










在面目全非的世界之中,“生命”依旧存续! 一亿年之后的世界!在遥远时间的彼方,历史的终焉之处,神话将会重现!那即是——




简介本来想当个祸国殃民的美貌妖孽,蛊惑皇帝、祸乱朝政,覆灭民不聊生的王朝,却不想危机时刻,皇帝貌似不是个色胚草包,是巧合还是另有阴谋?! 艳姝:皇上快点死翘翘吧!我好回天庭过神仙生活! 皇上:朕要太平盛世,还要你做我的皇后! 每周六更新~不要错过哟~


















内容简介:论救错反派的下场全文小说全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《论救错反派的下场全文小说》凤羽涅著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读论救错反派的下场全文小说 全文内容。1w14630-75603 >>


内容简介:咸鱼替身不听话是由九兜星所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供咸鱼替身不听话最新章节阅读咸鱼替身不听话全文阅读咸鱼替身不听话免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现咸鱼替身不听话更新慢了请第一时间联系小 兵。1w0-86931 >>




内容简介:  浪起黑暗,超凡钢铁铸就的蒸汽朋克轮船,发出轰鸣征程远航。  鲸落深海,海妖用美妙歌声,呼唤着那些狩猎美人鱼的超凡水手。  遵守着古老守则的诡秘时间猎人,正在寻觅他们的猎物。  天生 的“英雄”,背负着命运,已然踏上了开创历史的征程。  远古的“封印物”,急不可耐的撬开了封印之门,他们要释放新衍生出来的“超凡模因”。   蒸汽科学与超凡结合的“超凡基因战士”迎来了曙光。  刚刚破开蛋的年幼巨龙,看到了屠龙勇士,用刀子剜出来他母亲的心脏。  天灾生物们,磨刀霍霍,他们要粉墨登场与这个非凡时代。  时代浪潮已然汹涌席卷而来,带着黑暗神秘迷雾……  不可名状的恐怖在孕育……  深渊在凝视……  而某个遗迹城内苟着的,立志要成为肉装法爷的少年,在挂机。  ……  欢迎来到——蒸汽朋克超凡纪元!……群:9923699381w0-2428 >>




内容简介:【本文男强女强,身心健康,女主穿越,概括来说,就是两个腹黑的人找到彼此,开启了坑别人模式的故事。】听说,皇上下旨赐婚,慕王府的慕渊世子,要娶俞太师家的孙小姐俞琬琰为世子妃。卞京城里,上 到王孙贵族,下到普通百姓,集体懵逼慕渊世子?就那个传言活不过25岁,整天知道读书,大门不出二门不迈的病秧子?没见过。俞琬1w0-33789 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局就被变强】一觉醒来李谦重生到蓝星炎国他本以为这是平行世界却没想到自己居然来到了特种兵世界成了东海第一豪门独生子安然是他姐领养的这还不算唐心怡还是他 的未婚妻可才重生过来人家就要退婚。这怎么办?幸好觉醒了超神视频提取系统观看《格斗术》提取神级格斗技巧观看《通缉令》化身无敌枪神子弹都可以转弯观看《动物世界》获得超级鹰眼、危险感应、蚂蚁巨1w0-72947 >>




内容简介:这是一个悲伤的故事,这是一个身残志坚的故事这个世界没有魔法,没有斗气,没有黑科技身为主角的我既不是屌丝,也没有身怀异能,拯救不了世界还真是抱歉了。中考获得了一个模棱两可的分数的我挤进了 市内的明星高中,正在心中暗自庆幸的我实在是太年轻了啊啊啊。在我四周的同学都是大丧尸级别的二货,当我还在闷骚地装深沉的时候,我的死党却在我的身边大开后宫,柴刀与修罗场共舞各位书友要是觉得《我打开方式错误的青春物语》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73867 >>


内容简介:陈圭睡我床上,翻来覆去地睡不着。“你干啥。”我问。“认床,睡不着。”他疲惫地说。我睡了一会儿,轻轻靠过去自动躺他怀里:“那你认我不?”“你好无聊呀。”他说,然后抱了我一下一男一女的相识 相知相爱相离以及相逢。男主前期腿疾,10章之后手术起来了青梅竹马的爱情渐变,结局HE总的来说还是甜吧?是吧?他是我的的梦和信仰;但人总会有那么一段时间失去梦想和信仰。童话里面不是爱,出了童话才是。1w0-98396 >>


内容简介:从前有个小破宗门,一个师父俩徒弟,个个废柴且弱鸡,师徒三人目标一致,混吃等死顺便幻想师门发展壮大,直到——这一年招到了几个不太一般的新成员。比如某某宗门离家出走的高冷少主,比如练功不小 心走火入魔返老还童的某女魔修。事情开始变得有点神奇,中二的大师兄忽然奇遇不断,废柴师父为了护住几个崽子不得不脱掉捂了几百年的小马甲……身为穿越人士的耻辱,燕沁瑟瑟发抖地抱住自己又黑又丑资质还奇差的小徒弟,总觉1w0-30763 >>


内容简介:【本文女强男强,双强双C,宠文无虐,一对一,欢迎跳坑】一朝醒来,她竟穿成唐门庶出小姐,还没弄清楚处境,就强被穿上嫁衣,代妹出嫁。这个身子倾国倾城,却生来病魔缠身,走几步都得喘几声?不怕 !她随身带着药修至宝,养好身体不过小case。什么?自己要嫁的男人传说是怪物?连娶了十二任新娘全死于非命?修炼魔功?“呵。”一声笑。1w62740-64240 >>

Koi No Tsumeato

Kou and his lover Ao have been together for years, but that doesn't stop Kou from cheating on his lover whenever he's had a bit too much to drink. Ao, deeply in love and infinitely forgiving, always takes him back... but for how long? Tada Mikuni is totally Kou's type... and it doesn't hurt that he's an amazing chef! But when a case of mistaken identity lands them in the sack for a one-night stand, the two of them find out they hate just about everything about each other and never want to see each other again. Unfortunately, they're forced together again when Mikuni agrees to stand in as the chef on a TV show for Kou's agency. Meanwhile, Ao knows something that neither of them realizes: it seems they've met before...

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Episode Zero

Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left

Akuma Na Cupid

Oneshot from Hatsujou Junjou Douwa Ashiwara Iroha has a crush on Suzuki-san. In order to make him like her, she climbs up a tree to try to touch the 'legendary mark' at their school. He is supposed to fall in love with her if she does, but instead of touching the mark she falls from the tree and into Shindou Kaname's arms. He tells her 'leave Suzuki to me' and becomes her devilish cupid...


Kouya is a brilliant, yet antisocial, research student at a medical university. He has no need for friends and brushes off even the gentle fellow student Rei, who admires him. But Rei's not the only one interested in Kouya, professor Katase started to make his move and there are very bad rumours about him...

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce!

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”

Songs Ysame

Songs Ysame summary: Songs Ysame summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Songs Ysame. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dawn of the Morning

Dawn of the Morning summary: Dawn of the Morning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dawn of the Morning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Larry Dexter's Great Search

Larry Dexter's Great Search summary: Larry Dexter's Great Search summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Larry Dexter's Great Search. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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