二流女神组合的新异世界救济谈






简介以高超的战斗技巧和冷静的判断力为武器,年纪轻轻便崭露头角成为远近闻名的青年冒险者戴尔。由于委托步入了幽深的森林中,在那里,与顽强生存的年幼的魔族少女相遇了。那位背负罪人烙印的少女戴尔无法置之不理。由于种种缘分戴尔下定决心成为她的监护人—— “拉汀娜太可爱了,不想去工作。”“又犯傻啊!?” 不知不觉就就变为笨蛋父亲模式全开的精明青年冒险者和魔族少女的温馨幻想物








内容简介:【全文完,求个全文五星好评和作者收藏!weibo抽奖中才不是何缱绻】【下本写怀野弟弟的故事《薄荷瘾》见专栏】时时上瘾,处处惹火食色男女,愿者上钩媚骨浑然的女人晃着纤腰进来时,周围人不约 而同地寂了若干秒容貌是十万分的清纯,就是那双潋滟的眼,太勾人男人们在怀礼身后不三不四地笑:“这女的长得可真欠收拾。”南烟坐入他对面,勾着脚底一抹红,徐徐笑道:“怀医生,好久不见。你女朋友让我来勾引你。”怀礼掸烟灰的动作一顿。抬眸,冷冷晃了她眼掐了烟,开始解领带那晚他发现,她真是哪哪儿都欠收拾也哪哪儿都让他上火与从前,简直该死的,一模一样——南烟如果知道自己会栽给这个表里不一的狗男人第二次打死她那天都不会吃饱了撑的去看他的笑话温柔凉薄x辛辣迷人外科医生x鉴情师俗世男女七情六欲双非C洁党慎本文题头的所有歌都来自王菲1w75367-83471 >>


内容简介:贺凌峰直播带货,客户来自诸天万界!“恶魔果实滞销,帮帮我们!”“这天空套也太好看了吧?买它!买它!买它!”“现场开箱评测钢铁侠血边装甲,史上最高性价比!”“今晚八点,紫霞仙子做客直播间 ,不见不散!”“拍卖恒星、黑洞,价高者得!”(已有完本精品《万界黑科技聊天群》、《别给我刷黑科技啦》等更的朋友可以先看老书!)我给万界直播带货地址:1w0-72234 >>


内容简介:《四分卫的小点心》正文完结番外更新中,,,作者:神农本草经。作者留言:让大家久等了。四分卫的正文到这里就算全部结束了。文章虽然不长,不过中间经历了石老师垂死、换窝、耍赖、肩周炎偏头痛各 种大小病,能够写完真是狗屎运咳咳,不对,应该说都是几位好朋友的支持鼓励,谢谢你们,谢谢每位为了看文还等忍受石老师废话的亲,我爱死你们了【亲】!1w0-72621 >>


内容简介:简尘是一名动物学家,梦想是拥有一只熊猫,开一家动物园。2269年,国家发布政策:由于男女比例严重失衡,公民可领养熊猫,一户一只。前提是领养者要与国家匹配的同性恋人登记结婚。一星期后,抱 着熊猫幼崽的简尘,见到了传说中那位与他系统契合度100%的男人——高大,俊美,气场威慑冷悍。简尘默默收回视线,在男人的目光下紧张的耳尖微烫,好在对方冷漠寡言,对他似乎没什么兴趣。稍微放心的简各位书友要是觉得《禁止游客垂涎已婚饲养员》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78878 >>


内容简介:在水泽中讨生活的渔民‘陈小柏’,绑定最牛捕鱼系统,能追踪鱼群的位置,于是陈小柏发达了!……而且每捕捉到一条鱼,都能得到龙气奖励。龙气可以用来修炼。当修炼到极致,就能化为神龙,遨游五湖四 海!渔民‘陈小柏’能否积攒到足够的龙气,化为神龙呢?1w0-85471 >>


内容简介:他养了一条狗。小东西娇娇嗲嗲的,嗷嗷叫。每天只知道傻乐,迈着短腿紧紧跟在他身后。被欺负哭了还能自己把眼泪憋回去。他给小狗食物,给它洗澡。后来小狗变成了金发小美人。混血小美人不识字也不会 说话,只认他一个人。他给小美人穿上衣服,抱着不会走路的人回家,教他说话,牵手和拥抱。他依然给小美人食物,还有洗澡。还是他养的宝贝小狗。1、直男攻x美人受;安x泡泡2、先写狗勾后写人3、无波折无误会,一个现实中的童话故事1w94116-106026 >>


