
































内容简介:天地未开,自混沌中衍生出的一朵青莲,难抑天命之威,莲身崩碎,盘古开天,身化洪荒,遭无量劫,化三千道界,万灵皆可成道。虽莲身已碎,可一丝莲魂所以转世为人。隐在莲魂深处的是什么?那是不甘! 身已陨,血仍沸,战欲狂,意正酣!聚灵宝,踏仙门,斩鬼妄,破三千!天命不可违?哪又如何?便搏他一搏,搏他个日月沉沦,搏他个天地崩碎,还我一片朗朗乾坤!都说荒古,上古,而此刻便是荒古,此刻便是上古,此刻便是巅峰!抬脚崩山河,抬手碎星辰,这是修仙巅峰的波澜壮阔,亦是一场前所未有的靡战!书友群:304254026本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《洪荒之搏天命》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71448 >>






内容简介:  江湖中绝顶的剑道高手,剑魔独孤无败,在破碎虚空时,灵魂被一柄雷劫之剑,带到了一个玄奇世界,附身在了剑脉尽废的天才剑修叶孤辰身上。  这是一个九剑悬空的玄幻世界,诸王争霸,域界争锋, 大帝传承,更有神秘的太古名剑录,记载了撼天动地的一百零八柄绝世名剑!  且看剑魔异界重修,炼九劫心经,融前世武学,夺太古名剑,证万古剑道!  Q群号:1256519701w0-950 >>


内容简介:【1v1双洁团宠病娇穿书】现代中医大佬穿进一本叫《病娇男主杀疯了》的网文里,成了患有心疾的五岁炮灰小萝莉。小萝莉虽然身娇体弱,却被七个逆天狂拽的反派哥哥们团宠。什么镇国将军、腹黑首辅、 皇商首富、武林盟主、五谷先生、机关大师、第一神厨……自家哥哥们实在太优秀,可惜在原文里却被那病娇男主团灭!为救哥哥们,彤宝决定先下手为强!汤里下毒?某男主:彤宝心疼我,给我煲汤。买通杀手?某男主:彤宝心疼我,特意请人护我!爬床抹喉?某男主:彤宝她已经迫不及待想嫁我?彤宝:你踏马到底脑补了什么??病娇男主微微一笑,将国玺放在彤宝面前:“乖,叫一声夫君,命都给你。”1w0-75605 >>


内容简介:倍受书记苗一圃赏识器重的林小冬在发现苗一圃出售假种子的犯罪事实以后,承受着巨大的压力,毅然将苗一圃举报到了县纪委,迎接他的将是置疑、非议和冷落,为了内心的原则,他只有咬牙坚持下去……1 w0-5715 >>




内容简介:  有一个卖油郎雪天挑担走在黄河畔,杆秤中暗藏细剑,只为探察机密,效忠于那刺史之女。  黑白双煞相守相爱,最喜欢偷盗各派武林秘籍,干那杀人越货的勾当。  一派宗师泰山北斗仪表堂堂,却娶 了个苗疆最丑的婆娘做夫人,每天尽给他带绿帽,却默默地不肯吱声。  一代契丹枭雄,谋略暗藏胸中,踏过万人骸骨,只争那王图霸业和青史留名。  这江湖西风飒飒,英雄气短。志士功败伏剑,美人临别扶窗,割不断也说不尽那儿女情长。而主角徒手走遍天下,为了伸张己志,掌劈乱唐!1w0-2206 >>


内容简介:  简介巴蜀自古便是锁龙之地,皆因巴蜀生活太过安逸,容易消磨意志,所以才有“少不入川”之说。一位平凡的青城少年不愿坐井观天,心怀壮志,却被同门视为另类,饱受排挤。这位少年勇敢走出大山, 屡获机缘,收获了友谊和爱情,也遭遇了离别和背叛;见识了开元盛世的壮丽恢宏,也尝尽了背井离乡的人情冷暖。权斗的黑暗,人性的诡谲,战争的残酷,一场安史之乱,让大唐急转直下,改变了无数人生命的轨迹。 最繁华也是最悲凉,就是这个时代的命运。在这一个英雄辈出,虎狼当道,波澜壮阔的年代,少年该何去何从……1w0-2922 >>


内容简介:  当消失的灵气开始复苏,魔法、超凡生物等等逐一出现……  ps1:书友群:726582990(普群),773431992(咸鱼VIP群)1w0-224





Mehyou To Chuujitsu Na Geboku

From StarryHeaven The Leopard and the Faithful Manservant: 1) After getting dumped the most spectacular way at the start of a new year, she calls up her childhood friend for some emotional unloading. And when she thinks things can't get any worst, she gets her wrist broken by the car accident caused by her friend. She then commands him to be her slave until her wrist is healed. A Fiery Kiss on a Rooftop: 2) With the party girl's hands forced by her parents to either get a teaching license or have her allowance cut off, she caves. Begrudgingly, she sets off for her practicum at a high school. His Feverish Glance: 3) With her wedding nine months away and a comfortable life seemingly in her lap, she helps a handsome stranger out when he was being pursued. The House Touched by a Spirit: 4) A trip with her married co-worker to Hokkaido ends disastrously after he chickens out after his wife contacts him. The girl tries to hitch a ride to town from a passing stranger but he brings her home instead.

Ouji To Houkago

From Chibi Manga: A cute prince in uniform…! Pop & sexy!! A heart fluttering school love! This is Haruki Saki's extremely cute first collection of short stories! 1) After School with the Prince There are a lot of perverted and dangerous rumors about him as one would think but I can��™t leave him alone, because he sometimes has a sad look. that��™s because he��™s China-chan's prince! And she is with the prince after school? 2) Fake Reason Aya is the type of person who can be easily deceived by anything even if it's a lame lie especially from a guy in her class named Yuuya. One day she finds him waiting for her and what's more to it, was the kiss!!! 3) Friends Forever 4) Shape of the Heart

Hon No Tomodachi

Hon no Tomodachi summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hon no Tomodachi. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Another World , It Exists

Redix and Kai lived a simple life , but suddenly and for unknown reasons , they started some commits for riot in the region . Currently they are studying the last year of High school , So they decided to stop those works for the purpose of finishing school, However .. One day they escaped from school just for fun and playing around ! But suddenly for strange reasons they found themselves in another world seemingly devastating and empty of its inhabitants ,but who knows if there are other people in this world or not ? and why were they transferred to it ?

Peerless Genius System

Peerless Genius System summary: Xiao Luo and his girlfriend had been in love with each other for four years when she proposed a break up. Because of this, Xiao Luo sped his car in the night and ended up in a car accident. But it was a blessing in disguise as he unexpectedly fused with a high tech system that originated from a universe hundreds of billions of light years away. From this moment on, the entire world started to run amok…..

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies

New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies summary: New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rising Of The Red Man

The Rising Of The Red Man summary: The Rising Of The Red Man summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rising Of The Red Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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