内容简介:1228812288命运是长河,人以肉躯为舟,灵魂为桨,行此长河之上。1228812288然,其中多生暗流,欲使水舟迷失于此长河之中。1228812288但,终有一道水流,它流向命运长 河的彼岸,其名曰:力量。1228812288无数人为了自己心中的彼岸而在这道水流中不断前行,殊不知,他们心中的彼岸却仍处于这命运长河之中。1228812288那,并非彼岸,不过是河中洲渚罢了。1228812288命运长河的彼岸,自始至终只有一处,也只能容下一人,它超出命运,超出规则,超出世间的一切,其名曰:最强。1228812288不是凌驾于众生之上,而是身处于云端之巅。1228812288且看这段前无古人后无来者的万灵纪元如何开启!1228812288本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万灵纪元》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80485 >>


内容简介:妖国降临,修真界风雨飘零,众多修真大能惨遭重创,败守玄天宗。刚洗完澡的莫弃:“大胆妖孽,贫道一眼就看出来你不是人,无量天尊,看我火球术!”某妖族大能:“火球术?哈哈哈哈,你是准备把我笑 的魂飞魄散吗?我乃天地大妖,万灵共主,不死不灭,亘古永存……”莫弃的手中出现了一个拳头大小的火球,猛然投掷而去。火球带着金红色的尾焰,划破虚空,以超光速飞行,刹那间撞入1w7420-25245 >>







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From Blissful Sin: A sex battle between the selfish young master and the wild detective! After a certain incident, an excellent policeman named Jin loses his job. No longer employed, he decides to become a private investigator. One day, Kujou Anri, the young master of the Kujou family, walks into his office pretending to be a client. Instead, he ends up confining Jin! What was he really after when he bound and drugged the detective? These adult oneshots have finally been gathered into one volume! There will be plenty of man-boobs and extra drawing to spare!

Viking No Hanayometachi

In the Viking Brides series: 1-Byakuya no Princess (The Reluctant Princess) Elli has no memories of her homeland or father, having been raised abroad by her mother with her sisters. When a mysterious man breaks into her house, she finds out that she’s royalty of the far-off land of Gullandria, and that her father is the king! With a reunion in the cards, will Gullandria prove to be all Elli hopes, or will she escape into the arms of the man who brought her there? 2-Gekka no Ayamachi (Prince and Future...Dad?) Princess Liv Thorson honestly believed she could skulk back to America, her uncharacteristic night of passion a secret known only to a sympathetic sister...and the Viking prince who possessed her underlisse. Then came the baby trifecta--woozy tummy, fainting spell, rash--telltale signs that she and Finn Danelaw had made a lot more than love.... Finn Danelaw was used to hearing all kinds of utterances from women, but 'no' wasn't usually among them. He had, however, a proposal for beautiful Princess Liv...and though he'd planned a seduction along with it, he'd learned a long time ago that all good things come to those who wait. For the test results, that is. The pregnancy test... 3-Shukumei no Deai (The Marriage Medallion) He’s going to be my husband? Princess Brit is forced to marry to preserve the royal bloodline, so she flees the palace and heads for the distant North Sea. But on the way there, her plane crashes, and she is thrown against the steep cliffs. She’s hurt and terrified! As if in answer to her pleas for help, a dark shadow appears. Is he the legendary black knight? No—it’s Eric Greyfell. He’s as beautiful as a hero from Norse myth, but his heart is as impenetrable as a stone statue. And he’s the man she was expected to marry! 4-Kamen no Prince (The Man Behind the Mask) Dulcie has arrived at a foreign palace to celebrate the wedding of her best friend, the princess of a small country. There, she meets Prince Valbrand, a man with a scar on his face. A hideous burn scar, marring the face of a beautiful man. What cruel fate must he have endured? On the night of the ball, spurred by curiosity, Dulcie dances with him and realizes that she has fallen in love.But as Dulcie grapples with her emotions, a tragedy awaits.

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From Fallen Syndicate: The duty of the Twelve Apostles is to seek out and destroy the vampires of this world. Bearing a grudge against vampires and the pure blood who created them, Gilles has successfully passed the first two parts of his exam to become one of the Twelve Apostles. For the third and final part of the exam, Gilles is assigned a partner named Luna and together they must travel to a nearby town and kill a vampire named Alan. Will he pass his exam and become an apostle? And who exactly is this girl named Luna?

Yasashii Watashi

From Entropy: Seriu meets Yae, an older woman in the photography club, who’s also a celebrity at her university known for her free-spirited speech and mannerisms—especially her magnificent travels from man to man! What’s intriguing, though, is their relationship. Frustrated and formerly part of the tennis club, Seriu thinks that his girlfriend is just a bit of heavy baggage, but he unexpectedly gets off to a good start with her! Even though they hurt each other with their honest confessions, they grow with each other. Yasashii Watashi is essentially a compassionate romantic drama set in a university setting.

The Cruise of the Elena

The Cruise of the Elena summary: The Cruise of the Elena summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cruise of the Elena. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian

Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian summary: Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tir Alainn - The House Of Gaian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Trevlyn Hold

Trevlyn Hold summary: Trevlyn Hold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Trevlyn Hold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story of a Summer

The Story of a Summer summary: The Story of a Summer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of a Summer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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